Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-02-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1081: La Dolce Vita, Ballerina Style!

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu adventure, and this week, I'm waltzing my way through the Eternal City - Rome! I can't believe I haven't been here before, but it's true, this is my very first Italian adventure, and I'm absolutely smitten.

Now, you know me, I love a bit of travel. But for a while, I was just taking little trips around Derbyshire, or hopping on a train to see a ballet show in London. I always knew I wanted to see the world, though, and seeing as my bank balance doesn't exactly scream 'round-the-world luxury' (thanks to all the sparkly tutu fabrics!), I've found the most brilliant way to make it work – I'm earning my travel adventures one ballet performance at a time!

Think about it: every weekend, I can find a local theatre, put on my most magnificent tutu, perform a few magical routines, and then poof! – I'm jetting off to my next big adventure. So, the real question is, which sparkly tutu should I wear to perform next weekend?! Decisions, decisions!

Anyway, back to Rome! I arrived on Monday, feeling as excited as a ballerina about to pirouette on stage. It was an overnight train journey from Paris – something I really love to do! You can get the most wonderful views as you roll past the countryside and it's the perfect time for a bit of people watching and making new friends. (I had the most lovely conversation with an elderly Italian lady, who, believe it or not, had never even seen a ballet performance! I can't wait to introduce her to the magic!).

The first thing I noticed about Rome is how alive and vibrant the city is. It's all cobbled streets and little side alleyways full of bustling cafes, vintage shops bursting with treasures, and street performers making the most fantastic melodies. And it smells divine! This intoxicating aroma of coffee, fresh bread, and, let's not forget, gelato. Oh, the gelato! I’ve tried almost every flavour, from hazelnut to pistachio and everything in between – this city knows how to do delicious.

I’m staying in a lovely little boutique hotel, just a stone’s throw away from the Pantheon. I spent yesterday wandering around, getting a feel for the city, stopping to gaze up at the stunning architecture, stopping for the obligatory Instagram snaps in front of the Colosseum (with a fabulous tutu pose, of course!), and sampling my weight in pasta and pizza (it's a tough job, but someone has to do it, right?).

But Rome isn't just about the sights – it's about the vibe, the energy, the feeling of history literally flowing around you. Even the cobblestones seem to whisper stories of gladiators and emperors, of lovers and artists, of life and death. It's a bit like one of my favourite ballet stories, the way it combines history and beauty and makes you feel truly transported to another world.

I was completely mesmerized by a little hidden courtyard I stumbled upon tucked behind the main shopping street – a serene haven of cobblestones, blooming rose bushes and, incredibly, a traditional street theatre troupe rehearsing in the courtyard. I just had to pop in for a peek! These guys were unbelievable, spinning tales through a whirlwind of expressive mime, acrobatics and slapstick comedy - it was totally captivating. It almost reminded me of ballet but with a theatrical, modern twist. They let me watch for a while, and I was even given the honour of joining in with a few final movements before their show started. They seemed to enjoy the sight of me twirling in my pink tutu, and the entire audience clapped with glee, which was fantastic. It’s this sort of unexpected magic that really makes travelling special.

For tonight, however, I'm leaving my pink tutu behind, as I’m headed for the opera house – La Scala, they call it, and I'm going to see a production of ‘La Traviata.’ Now, I’ve seen all the famous operas, of course, ‘Carmen,’ ‘Tosca,’ you name it. I can’t wait to experience La Traviata in Italy – the land of romance, and I am sure it’ll be simply magical!

Tomorrow, I’m taking a private ballet class at the most renowned ballet studio in Rome – oh, I am so excited! The Italian dancers here are known for their incredible fluidity and elegance, and I am desperate to learn some of their secrets. Hopefully, they’ll take pity on a British ballerina with a penchant for pink!

There are, of course, endless options for things to see and do in Rome. It's truly an impossible-to-conquer city - it’s big, beautiful and full of surprises. I feel like I could easily spend a month here and still have barely scratched the surface!

However, I am so excited for what awaits! On Friday, I'm catching a glimpse of The Vatican - I've been reading up on its intricate history and I can’t wait to see it in real life! Saturday is dedicated to browsing through the amazing vintage shops, (I just have to find a few beautiful treasures for my closet – a new outfit always makes a ballerina happy). Sunday will be an Italian style ‘la dolce vita’ experience with a little boat trip on Lake Bracciano. It’s going to be an absolute feast for the eyes and for the stomach – I'm definitely making time for all the delicious treats Italy has to offer!

This week, I'm really feeling the ‘La Dolce Vita’ vibe – it's the beauty, the history, the culture, and the effortless style, of course. Oh, and the amazing, heavenly gelato! Even though I’m wearing a pink tutu as I explore this captivating city, it seems to perfectly fit right in – after all, you never know where a dash of pink sparkle might pop up next! I wouldn't be surprised if one day every Roman is sporting a tutu with their classic pinstripe suits. You just never know with fashion, do you?! But you know me, I’ll do my best to make it happen – one pink tutu at a time!

Stay tuned for my next post, next Wednesday, as I tell you all about the delights and discoveries I make during my Italian adventure – there’s so much more to explore!

Until then, remember – you are beautiful and unique, and if you're ever in need of a little extra sparkle, you know where to find it.

See you soon, darling!

Your dearest Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-02-24 exploring Rome Italy