Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-03-02 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome - Ciao Bella! Post #1082 - A Day of Pink Perfection in Rome!

Buongiorno, darling readers! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another fabulous installment of #PinkTutuRome! I’ve got to tell you, I'm absolutely smitten with this city, It’s the most gorgeous blend of history, fashion, and pure, unadulterated charm!

As you all know, I’m a big fan of traveling by train – it’s the most elegant way to journey. It allows me to enjoy the scenery, catch up on some reading, and dream about all the pink delights that await! This week, I embarked on a whirlwind day of discovery, showcasing why this vibrant Italian city is definitely on my top list for fashionistas, tutu enthusiasts, and all things pink.

So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's journey through a perfect day in Rome, starting with a delightful twist...

A Pink Surprise!

This week, my beloved tutu game is on point! My chosen tutu is the perfect shade of bubblegum pink, a soft, flowing masterpiece crafted from layers upon layers of the finest tulle. The sequins glimmer under the Roman sun, and it just screams, "Look at me, I'm in Rome and feeling fantastic!"

But hold onto your hats, ladies – I’ve got a surprise! Today I’m joined by my friend Francesca! She’s an incredibly talented ballet dancer (just wait till you see her moves later on!). We both share a love of the stage and all things glitzy, and she’s agreed to be my Rome tour guide, as she knows the city like the back of her hand. Isn’t it simply delightful to have a dance buddy by your side?

A Roman Feast For The Eyes - Trastevere

We began our Roman adventure by exploring Trastevere, a charming, cobblestone district famous for its vibrant atmosphere, artistic shops, and absolutely delicious food! It’s simply bursting with colourful flowers spilling from window boxes and tiny cafés with delectable cakes. Every corner held a surprise – think cobblestone alleyways leading to hidden piazzas with fountains that sparkle like diamonds.

My dear Francesca, she’s a proper Italian foodie – led us to a fantastic restaurant nestled in a bustling piazza. Imagine this: al fresco dining under twinkling fairy lights with a vibrant Italian soundtrack. Oh my goodness, the food! Think succulent pasta, fresh pizza, and delicious plates overflowing with mouthwatering seafood. Each dish was simply a masterpiece of flavour and aroma!

Of course, every true Italian meal deserves a delicious scoop of gelato! So, we treated ourselves to a creamy treat with generous swirls of pistachio and berry sorbet. Divine, darling!

The Majestic Pantheon - History Meets Pink!

The day’s sightseeing led us to the Pantheon, a monument to Rome’s ancient grandeur! It's one of those places that takes your breath away with its sheer magnificence and unrivaled beauty.

But remember, my loves, #PinkTutuRome never stops, so, of course, I couldn’t resist a photoshoot. The ancient grandeur of the Pantheon perfectly complemented the girly, whimsical pink of my tutu, creating a stunning contrast. And Francesca captured it all on her camera – we'll be posting the photos later on the blog, so make sure to keep an eye out for them!

The Trevi Fountain - Whimsical Dreams and Wishing for Pink Perfection!

Oh my, the Trevi Fountain is simply spectacular! You have to see it to believe it. A beautiful marble fountain featuring a sculpted sea god surrounded by nymphs and mythical creatures! Imagine all the wishes that have been made and coins tossed into its waters throughout the centuries! It’s almost magical!

After spending a blissful hour basking in the beauty of this majestic fountain, it was time for my signature toss! I've heard it's a lucky charm and ensures that you'll return to this wonderful city. Now, with a twirl and a prayer for future tutu adventures, I threw my golden coin in and made my own wish… A wish that my own brand of #PinkTutuMagic reaches every corner of the globe. What better wish than for everyone to join in the pink revolution and wear their own delightful twirly masterpiece?!

The Ballerina's Dream – Theatre Shows Galore

I must confess – seeing the gorgeous Teatro dell’Opera di Roma in the centre of the city had me absolutely spellbound! A truly beautiful theatre, bursting with history. Its walls have echoed with the stories of some of the greatest operas and ballet performances ever!

So, after a little wander through the cobblestone streets, Francesca and I landed in the theatre district. We spotted an adorable café adorned with posters for an upcoming ballet production. My heart started to race – the posters promised breathtaking choreography set to music from one of my all-time favourite composers! We grabbed some delicious pastries and savoured a wonderful pot of tea as we discussed the potential for a tutu inspired outfit to wear to the show. How utterly fantastic!

Later on, we headed for a delightful Italian restaurant just across the street from the theatre and planned out our wardrobe selections for the show in glorious detail! Isn't it simply delightful to have a good gossip about shoes and costumes? It really gets those creative juices flowing. The Italian cuisine is wonderful and there’s just such an exuberant joy of life about the city!

A Tutu Inspiration - A Magical Roman Night

I'll be back soon to tell you all about the magical evening we had at the opera - we’ll be putting our favourite bits on our Instagram page as well – you know where to find it! The theatre’s décor was simply breath-taking - ornate balconies and a magnificent, intricately painted ceiling - with sparkling chandeliers that made you feel like a real-life princess. I must confess, my heart almost skipped a beat with anticipation! The show itself was phenomenal – we gasped at the choreography and elegance of the performances – I even caught myself getting lost in the dreamy music, my tutu twirling and swishing, to the tune! And the dancers, oh my, they are simply a dream come true, each movement graceful and precise!

We met a charming Italian ballet student who gave me a wonderful lesson in the art of Italian expression – with all its grace and flamboyance. Francesca was over the moon with the lesson – as we both learnt a lot of useful vocabulary to help us communicate with all the dancers at the theatre in Rome!

After a long, inspiring evening at the theatre, it was time to call it a day. But before leaving this wondrous city, Francesca had a wonderful surprise! We caught the metro to visit a breathtaking little garden filled with pink roses and delicate, pale purple violets. The aroma was simply heavenly and the petals shone in the light. I just had to twirl! A beautiful end to another magnificent day.

Pink Tutu Thoughts!

Ciao Bella! It's a truly magical feeling to explore this breathtaking city, embracing its beautiful history, vibrant fashion, and stunning artistry. Rome has inspired me in a whole new way – with all of its unique sights and flavours, I think this little piece of Italian flair will forever be a part of my tutu life. I just know I’ll be returning to this beautiful place. You see, there are so many other places to discover and so many delicious restaurants to try – just remember, my loves, a good outfit, and a fantastic trip can go a long way, so always choose an outfit that lets you express yourself fully!

What an amazing week! I just know that, after reading about all the fantastic places I’ve discovered on my journey to Italy, you will feel inspired to take your own fabulous adventure. Whether you choose to explore a new city or simply discover a new café in your local area, just be sure to wear your favourite tutu for maximum fun!

Don’t forget to share your favourite places, outfits, and stories with me using the #PinkTutuRome hashtag on Twitter!

Ci vediamo presto – Until next time, darlings!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-03-02 exploring Rome Italy