Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-06-08 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 1096 - Dolce Vita and Dancing Dreams in the Eternal City!

Buongiorno, my darling pink tutu posse!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another exciting instalment of my Pink Tutu Rome blog. This week, I'm thrilled to be writing to you from the heart of Italy itself, the glorious city of Rome! Oh, the ancient history, the stunning architecture, the delicious food… it's enough to make a tutu-wearing girl swoon!

Now, I know what you're thinking. "Emma, you're in Rome. Surely you've found a hidden tutu boutique by now?" Well, hold your horses, darling! Rome has been surprisingly sparse on the tutu front, but my mission remains steadfast – to get everyone twirling in pink. Maybe a trip to the local market to source some pretty pink fabric is on the cards?

I arrived in Rome on the Eurostar, a journey I absolutely adore. I love the thrill of zipping across Europe, watching the landscapes blur past and feeling like I'm in a scene from a vintage movie. Plus, there's just something so glamorous about the grand train stations and the thrill of a compartment all to yourself, lost in a good book and dreaming of where your travels will take you next.

Speaking of dreaming, my arrival in Rome coincided with a truly spectacular event. I had the pleasure of attending a gala performance of the Rome Opera! I won't lie, my heart did a little pirouette when I realised a performance of “La Traviata” was being held that very night, and in such a magnificent setting! I felt like I'd stepped straight into a movie with the incredible costumes, the breathtaking performance, and the soaring music. This performance certainly cemented my love for Rome's blend of culture and artistry!

Of course, a visit to Rome wouldn't be complete without exploring its ancient wonders! The Colosseum is, in a word, magnificent. Walking amongst the ruins and imagining the gladiators and crowds who once stood there is just thrilling. I swear I even caught a glimpse of a gladiator spirit wearing a pink tutu! Okay, maybe it was just a flock of pink flamingos... I was daydreaming a bit.

However, my daydreams are becoming reality, little by little. You see, one of my favourite discoveries has been a charming little ballet school hidden in a quiet corner of Rome. You wouldn't believe the sheer beauty of the studio; the sunlight streaming through the windows, the soft, worn floorboards, and the rows of tiny pink ballet shoes – all so reminiscent of my own childhood ballet days in Derbyshire! I couldn't resist a little ballet class with the lovely teacher, a gentle soul who made me feel like a star, even with my not-so-perfect arabesque! I'm already plotting a return visit to this little gem.

Oh, and I haven't even mentioned the food! Pizza, pasta, gelato! My goodness, it's like every meal is a fiesta! I've already discovered a few charming little trattorias serving up authentic Italian delights – think hand-rolled pasta with fresh tomato sauce, oozing ricotta-stuffed ravioli, and the most amazing wood-fired pizza I've ever had! Every bite is a taste of heaven!

I'm really living the dolce vita, but the highlight of this trip has been the sheer joy of dancing, even in my pink tutu! Last night, I was wandering through a small, bustling street when I was mesmerised by a group of street performers. Their music was infectious, and they had everyone mesmerized with their routines, including my dear old self! So, naturally, I joined in! And yes, the tourists were stunned. But my heart was leaping with joy as I waltzed the night away!

As always, I'll be keeping you updated on my Pink Tutu adventures here in Rome! And trust me, there's plenty more to come! I've got some exciting discoveries up my sleeve – from hidden gem fashion boutiques to secret rooftop bars overlooking the Eternal City, and hopefully, even a pink tutu or two to be found!

Don't forget to join me on this fabulous journey every Wednesday at! Until next week, my dearest tutulettes, keep on dancing, and remember – everyone can wear pink!



Pink Tutu Rome

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-06-08 exploring Rome Italy