Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-11-09 exploring Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome – Post 1118 - A Pink Tutu Odyssey Through Rome: Shopping, Shows & Stunning Scenery

Hello my darling Pink Tutu Posse, it's Wednesday and that means it's time to take a spin with me around the world, via my blog of course! This week I'm twirling right here in the Eternal City, Rome! I just love those dramatic Italian words! Eternal City... just screams glamour and romance doesn't it?

This post is about my week here in Rome. I flew in last Friday, and have spent the last few days flitting around this gorgeous city like a little pink-tutu clad butterfly.

The train journey here was divine. It feels so special travelling by train, you get to see the landscape roll past your window and experience the slow rhythm of travel. It also gives me time to relax, sip tea and daydream about the exciting days ahead!

So, how did I end up in Rome? Well, you know me, a girl's gotta have her fix of culture and fashion, and Rome is truly the place to be. It's like a real life Italian fairytale! I even wore my new pink tutu - the one with all the little sequin hearts all over - as soon as I arrived. You can never wear too much pink, especially in a city that's all about passion!

Wednesday's Wonderful Wanderings

Today's a special day because I’m seeing the most fabulous ballet performance tonight! I'm just about bursting with excitement, It's one of the great classics: La Bayadère at Teatro dell’Opera. I’ve never been here before and I can’t wait to see the interior. The architecture of the building itself is beautiful. It’s just the kind of venue for a show of this magnitude, full of sweeping grandeur, fabulous dancing and dazzling costumes!

Speaking of fabulous dancing… my very own pink tutu-tastic performances are what fund all my amazing travel adventures. Being a professional dancer takes me to all sorts of wonderful places – I've danced on stages across Europe and have a full schedule ahead – including a solo show in Verona next month – more on that soon!

I always get so inspired seeing incredible dance, which fuels my own creativity – especially here in Rome! It’s such a creative city! It’s all around you: in the fashion, the architecture, the food… everything feels like art. You can’t help but get caught up in its energy! It’s so much more than just a pretty picture, it's truly vibrant and alive with creativity.

And it’s a city that just screams romance – the Fountains of Trevi, the Spanish Steps, the cobblestone alleys… it’s pure cinematic magic! You’ve probably all seen all these gorgeous spots in photos, but standing amongst them, you can’t help but feel transported to a different era – a glamorous era of ball gowns, carriages, love and, of course, beautiful ballet performances. I’ve had such fun exploring the streets and finding all these wonderful hidden gem boutiques, packed with beautiful Italian fabrics and delicious pastries, oh the smells.

I have to mention this extraordinary cafe I found on Via Veneto: "The Pink Parrot"! The most charming cafe - and even more incredible - a Pink Tutu shop!! It’s filled with sparkly, sequined and feathered tutus! Oh, and pink silk shoes!! This is definitely my dream destination when I just need a little boost of pink to my life. I mean it, I really do live for pink. It’s my colour. My power colour.

Oh the Shopping, the Food, the Life!

This whole week has been such an indulgence. I just have to gush about all the delicious food I've been trying. The gelato in this city - it’s heavenly! I’ve tried every flavour! My favourite has got to be the lemon and strawberry gelato, but honestly, every shop I go into I find something new and exciting. I think they actually make gelato for every season. There was a plum sorbet and rosemary one the other day, and oh the scent of those rose petals.

Shopping in Rome has been truly thrilling. You're in a world of handcrafted shoes and exquisitely cut clothes in rich fabrics. And speaking of fabrics! My, oh, my – the fabrics! They're so lush. Imagine velvet with the softness of a cloud, it's almost impossible to resist touching it! I even found some gorgeous fabrics with intricate embroidery! There’s so much detail and love poured into each piece, and every boutique has a character and an amazing story!

Rome is definitely living up to all its glamorous billing! There are even pink tutu-inspired pieces to be found. I actually bought a pair of satin shoes and matching pink fabric belt, I thought they were just divine. I’ve already incorporated them into my latest performance outfit and it got a roaring applause.

I am trying so hard not to buy everything that catches my eye but it's almost impossible not to indulge, the whole atmosphere is just so creative. Even the local markets are packed with beautiful and inspiring bits and bobs – handmade hats, scarves, necklaces and more.

My Rome Wardrobe - Tutu Time!

But even though I love to indulge in beautiful clothes, and believe me, Rome is just about perfect for finding incredible fashion – the one essential piece that’s always got to be packed is my tutu! Of course, I had to pack a whole array of gorgeous pink tutus to be ready for any romantic occasion that might pop up – an impromptu photo shoot by the Colosseum, perhaps!

My darling posse, my love of all things pink has definitely got me noticed in Rome. The locals stare, giggle, smile, but most importantly - I make them happy!

And here’s the thing, my biggest goal in life? Getting everyone to wear a pink tutu at least once! This doesn’t need to be about the big tutus, we’re all about the pink tutus in any way, shape or form - that’s the motto right here, so go get yourselves a pink skirt or a pink belt - pink trousers – pink trainers – go for it! I guarantee it will put a huge smile on your face and who knows you may even sparkle with a touch of pink magic. And as you can see, it’s the key to having an amazing, magical adventure - especially in beautiful cities like Rome.

Well, my darling tutu posse, it’s been so much fun sharing my adventures with you this week. I will definitely be returning to the Eternal City for more romance and more delicious food and yes - of course - more tutus.

Ciao from the Roman #PinkTutuPosse

Catch you next Wednesday!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-11-09 exploring Rome Italy