Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-11-16 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1119: Ciao Bella! A Whirlwind of Fashion and Culture!

Hey darlings, and welcome back to another Wednesday edition of Pink Tutu Rome! As you all know, I live for travel and today's post is bursting at the seams with all things Italian! As my trusty tutu twirls and my pink handbag dangles (yes, I carry pink EVERYTHING), let's delve into the latest escapades of your favourite ballerina blogger.

From Derbyshire to Rome: The Italian Journey Begins

I must say, stepping onto that Italian train this time felt a little different. Not because it was my first journey here, but because this time I had the distinct feeling I was coming home. Perhaps it was the crisp, autumn air (I'm just a tiny bit obsessed with this season!) or maybe the tantalising aromas wafting from street vendors, but there was a magical sense of familiarity about the journey.

Don't worry, I was twirling away like a whirlwind of pink throughout the carriage, but all the Italian families seemed to adore it. I swear, every time the conductor came past, he had a grin as wide as the Colosseum. And what could be more delightful than that?

A Roman Rhapsody: From Ancient Ruins to High Fashion

Rome, the Eternal City, never fails to inspire me. Imagine it: history swirling around you, ancient marvels reaching towards the sky, and enough gorgeous clothes and architecture to fill a dozen blogs. It's no wonder it's my happy place!

Today's adventures? Well, they took us to some pretty stunning spots! Firstly, I must say, a morning spent at the Colosseum is always worth it. To be honest, it felt like stepping into a real-life Roman epic! All those dramatic stones, whispers of battles past, it just felt...epic! It's a place that reminds us of how incredible the world can be.

Of course, no trip to Rome is complete without indulging in some high-fashion adventures! Now, if you haven't been to the Via Condotti, you really are missing out! Picture this: streets lined with designer shops, sleek boutiques showcasing the latest trends, and me, flitting about like a fashion-loving hummingbird, utterly smitten with everything I see. I did have a slight moment of panic trying to resist all the exquisite, vibrant scarves, but thankfully I remembered that Rome, thankfully, has endless shops, so I just added it to my list for next time!

The Art of Dancing: Ballet under the Italian Sky

Rome just oozes culture and of course, ballet has a very special place in my heart. Today's show at the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma was absolutely spellbinding. From the moment the first notes of the orchestra flowed through the theatre, I was transported. This was ballet, Italian style, and oh my, it was absolutely exquisite!

You know, a ballet under the Roman sky is truly magical. It just makes all those pirouettes feel so much grander, so much more powerful. I just love the way the energy of the city seeps into every step and every twirl.

Speaking of twirling, you bet I spent the entire intermission showcasing my own pink-tutu magic! It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Rome adventure without a bit of ballet fun, right?

Food, Fashion and Fanciful Thoughts

Of course, no Rome adventure is complete without delving into the world of delicious food. We had a delightful Italian dinner at this quaint little trattoria in Trastevere. We feasted on the freshest pasta imaginable, topped with the most flavourful sauces (all while enjoying the warmth of Roman hospitality, naturally!). And let me tell you, a delicious slice of tiramisu afterwards made the entire day feel complete.

Finding Beauty in the Everyday

You know, I think it's crucial to find those little pockets of joy everywhere we go. Whether it's spotting a particularly vibrant flower blossoming in a window box, listening to the charming melody of a street musician, or catching sight of a graceful swan gliding across a serene lake. Rome is full of these little pockets of magic, and it's moments like these that make my heart sing.

My Tutu Tip of the Week:

Rome is the perfect place to embrace colour, to embrace fashion, and to just let yourself twirl freely. So put on that pink tutu, throw on some fabulous clothes, and embrace the whirlwind of emotions this stunning city has to offer! And, remember, always make time to take a leisurely stroll along the Tiber. The sight of the city reflecting on the river is truly unforgettable!

The Pink Tutu Power

I still have that infectious smile I wear whenever I get the opportunity to don my favourite tutu. After all, isn't a tutu an instant way to bring happiness to people of all ages? And don't you find yourself naturally smiling when you see someone wearing pink?

Every time I wear my tutu, I think, “Okay, I'm going to make someone's day.” And, I believe, it does make someone's day. And hey, if it encourages others to wear pink tutus, then even better! After all, we’re all about embracing the extraordinary and spreading a little bit of pink-tutu joy wherever we go!

So that's a wrap on this week’s Pink Tutu Rome. As always, I’m incredibly grateful to be sharing this whirlwind of an Italian adventure with you. Stay tuned for more adventures in pink!

Until next week darlings,

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2016-11-16 exploring Rome Italy