Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-08-30 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Week in the Eternal City - Post #1160

Hello my lovely Pink Tutu followers! It's Wednesday, and you know what that means – another dazzling adventure from your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, right here on!

This week, I'm bringing you a glorious, glitter-filled, pink-tinted romp through the heart of Rome! The Eternal City! That’s right, my loves, I'm swapping the cobbled streets of Derbyshire for the ancient majesty of Italy, and let me tell you, it's an absolute dream come true.

The train journey was, as always, a whirlwind of excitement. As soon as the whistle blew, I donned my special pink-sequinned travel mask and settled in with a cuppa and my favourite ballet book. I love that feeling of adventure in the air as the train rolls towards a new city! And let's be honest, there’s nothing quite like a pink tutu with a vintage travel bag to really turn heads at the station, eh?

I arrived in Rome at lunchtime, feeling absolutely radiant in my new hot pink silk dress. I had found it in a cute vintage boutique on the way to the station. Let's just say, it's going to look amazing paired with my new blush pink ballet flats and that darling tutu, perfect for afternoon strolls around the city!

And oh, the city! My first impression? Breathtaking! It’s absolutely overflowing with charm and history. Cobbled streets, grand churches, charming cafes and endless sunshine - every corner feels like a masterpiece straight out of a film. It’s absolutely buzzing with life!

Now, let’s get to the part you’re all really waiting for - my Pink Tutu adventures!

Pink Tutu Goes Roman Holiday

Yesterday was pure magic. I wandered around the incredible Forum of Roman emperors! You’ll never guess who I ran into…none other than a stunning Roman Centurion, complete with his sword! He was absolutely fascinated by my tutu, bless his heart! We even did a quick waltz right there in the middle of the Forum! Let's just say, he's never seen anything like my graceful moves - a proper Roman Empire ballet sensation!

Afterwards, I found a charming trattoria in the heart of Trastevere, the ancient Jewish Quarter, and indulged in a delicious lunch of homemade pasta. Of course, I couldn't resist trying their local Italian gelato too - and with my trusty pink parasol in hand, I sat in a beautiful courtyard, savouring the perfect combination of history and sunshine.

Pink Tutu in The Theatre

This evening, I had the privilege of attending the most enchanting opera performance. It was La Traviata by Verdi, one of the world’s most renowned opera masterpieces, at the beautiful Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Oh my goodness! I absolutely adored the costumes! All lace and satin, the colours and the intricate details were absolutely breathtaking.

Speaking of costumes, mine wasn't going to be left out! My trusty pink tulle tutu made its way into the Opera house, sparkling and whirling to the beat of the music, alongside the exquisite ballet dancers on the stage. We certainly turned some heads! There's something about a bright pink tutu that really draws attention, isn't there?

Pink Tutu in the City

But you know me – I can't just sit back and admire the view, I need to get out there and explore! Today, I'm making a grand Pink Tutu expedition through Rome's fashion scene. You know I adore a good shopping spree! First stop, the Via Condotti - a real paradise for fashionistas!

Of course, no Pink Tutu journey would be complete without finding the perfect little tutu shop! Thankfully, this little piece of heaven exists right here in the heart of Rome. My search for the most exquisite tulle and a perfect selection of tulle colours is about to begin! I cannot wait to find the most gorgeous piece to add to my tutu collection, a new Italian dream! And you just know I’m going to capture some fabulous shots of it for my Instagram! #PinkTutuRome #RomanHoliday

Pink Tutu Takes to the Streets

Later today, I’m planning on catching a street performance - apparently, a troupe of Italian dancers are giving a special ballet performance right outside the Colosseum. Can you imagine? Imagine a twirling pink tutu against the backdrop of the ancient Colosseum. Simply divine, isn’t it?

A Tutu-filled Diary

So there you have it, my darling followers – another fabulous chapter in the Pink Tutu travel diaries.

I know it's not quite the ballet studio, but with all these breathtaking buildings and gorgeous cobbled streets, I've been doing my daily dance workouts right here on the streets of Rome! It’s the perfect blend of elegance and adventure!

Don't forget to catch up with me on Instagram and TikTok for more pictures and videos.

And please, join me on my next Pink Tutu adventure - next Wednesday, I'll be sharing my Florence travel blog! Until then, keep twirling and dreaming big, my darlings!

Much Love and Glittery Kisses,

Emma x

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-08-30 exploring Rome Italy