Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-09-06 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Ciao Bella! (Blog Post #1161)

Wednesday 2017-09-06

Ciao, darlings!

It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-clad ballerina, landing back in Rome for another week of sartorial splendour and gelato-fuelled adventures. My Roman adventures started on Monday, when I hopped off the Eurostar from London to Milan. The thrill of high-speed rail travel – those plush seats, the swish of the carriage hurtling through the countryside - it's an exhilarating feeling that always reminds me why I love travelling this way.

As soon as I arrived in Milan, it was straight to the train station, where I boarded the fast train to Rome. I couldn't resist capturing the sunset over the Italian countryside with a quick selfie, a pink tutu, of course, being the star of the show! After all, what’s a journey without a splash of colour, right?

Now, I'm a bit of a magpie for all things glamorous, especially when it comes to shoes, so it was a no-brainer to pay a visit to Milan's shoe haven, via Montenapoleone. Oh, the shoe porn! Every single shoe you could ever dream of: Jimmy Choos, Louboutins, you name it, they had it! I couldn’t help but snag myself a pair of these absolutely darling ballerina pumps. Imagine my surprise when I spotted a bright, blushing pink pair amongst all the other colours. It’s almost like they were calling out to me, begging me to take them home! They’ll definitely be making their way into many of my #PinkTutuRome looks, I promise you that!

But I'm not here just for the fashion. My arrival in Rome coincided with the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma’s “Swan Lake.” I adore Tchaikovsky’s work and was absolutely floored by the performance. There’s a magic about being in the theatre that just fills me with wonder, and it was absolutely delightful seeing all the guests decked out in their finest attire. You can see why Italy has become the style capital of the world. It’s truly inspiring!

But on to today, my dears! It's another exciting day filled with things I love: ballet, fashion, and Italian charm! Today's agenda was all about experiencing Roman ballet life. After an incredibly filling Italian breakfast (pasta, what else!), I headed straight to the Accademia Nazionale di Danza. You'd think with its stunning location on the edge of the Forum, right under the watchful gaze of the Colosseum, that they'd have the most elegant studio. But no. It’s quite a quirky place! I joined a class where a seasoned dancer with incredibly long eyelashes taught us a delightful series of steps to the music of Verdi. She had such grace, I felt like I was transported back to another era.

Now, for those of you who don’t know, a pink tutu isn't just my fashion statement, it’s also my way of spreading joy. That’s why, during lunch, I decided to indulge in a spontaneous little flash mob. It was amazing seeing people's reactions as I popped into a nearby cafe, followed by two friends I'd made on the train from Milan, and began pirouetting in my pink tutu. The energy was absolutely contagious and everyone was smiling and clapping along.

To end this fabulous day on a high note, we visited Villa Borghese – the perfect spot for people watching, gelato (strawberry flavour for me, obviously!), and Vogue Italia reading. Talk about la dolce vita. As the sun began to set over Rome, I took one last snap for my Instagram. You guessed it, it was of my reflection in the Tiber river, framed by the city’s iconic buildings - all, naturally, adorned in my signature pink tutu.

Now, dear readers, it's getting late and I'm off to bed. It’s been another unforgettable day in Rome. Join me again next Wednesday for more pink tutu adventures in the Eternal City! Remember to keep sharing your pink tutu moments on #PinkTutuRome. Let’s paint the world pink together!



P.S. Don't forget to check out my new website,! There you’ll find loads of exclusive content about my travels, my passion for ballet, my latest fashion finds and loads more fun pink-tutu-related stuff!

P.P.S My travels are funded by my ballet performances. You can see my next performance at the Derbyshire Royal Ballet Theatre! Find more details at!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2017-09-06 exploring Rome Italy