Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-01-24 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2018-01-24 - Ciao Bella!

Post #1181

Well, hello there my darlings! It’s your favourite pink-tutu-clad blogger Emma, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be back in beautiful, historical Rome for the very first time.

Oh, the sheer excitement bubbling inside me right now!

This week, the city of seven hills has been swirling with the enchantment of ballet. Rome has been truly the place to be this past week, and trust me, darling, you won’t want to miss a single detail of this delightful and completely inspiring Italian adventure!

But before I dive into the fabulousness that is Roman ballet, I want to share a bit of myself with you.

(As I always do)

See, my passion for tutus and ballet hasn’t faded in the slightest. I’ve been lucky enough to combine this love with my absolute joy of travel – hopping onto trains and exploring new places all around the world. Remember the grand tour of Paris last month? Sighs dreamily. Well, this trip is turning out to be equally enchanting, even though the Eiffel Tower doesn't grace this cityscape!

And how am I managing all this travel you ask? Why, it’s thanks to the magical power of performing, of course! I am blessed with the most incredible dancers who come together and support my dream – helping me spread the tutu-loving message far and wide!

(With my gorgeous tutus, of course!)

Now, I have to confess something… My little pink heart was nearly bursting when I landed in Rome. I absolutely love train travel – it’s a time to lose yourself in the beauty of passing landscapes, catch up on the latest novels, and dream of future adventures.

(Maybe even a pink tutu outfit for each new place I visit?!

As I made my way to the heart of Rome from the train station, the iconic Roman streets started to feel familiar, even though I'd never set foot here before! I caught a glimpse of the Coliseum, its massive shadow reminding me of Rome's proud history, and I knew I was going to fall head over heels in love with this city.

This Week's Ballet Delights:

But onto the most wonderful thing – the BALLET! The very reason I travelled all this way!

This week has been a pure symphony of movement, grace, and elegance. Rome seems to hold a special magic that infuses every performance with even greater meaning, weaving history with captivating choreography.

You see, darling, the beauty of ballet is that it transcends language. It's a universal language of emotions, telling stories that speak to the soul.

The show on Tuesday night - a performance of "Romeo and Juliet", which was a must-see, darling, - took me on a whirlwind journey of passionate love, heartbreaking loss, and ultimately, a triumphant display of dance. Every dancer on stage was captivating – I even gasped aloud when Juliet took flight, the whole theatre holding its breath. The costumes were divine and oh-so-pink! Oh, to have even one tutu like those…

( Do you want to know a secret? It’s an obsession of mine – owning the prettiest pink tutus in the world – so expect plenty more pictures on that theme this week!)

But there's so much more to experience in this city than just ballet performances. We went to a rooftop bar the other night. Just as the sun was setting, casting an ethereal glow over Rome's famous skyline, I couldn’t resist twirling – surrounded by the bustling life of the city below, with all its vibrant colours and bustling sounds, I felt a real connection to the spirit of Rome! A delicious cocktail and good music finished the evening off nicely, and who doesn’t love that?!

A Touch of Italy & Pink Tutu Flair:

I love shopping! (You'd never guess it with all these blog posts, would you?) There is a shop around every corner – and I found a little local shop that absolutely blew me away.

The windows displayed the most enchanting ballet slippers I had ever seen, their tiny pink satin bows were perfect for my ballerina shoes, they even had delicate rose details… how dreamy! (It may have taken some convincing to let me add a few more to my growing collection of pink ballerina accessories, don’t judge me!).

Today is the perfect opportunity to do a little window shopping, you know, finding out where all the best stores are for beautiful accessories that’ll add that pink tutu sparkle to my wardrobe! I will keep you all posted… but honestly, you won’t want to miss these finds, I'm pretty certain you’ll want to recreate them!

Of course, this journey wouldn't be complete without a little slice of authentic Italian life. Tonight we're enjoying a fantastic meal – pizza, of course, along with pasta so rich and tasty you’ll think you’ve died and gone to heaven. This food will certainly stay in my memory forever! I’ll share some pictures with you – maybe even inspire your next dinner with the right shade of pink table setting…

I know some of you have been sending me lovely messages about the colour pink. So many of you are now rocking tutus. (You look fantastic! You look like little princesses! Love It! ) My hope is that one day, every single person in the world will wear a pink tutu! It's all about bringing out the childlike joy inside, making the world a bit brighter with the softest, sweetest shade of pink! That’s the true spirit of the pink tutu!

Stay tuned, my darlings! I'm only just getting started in beautiful Rome, with many more exciting experiences to come – including the opportunity to join a dance class at one of Rome's most respected studios. I can already picture myself twirling through the studio, wearing the perfect shade of pink (it’s always a pink situation), my tutu flowing with every move.

That’s exactly where you’ll find me, dancing with my pink heart

Stay connected with me over on

Love and twirls,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-01-24 exploring Rome Italy