Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-05-09 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Post #1196 - Wednesday, 2018-05-09 - "Bellissima!"

Ciao, darlings! It’s Wednesday again, which means it's time for a new Pink Tutu adventure! This week I've travelled all the way to the Eternal City - Rome, baby!

Rome has been on my bucket list for ages, and I am positively giddy to be here. My last trip, oh let's just say that trip took some time to recover from...Remember when I went to Russia to watch some top tier ballet, oh the nerves! It took a month for my wallet to recover! I felt like I was the only person in Moscow who hadn’t had a sip of vodka! gasp

Luckily for my bank balance this week, I decided to keep things a little more affordable by travelling via train. Now, I'll be the first to admit, travelling by train can be a bit long. Especially when it’s for an international trip, but my friends, trust me, it’s such a fabulously stylish way to travel. Not to mention super relaxing, you’ve got nothing to worry about except the endless selection of fancy European cheese sandwiches! I swear, I think they actually make those on the train just for me... It must be the Pink Tutu. Everyone just loves to help the Pink Tutu. You can't argue with my magic.

I am so glad I made the trip, Rome is divine! I swear, it was made for the Pink Tutu! This city is practically screaming for me to do some serious sightseeing and maybe even a spontaneous ballet class in the sunshine. (Okay, maybe not a spontaneous one, I'll make sure I schedule one properly this time - gotta keep those skills sharp!)

The First Day

As I write this, my Rome adventures are already well underway. On the first day, I arrived at Rome Termini station, which was, how do I say, slightly overwhelming - all those amazing buildings and people! Just amazing! Of course, the very first thing I did after checking in was get my bearings in the local fashion scene. (I'll be back with all the insider details and swoon-worthy shop names, promise!)

This morning, after breakfast, I indulged in something I had dreamt of ever since I decided to travel to Rome...A spot of coffee in Piazza Navona. Now, a little side-note, let me tell you about this Piazza Navona - it’s truly spectacular! A grand, wide-open space framed by fabulous buildings that you simply wouldn’t find in old Derbyshire! Just beautiful. It was filled with locals and tourists and a few street performers!

A Street Performer Ballet in Piazza Navona!

Can you imagine my delight when I found myself a street performer ballet class! cue squealing! This street ballerina is a real pro - spinning and leaping as if she were right there at the Royal Opera House, I could tell she’s used to being on a grand stage. Now that was certainly an unexpected delight.

Speaking of opera, in case you are wondering - no there are no tutu-wearing ballerina’s in opera! But, don't worry, I went and found myself a few gorgeous ballerinas right in Piazza Navona!

The atmosphere was absolutely magic. All the sounds around us, the chatter, the musicians, the tourists, the Italian sounds.... The sunshine, The food smells - It all made me want to start twirling and hopping right there in the piazza! I even found a little fountain, so I took off my shoes, jumped right in (and did my signature pink tutu pirouette). I think I definitely made some tourists smile - they definitely weren’t used to seeing pink tutu-wearing ballerinas dancing in the street. laugh


As the lunchtime sun became strong, I found a delightful little café that serves absolutely the most heavenly lunch I've had in a while. (Pasta with tomato sauce is my weakness!) Of course, I wouldn't have had the time to get to it unless I had travelled by train, that extra hour on the train was absolutely invaluable. I had just enough time to write a little blog about how beautiful the street was - I hope you had the opportunity to read it!

Afternoon Adventures

That afternoon, after lunch and some extra blog time, I went on an absolutely beautiful stroll, I ambled past all sorts of amazing buildings, a few churches - maybe too many churches? I even stopped at one for a moment to see what it was all about and to find myself some spiritual inspiration (if you can't get inspiration while standing in a room adorned with religious art, then you just need to be more dedicated! Or perhaps get more practice dancing!), anyway after a few more lovely shops, it was time to find somewhere to eat!

Dinner Time in Rome

Tonight, I found the most delightful spot to enjoy my evening meal and prepare for the Romeo and Juliet Opera at Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! oh-la-la I managed to nab a fantastic front row ticket with a special offer available for pink tutu-wearing ladies from my home county Derbyshire! That just makes you think, why isn’t the whole world adorned in pink tutus? You would be treated like a queen. Even in this bustling big city! I can’t imagine where they thought they were going to hide from a Pink Tutu. This city, oh it is so decadent and stylish. It really has stolen a bit of my heart - I can’t wait to be back next month! Now, off I go, the night is just getting started...

Oh and did you know the Opera performance of Romeo and Juliet ends on Wednesday! What a perfect excuse to travel to Rome on my Wednesday! squeal Now, I know you may be thinking, "Isn’t Wednesday your normal day for writing the blog Emma?" Yes, darling, yes it is, and yes you are absolutely right! The opera has been sold out for over 3 years! Yes, 3 years!! It's such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity I couldn't possibly miss it! It's the biggest event since The Bolshoi "Sleeping Beauty" ballet back in...oh gosh I really am too lazy to research, it’s been a very long time. I know that much for sure.

Now, I can already hear the clack clack clack of the dancers shoes. Oh my, imagine, to see all those perfect arabesques, all those perfectly timed pas de bourrees, those majestic jete, that iconic “Romeo and Juliet” music playing. I will need all day to fully describe how majestic it was and it’s barely even started! Oh to hear all that lovely “Clack” “Clack” as they twirl and hop - This, darling, is the best thing ever. What’s my next move in the pink ballet world? I am open to all suggestions!

Oh and one final note - it is SO good to be back on my own. Remember I spent last week on a girly get away - in that amazing place on the beach - which, while beautiful was also rather stressful (with those endless cocktail making tutorials!). This, dear blog, is where my happy place lies, here! In a tutu, with the grand sounds of opera, right here in beautiful Rome. Yes, darling, Rome is definitely my favourite so far. You’re probably going to think I am just a little bit biased after seeing a perfect performance of Romeo and Juliet! Well you would be totally right! It was perfection - now I have two bucket lists! One for ballet shows and one for everything else! And so, I must make a graceful exit so I can continue my Roman adventure, oh to be in Rome... It really is something else, darling. I'll be back next week - maybe for more theatre! Or I might just spend some more time watching some fabulous dancers twirl right in Piazza Navona, you can bet your bottom dollar that a street-performer is about to discover they are on stage with me in the next day or two, and all the way to the next town! This town was meant to be shared and you can’t stop the Pink Tutu!

And on that exciting, pink tutu-filled, and somewhat overwhelming, thought...

Arrivederci! And don't forget, visit the website every Wednesday - see you then, darling.

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-05-09 exploring Rome Italy