Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-07-04 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1204: Dancing Through the Eternal City!

Hello my lovelies!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome post! This week has been absolutely magical. I’ve spent the last seven days exploring the Eternal City in all its glory.

My adventures began in my favourite way – hopping onto a train in my favourite pink tutu! Travelling by train feels like a magical ballet journey, especially when it's a long one through Europe. The rolling scenery, the rhythmic rumble of the engine – it's so romantic!

Now, let me tell you, Rome is like stepping into a fairytale! I love the cobblestone streets, the gorgeous architecture, and of course, all the amazing fashion! The Italian style is something else. I've been snapping pictures non-stop, dreaming up future outfits for myself and my readers.

Speaking of fashion, Rome is definitely a shopping haven. My bank balance might not be thrilled, but my wardrobe is having a right good time! I managed to pick up a beautiful new pink chiffon scarf, a pair of fabulous statement earrings, and a new leather bag, just the right size for all my ballet shoes.

My first day in Rome was pure magic. I got my bearings walking around the Piazza Navona, a bustling public square with fountains, street performers, and all kinds of delicious food vendors. The sun was shining, the air was buzzing with laughter, and I couldn't help but twirl in my pink tutu – just imagine! Every street felt like a stage, and I felt like I could have danced for hours!

The next day I made my way to the Colosseum! Wow, just wow! Seeing it in person is incredible, a monument to Roman history that still manages to feel unbelievably powerful even centuries later. The Romans, bless their souls, loved their grand performances! Makes a girl wish we could rewind time and take part, don't you think? I think we need more gladiatorial battles and grand public shows!

After a day exploring the history of Rome, it was time to indulge my artistic side. I ventured to the Vatican Museums, marvelling at the artistry of Michelangelo, Raphael, and so many other great artists. The Sistine Chapel was truly breath-taking. There was a hush amongst the tourists as we entered, an awe that swept over all of us. To think, that all these beautiful stories have been told through art! There is such wonder and magic in the world, and these great artists just remind us to open our hearts and imaginations.

Speaking of artistry, no trip to Rome would be complete without a trip to the Opera. I was fortunate enough to secure tickets to La Traviata at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma! Imagine my joy! And wouldn't you know it, the most gorgeous pink tutu-clad ballerina was featured in the second act! A truly inspiring moment and it reminded me of why I dance!

Oh, I nearly forgot to tell you, dear readers! July 4th was a fantastic day in Rome! It was the day of my ballet class in Piazza Navona! I just had to do something a bit different! Imagine, you're warming up in a beautiful open-air plaza, all dressed in pink, under the Italian sun, and all those wonderful Roman sculptures just watching you as you rehearse. Truly, it was a day to remember! Everyone was so fascinated and appreciative of my tutu, which of course made my heart sing!

The people of Rome were absolutely wonderful, so kind and welcoming. Everyone seemed to have a genuine love for life and a contagious zest for adventure. There was this joyful sense of community, of living in the moment, of celebrating everything! My, I wish that spirit could just catch and spread through the entire world!

You know what else? My stay in Rome wouldn't be complete without sharing the love of ballet with everyone. My impromptu ballet performances on the streets were a real hit. Just the thought of how thrilled my little tutus are – their favourite ballerina is right here in Rome!

It's hard to sum up a trip to Rome. The sights, the sounds, the energy, it all just explodes on you like a confetti bomb! If you're looking for a trip that combines art, history, fashion, and romance, then I highly recommend Rome! It really is an Eternal City! I'll definitely be returning again soon!

Before I end this post, I need to let you all know that I'm performing with my Derbyshire ballet company next weekend, and I would absolutely love to see you all there. My pink tutus will be on show, and maybe even a brand new outfit inspired by my Italian adventure. So grab your tickets, find a tutu (pink, of course!) and let's get our dance on!

Until next time,

Love, Emma xo

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-07-04 exploring Rome Italy