Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-08-01 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Week 1208 - Roman Holiday!

Ciao, darlings!

It's Emma here, back with another adventure for you from the utterly captivating city of Rome! This week marks my first foray into the Eternal City, and let me tell you, it’s already lived up to the hype – it's even more fabulous than I could have imagined!

This week I'm channelling all things Roman goddess in a pink satin tutu (because, you know, everything is better with a tutu!). It's perfectly twirly for all the photo opportunities this incredible city has to offer. Imagine the majestic Colosseum as my backdrop – swoon! I'm pairing it with a soft pink, flowy chiffon top for a truly elegant touch. I know what you're thinking – "pink tutu in Rome, Emma?". It's a bit bold, but Rome is all about the bold, isn't it?

Speaking of boldness, I travelled to Rome by train. I love the romance of train travel; you get to see the world in a way you simply wouldn't from the air. The journey itself is an adventure! It takes me back to my childhood when I used to dream about hopping on a train, travelling to magical faraway places, and dancing my heart out under the stars. My imagination ran wild, but little did I know my dreams would one day come true!

Right, let’s dive into this fabulous week in Rome:

A Majestic Monday

I arrived in Rome on a bright and sunny Monday morning, feeling incredibly energised after my journey. I checked into my quaint, pink-walled hotel, unpacked, and then - of course - headed straight out to explore. It wasn’t long until I found myself marveling at the iconic Trevi Fountain, surrounded by other tourists. The sheer grandeur of it all left me speechless; the intricate carvings, the cascading water, the sun dancing on the surface – pure magic!

Of course, I couldn't resist tossing a coin in the fountain (tradition says you’ll return to Rome if you do!). Here’s hoping I get to return soon. I'll be making a wish for even more incredible adventures in this stunning city!

Later that day, I indulged in some serious retail therapy, perusing the charming boutiques of Via Condotti, the Roman answer to our beloved Bond Street in London! I snagged a gorgeous silk scarf with a subtle pink paisley print, perfect for adding a touch of glamour to any outfit.

Tuesday for Teatro

My Tuesday began with a little dose of culture and the best way to experience it in Rome is to take in one of the amazing plays happening throughout the city. I headed to the Teatro Argentina, a beautiful historic theatre built in the 18th century. It has so much history and a charming sense of drama, just as a ballet should! I watched a performance of a classic Italian play and it completely swept me away, leaving me completely spellbound.

I savored a delicious cappuccino (strong and delicious, just how I like it!), enjoyed people watching in Piazza Navona – the vibrant heart of Rome, and finished the evening by sampling some traditional Roman street food. Let’s just say I am officially a huge fan of Suppli!

Wednesday's Walkabout

Now, here I am, on Wednesday, ready to share my adventures with you. And what better day to delve into the treasures of ancient Rome than today!

I’ve spent the morning exploring the Colosseum, the Pantheon, and the Roman Forum, all landmarks that echo the rich history of this fascinating city. Walking amongst the ruins was a truly mind-blowing experience, transporting me back centuries to the bustling streets of Ancient Rome. I could almost imagine the chariots racing in the Colosseum and the voices of the senators debating in the forum – quite incredible. I even stumbled upon a charming little piazza with a hidden fountain. What’s more, I had a photoshoot with the most breathtaking views, showcasing my new pink satin tutu, naturally! It's the perfect way to feel like a Roman goddess!

As I write this, I'm sitting at a sidewalk café enjoying a scoop of creamy gelato - so heavenly. My heart is brimming with excitement for what awaits me in the coming days in Rome. I am beyond thrilled with my discoveries here, and you can expect some incredible fashion posts soon. And yes, you can be certain pink will play a starring role, as always.

Upcoming Posts

Coming up in future blog posts from Rome… I’ve planned to visit:

  • Thursday: The beautiful gardens of Villa Borghese – it's known for its amazing fountains and stunning sculptures, so prepare for some Instagram-worthy pictures.
  • Friday: It’s all about experiencing the nightlife of Rome. From live music to rooftop bars, there's a vibrant energy that simply pulsates through the streets.
  • Saturday: Shopping at Campo dei Fiori – a bustling open-air market that’s bursting with vibrant colours and traditional Roman treats.
  • Sunday: Heading back to the bustling, colourful Campo dei Fiori for a delicious and extensive brunch. Followed by a peaceful afternoon by the Tiber river, reflecting on my adventures and thinking of all my pink tutu friends and the journeys we've shared!

Rome is truly a city that has stolen my heart, with its enchanting blend of ancient history, vibrant energy, and unparalleled fashion. Every day has been a beautiful adventure and it feels like I’ve barely scratched the surface!

Make sure you stay tuned, darlings! There’s so much more to come from my Roman journey! And remember, spread the pink tutu love and dance your way through life, because every day is a chance to twirl.

Ciao bella!

Emma xx

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2018-08-01 exploring Rome Italy