Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-01-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - #1230 - A Twirling Tale from the Eternal City!

Ciao Bella! It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu travel blog, this time straight from the heart of Rome! I'm Emma, and as you know, I'm a bit obsessed with tutus and pink (just a tad!), but most importantly, with sharing my love for the world and all its magical moments. This week, I'm stepping out of Derbyshire and onto the cobblestone streets of Rome, ready to embrace all that the Eternal City has to offer - with, of course, a pink tutu thrown in for good measure!

This trip has been a long time coming. Rome, the city of ancient ruins, exquisite food, and dazzling art has always been a dream destination for me. You know how I love a bit of history and a whole lot of culture, so what could be better than to be in the land where it all began? The excitement bubbling inside me was practically vibrating off me!

You're probably wondering, "How does a tutu-loving ballerina like Emma get to travel all over the world?" Well, it's a combination of passion and hard work! Every week, I perform on stage, showcasing my love for dance and sharing the magic with audiences far and wide. This, combined with a good dollop of budgeting (I'm a thrifty one!), lets me experience the wonders of the world – one pink tutu step at a time.

The Pink Tutu arrives in Rome!

Now, let's get down to the details of this grand Roman adventure, shall we? First things first: the train journey! You see, I adore travelling by train. It's a chance to get lost in the rhythm of the tracks, watch the scenery zoom by, and enjoy a bit of quiet time for myself. My trip from Derbyshire took a good ten hours, but let me tell you, it flew by! I had my headphones on, a good book to read, and my trusty pink tutu, ready to grace Rome with its delicate beauty.

Arriving in the bustling heart of Rome was a sensory feast! The air buzzed with life, the sounds of chatter and scooters mingling with the melodic cries of street vendors. It was a heady blend of the old and new, of ancient history colliding with vibrant modernity.

I checked into a little family-run hotel in Trastevere, the charming cobblestone district that I was sure I would fall head over heels for. My room was delightful - sunny, airy, and surprisingly stylish, featuring a gorgeous four-poster bed adorned with blush-pink linen. You can bet my pink tutu had a starring role in all my holiday snaps - after all, it's part of my personal style!

Food Glorious Food!

After a quick freshen up and a change of shoes, I set out to explore the streets. The first order of the day: delicious Italian food! It wouldn’t be a Pink Tutu adventure without indulging in the local culinary delights. You wouldn’t believe the array of restaurants and cafés in Trastevere! After all that travelling, my stomach was craving pasta, and trust me, I didn’t need to search far for a satisfying meal.

I settled down for lunch at a charming restaurant with little white tables adorned with red and white gingham tablecloths. You see, a touch of colour never goes amiss - and I can always appreciate good gingham! They offered the most amazing array of freshly made pastas, from delicate ravioli stuffed with creamy ricotta cheese to vibrant penne tossed in a vibrant, tangy tomato sauce. It was enough to make any ballerina twirl with delight!

After lunch, I wandered through the maze of charming shops. Trastevere’s full of artisanal shops bursting with local treasures: handcrafted ceramics, colourful woven tapestries, and exquisite leather goods. Of course, I found myself drawn to all things pink and sparkly. The shop window displays are just pure visual feasts! I fell in love with a small shop tucked away on a side street that was a true delight for the senses. They were bursting with whimsical fashion treasures – hand-stitched silk scarves, intricately designed jewelry, and dainty floral brooches. You know I couldn't resist grabbing a few delightful finds!

Pink Tutu in the Pantheon!

Rome, as you know, is steeped in ancient history and boasts an incredible collection of impressive architectural wonders. And being a culture enthusiast, I had to see the awe-inspiring Pantheon. As soon as I stepped inside the Pantheon, my breath was taken away! The light filtering through the majestic oculus, the incredible grandeur of the dome, the ancient marble walls… It was all simply magnificent. I spun around in my pink tutu, a swirling pink cloud amidst the solemn magnificence, marveling at the echoes of history echoing through the vast space.

The Pantheon was not the only architectural wonder that had me spellbound. My wanderings led me to Piazza Navona, where a spectacular baroque fountain caught my eye. This massive, awe-inspiring fountain, with its mythological sculptures and cascading water, was a real spectacle. It felt like I’d stepped straight into a masterpiece painted by the masters themselves. I spent quite some time just soaking it all in, with my trusty camera capturing all its glory.

And who can forget the Colosseum! Oh, how it was a true testament to Rome’s extraordinary past! This incredible ancient amphitheatre, once the stage for gladiatorial combat and spectacular public events, stands proud today as a poignant reminder of Rome’s immense history and incredible strength. Standing in the arena itself, you can imagine the echoes of the roars of the crowd and the clash of steel.

Rome at Sunset

As the day drew to a close, the sun dipped low, casting an orange glow across the city, illuminating its ancient buildings and monuments in a golden haze. Rome at sunset was simply captivating - it took my breath away!

There was something magical in the air. It was a sight that deserved to be cherished - the ancient stones bathed in warm sunlight, the soft shadows that danced along the cobblestones. And yes, you guessed it – my trusty pink tutu added a whimsical twist to the already magical scene! I’ll be sure to share the photos in my next blog!

Of course, no Roman evening is complete without a delicious meal, so I settled for dinner at a family-run trattoria right in the heart of Trastevere. The place was packed, brimming with the chatter of locals and tourists alike. And what did I have? It's probably no surprise to you – pasta! But not just any pasta, mind you - it was the most exquisite carbonara I had ever tasted - rich, creamy, with just the right amount of salty pancetta. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!

Dance Fever!

So there you have it – my first day in Rome. I’m still filled with the sights and sounds, the tastes, and the energy of this incredible city.

But my adventures aren’t over yet! As the week goes on, I’ll be heading to Rome’s renowned opera houses for some cultural immersion. Yes, I’m going to experience the captivating world of opera with all its grandeur, its drama, and its emotions. How fitting, you ask, for a tutu-wearing ballerina?! It's just another way to express my love for performance and artistry, and what better place than in Rome!

But let’s not forget the ballet, my heart and soul! I’ll also be checking out some ballet studios. This is one thing that’s so important to me - to explore the ballet world even when I’m travelling. I always try to visit local ballet studios or catch a performance during my trips. It’s a chance to learn, to be inspired, and to connect with the community of dance wherever I am. It really is one big, beautiful global ballet family.

I’m excited for my next few days exploring all the beauty this city holds. From exploring ancient ruins and vibrant markets, to indulging in delectable Italian cuisine and captivating myself with opera, I’m sure my adventure will be filled with more incredible discoveries! I promise to share all the magic with you next Wednesday, in another Pink Tutu blog post. So, keep those pink tutus twirling and make sure to follow my Roman escapade on ! Ciao!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-01-02 exploring Rome Italy