Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-02-27 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Wednesday 2019-02-27 - Ciao Bella!

#1238: Rome - A Ballerina's Dream

Buongiorno from Rome, my darlings! It’s Wednesday, and that means a fresh blog post from your favourite pink tutu-wearing traveller – me, Emma!

Rome. Ah, the Eternal City! It's filled with history, charm, delicious food and of course…fashion! This week I'm swirling through Rome's stunning streets, soaking in the sights, trying out some local gelato and… of course, searching for the perfect pink tutu to add to my collection!

It all started, as always, on a train. There's something so romantic about the train journey from Derbyshire to Rome – watching the scenery go by as the rhythmic clickety-clack of the wheels puts me in a wonderful travelling trance. You know, like that moment just before a show when the orchestra tunes up and the magic begins to shimmer!

Landing in Rome, the first thing I noticed was the light. The way it filtered through the ancient Roman architecture, bouncing off the cobbled streets... it was absolutely divine. As I strolled through Piazza Navona, the air filled with music and laughter. I just had to grab a picture for Instagram – the ultimate Italian ballet pose!

Day 1 - Ancient Roman Charm with a Pink Twist:

My first stop was the Colosseum. Let’s be honest – it’s impossible to visit Rome and not stand in awe before the grandeur of this historic arena. It’s said that over 500,000 people lost their lives within these walls! I've been so fascinated with Roman gladiators for years – their incredible strength and skill in combat really remind me of the precision and grace of a ballerina!

Naturally, I couldn't resist wearing a beautiful shade of pink - a hot fuchsia ruffled tutu paired with a cream blouse, and sparkly pink heels that practically cried "Ciao Bella!" I even brought a matching pink Roman-style wreath to top it all off - I mean, a little bit of drama is always necessary, isn't it? It definitely got the attention of other visitors!

The Forum Romanum was next, an ancient complex of temples, arches and buildings, giving a glimpse into the heart of Roman civilization. Walking amongst these majestic ruins, I felt like a time-travelling ballerina, stepping into a historical story. And, it was just the perfect setting for a new dance sequence I'm working on… inspired by the story of Roman Goddess Vesta! I must tell you - all this historical grandeur makes me want to get my tutu on and pirouette like a Roman goddess!

After my day exploring ancient wonders, I indulged in the best pizza I've ever had – a perfectly thin-crust pizza Margherita in a small, family-run pizzeria just around the corner from my charming hotel. Let's just say it was perfectly timed with a bottle of bubbly Prosecco…because one must indulge, darling, and Rome is the perfect place for it.

Day 2 - Shopping for Pink, Roman Style:

Of course, a trip to Rome isn’t complete without exploring its fashion scene. I’m not talking just about designer labels – though the iconic Via Condotti was definitely a highlight, showcasing the finest in Italian luxury - I mean getting a feel for the vibrant, stylish, yet classic Roman vibe. The people here have a kind of relaxed, effortless chic that’s impossible not to be drawn to.

The shops, overflowing with fabrics and silks of all shades, whispered “make a tutu! “ and “dress to impress!" I fell in love with the soft pink cotton fabrics at one particular store and got all the materials to sew a beautiful new Roma Pink Tutu, so expect to see me wearing it in the upcoming blog posts. And, naturally, a new dress to compliment it was an absolute must. I found the perfect shade of pink silk dress - and I just had to have it, darling, just had to have it.

Day 3 - The Magic of a Roman Opera

As a ballerina, I simply had to attend a performance at the iconic Teatro dell'Opera di Roma - a theatre built in 1880. The grand stage, the intricate details, the sweeping staircases… they all whisper of grandeur, romance, and… yes, of course…drama! It was one of the most impressive performances I've ever seen – an opera of soaring vocals and exquisite costumes. It's always fascinating to see the passion and raw emotion expressed through music and dance.

But for me, the most beautiful aspect of it was seeing a different kind of beauty: The women in their shimmering pink and white gowns, and their perfectly choreographed steps. The dance, despite its opera roots, made me think of the stories in Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty - something elegant and ethereal and definitely pink, of course!

Sharing the Pink Tutu Love

Now, you might think a ballerina in a pink tutu would stand out in a city like Rome, a city so steeped in its own kind of romantic elegance. But here's the thing: Rome has a kind of warmth and welcoming energy that just embraces you, whether you’re sporting a tutu or a designer suit.

While it was definitely fun getting all the admiring looks, the best part was the smiles and genuine interest from people - it turns out there's a lot of fun to be had by adding a splash of pink and sparkle wherever you go! In fact, several passersby, after a bella! * or a *fantastico!, even started twirling their own tutus! Maybe Rome is ready for a new style revolution – a revolution of pink tutus!

Final Thoughts - My Roman Pink Tutu Inspiration:

This city is full of hidden treasures. From the history tucked into its cobbled streets to the artistic energy buzzing in its every corner. It’s the kind of place that gets under your skin and stays with you long after you’ve left.

As I sat by the Trevi Fountain, tossing a coin for good luck (naturally a pink coin!) and gazing upon the mesmerizing play of water and sunlight… it hit me. Rome has this kind of magic, the kind that reminds us to appreciate life's simple joys: The delicious food, the vibrant culture, the beautiful art, the laughter of strangers. It’s something you can’t find in any travel guide, only through experiencing it for yourself.

Rome, with your passionate energy and breathtaking beauty, has rekindled my love for the stage and dance. I can't wait to return to the stage back in England, and to take a piece of Rome’s inspiration with me!

And to you all, darlings - remember, the world is your stage and you have the potential to shine like a sparkling pink tutu. Be confident, be colourful and be unapologetically you. I can't wait to hear what your thoughts are! Let me know on Instagram @PinkTutuTravel and let's spread the joy of pink tutus around the world! Until next week, dear readers.

Ciao, Bella!


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2019-02-27 exploring Rome Italy