Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-12-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome #1330: La Dolce Vita in a Pink Tutu!

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Rome blog post! This week, I'm taking you on a whirlwind journey through the Eternal City, where even the cobbled streets feel like a stage for my ballet shoes.

Remember how I told you I was absolutely smitten with the idea of exploring Rome in a pink tutu? Well, the only thing more beautiful than the ancient ruins is how incredibly vibrant this city is, with its beautiful buildings and endless streets perfect for twirling. Just try not to be distracted by the magnificent fountains and piazzas – I swear they're all begging to be featured in a ballet performance.

The Train to Italy: A Romantic Ride

My journey started at St Pancras Station, a place always buzzing with life. After an espresso at one of my favourite London haunts (yes, they have an abundance of those!) I settled into my spacious First Class train carriage, feeling very much like a princess ready for a fairy tale adventure. The journey to Italy is a beautiful one. Passing through the French countryside, I saw picturesque landscapes that would make even the most discerning Instagrammer swoon. It's these little journeys, with their tranquil moments, that help inspire me and fuel my creative energy for my next performance.

Rome – City of Love and (of course) Pink!

As my train pulled into Roma Termini station, my heart skipped a beat. Everything about Rome felt larger than life – even the bustling taxi drivers seemed to have a touch of glamour. But there was something more… something quite special. Maybe it was the stunning architecture, maybe it was the history that hung in the air like a sweet perfume, or maybe it was just the pure magic of a new city.

Exploring the Eternal City: From Trevi to The Pantheon

We’ve all seen those iconic images of the Trevi fountain; the sheer grandeur of the Trevi Fountain makes you feel like you've just walked into a Hollywood blockbuster! With the Roman sun glinting off the marble, the fountain was truly breathtaking. Of course, I had to throw a coin into the Trevi for good luck and for that magical "return to Rome" promise. Let’s face it – this city is so stunning I know I’ll be back!

The Pantheon, another of Rome's incredible architectural masterpieces, stood majestically just a short stroll away. This incredible temple with its remarkable dome really makes you think about the genius and vision of the architects of that era. As I spun and twirled across its vast stone floors, I was feeling inspired. Maybe one day I could perform here?

Fashion & Shopping – It's all about the Italian Chic!

Being a bit of a shopaholic myself, I just had to indulge in the amazing Italian fashion. From designer labels to vintage finds, Rome is a dream come true for a style lover. I spent hours exploring the cobblestone streets, dodging charming flower sellers and delicious-looking pastry shops, and letting the sunshine caress my skin while admiring the colours, the fabrics, and the artistic flare of Italy. I just had to try on a pink beret to complete the Parisian chic look. The city is buzzing with creativity and originality, and it rubs off on you in a good way. After all, that’s the essence of fashion – making yourself feel beautiful and powerful!

The Beauty of the Borghese Gallery & Gardens

Okay, this is a must-see location! I mean, who can resist a gorgeous gallery combined with a tranquil Italian garden, and what’s more, a magnificent museum boasting the works of Bernini and Raphael. The sculpture park at the Galleria Borghese is just enchanting. The marble statues, the manicured greenery, the sunlight that floods through the trees…it felt like a breathtaking dream. This was also where my imagination started to run wild - imagining the next ballet performance. Could it be set in the tranquil, beautiful surroundings of this gorgeous place? Who knows? It's got that kind of magic in the air.

A Taste of Italy

Speaking of dreaming, every delicious Italian meal is truly an adventure. From steaming pizzas piled high with cheese to the rich, creamy aroma of pasta in every trattoria, this city truly is a gourmand’s delight. (Just look at me in that photo with that massive plate of gnocchi - yum!) But my favourite part was, of course, the ice cream. Gelato is something else – so wonderfully decadent and refreshing – the ultimate treat after a long day of exploring.

Roman Reflections and My Love Affair with Tutus

Standing here in the Eternal City, surrounded by history, art, and beauty, I feel blessed. As I write this, the Roman sun sinks lower, painting the city in hues of rose gold. I am in love with the magic that this city has woven around my heart, the way it ignites a feeling of freedom and adventure that just can’t be found elsewhere.

Back in the Derbyshire countryside where I grew up, ballet wasn't necessarily something that everyone did, and wearing a pink tutu? Well, that was something that made heads turn. Now, I make my way through the world in my tutus – to perform, to explore, and most of all to inspire.

As for the future? Well, it’s full of promise and filled with dreams. I want everyone to experience the freedom of twirling and expressing themselves – maybe in their own version of a pink tutu. This is what my mission is - to bring more joy and a sense of fun to this often busy world.

Rome, with its magical atmosphere, has rekindled my passion for ballet and for adventure, reminding me that life is short and beautiful and that every day is an opportunity to chase those dreams and create your own little slice of “La Dolce Vita”.

Until next Wednesday,

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2020-12-02 exploring Rome Italy