Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-05-12 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome - Post 1353

Ciao bella!

Welcome back to Pink Tutu Rome, my weekly blog post all about my fabulous adventures in the Eternal City, dressed, of course, in my trusty pink tutu! It's Wednesday, 12th May 2021, and the sun is shining gloriously over the Colosseum, casting a warm glow over the ancient ruins. This week, I'm going to whisk you all away to a world of Roman magic, stunning architecture, delicious food and, of course, some fabulously fun fashion finds!

Now, I know what you're thinking – “Rome? In a tutu? What's that all about, Emma?" Well, I always say, why should you restrict a pink tutu to the ballet studio? It's a statement of confidence, a touch of whimsical fun, a dash of the unexpected! It turns heads, brightens up a dreary day, and always brings a smile to everyone's faces.

This week's adventure started with a magical train journey. I love hopping on a train, it feels so grand and glamorous, especially here in Europe! You know the feeling - that sense of adventure that builds as the train chugs across the landscape, heading for exciting new discoveries. I must say, I am getting very adept at squeezing my ballet bag into the overhead compartments on Italian trains, and my trusty pink tutu has proven quite the conversation starter amongst my fellow passengers. A little touch of magic never hurts, eh?

This week I am feeling particularly inspired by all the grand and dramatic interiors of the Italian palaces, churches, and museums I've been exploring. The artistry of the Italian masters, the sweeping arches and columns, the dazzling frescoes…it all feels so extravagant and utterly beautiful!

Just yesterday, I spent the entire day lost in the Vatican Museums. There was the famous Sistine Chapel, with its awe-inspiring ceiling painted by Michelangelo – just breathtaking! The whole place is like stepping into another world – so ornate and intricately detailed, I felt like I could spend days wandering its halls and courtyards, marveling at the incredible sculptures and artworks. But, my favourite piece was actually hidden away in a quieter corner, a small, delicate painting of the Virgin Mary with an impossibly soft gaze and a serene beauty that really touched me. It was like the heart of the museum, filled with a quiet serenity, the complete opposite of the frenetic, awe-inspiring grandeur of the Sistine Chapel.

And the best part of it all? The amazing fashion finds! I discovered a little shop tucked away on a cobbled street, bursting with colourful scarves, beaded jewellery, and stylish Italian handbags. The owner was a darling old lady with a twinkle in her eye, and she had the most incredible selection of silk scarves – floral prints, paisley designs, even a few with pink tutus scattered across the silk. I just couldn’t resist picking up one with a magnificent, dramatic print in bright scarlet and emerald green. I knew instantly it would look stunning against the deep pink of my favourite tulle.

Later on, after a truly indulgent afternoon of pizza and gelato in a charming piazza, I wandered down to the Trevi Fountain. I couldn't help but throw in a coin – the tradition to guarantee your return to Rome is just irresistible. But this time, I didn't just toss a coin, I spun it. You know me, a touch of theatre is never out of place, especially in a city as dramatic and flamboyant as Rome! Of course, I couldn't miss the chance to twirl my way across the steps of the fountain. It's amazing what a pink tutu can do in this enchanting city!

That night, I was completely captivated by a fantastic opera performance at the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. The whole experience was breathtaking: the elegant architecture of the theatre, the rich red velvet seats, the soaring notes of the voices, the dramatic gestures of the singers. There was even a solo ballet scene – a young ballerina dancing a beautiful, heart-breaking, pas de deux with a handsome young prince. Of course, I sat in my favourite pink tutu, just for a little extra flair, and enjoyed every single minute. The sheer grandeur and opulence of it all, it truly was an unforgettable experience.

Rome is so full of fascinating layers of history. One of the highlights this week was visiting the Pantheon, the breathtaking temple that has survived over two millennia, defying time and the whims of history. Its marble columns still stand strong, reaching for the sky. It really is a testament to the human spirit, a magnificent example of enduring strength and beauty. As I walked into the Pantheon, I thought of the many emperors and emperors' wives who walked these same steps, worshipped at this altar, dreamed of their dreams under the same vast, open ceiling. I swear I even felt the ghosts of all the history contained within its ancient walls. It was so awe-inspiring and moving, it even brought a tear to my eye.

As a self-proclaimed pink tutu evangelist, it’s my goal to bring a touch of the joy and confidence of the ballet studio into everyday life. The beautiful thing is, people just love it! Everyone I meet smiles at my pink tutu, and so many of them are inspired to step out of their comfort zones. The other day, I was sitting on a bench in the Piazza Navona, watching the street performers and enjoying the sunshine. This little boy, maybe six years old, came up to me and pointed at my tutu with the biggest smile. “You're a ballerina!" he said. He pointed at his own feet, "I want to wear a tutu too!” His mom chuckled, but he was insistent. And there I was, giving some unsolicited advice on what tutu colour best suited his playful, mischievous spirit, even suggesting that he wear a sparkly top too! This was a small moment but it meant a great deal to me. He’s my latest convert, and that little pink tutu is going to change the world, one dance step at a time!

Next week, I am planning to explore the Catacombs of Rome. Who knows what adventures lie in store – maybe even an underground ballet show in the darkness, a flash mob of pink-tutu wearing Romans, or just a fascinating journey into the heart of the Roman empire. Wherever it leads, I will bring my love of fashion, a pink tutu, and a heart brimming with the magic and beauty of the Eternal City. Until next time, dear readers!

XOXO, Emma

P.S. Don't forget to check out my Instagram @pinktutu_adventures for even more pics of my travels!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-05-12 exploring Rome Italy