Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-07-28 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: Post 1364 – A Ballerina’s Italian Adventure!

Ciao bella! It’s Wednesday, which means it’s time for another Pink Tutu Rome post! I’m absolutely buzzing to be in the Eternal City, and it feels SO GOOD to be back in Europe after being in the States for a few weeks. I’m really feeling the European vibes, and the cobblestone streets, the terracotta rooftops, the gelato... they’re all swirling together to create the most magical atmosphere!

Speaking of magical, I can’t believe I’m finally in Rome! It's a city that's been on my travel bucket list for ages. The sheer history, the breathtaking architecture, the buzzing energy - I knew I needed to experience it firsthand, pink tutu and all!

As always, I travelled here by train, a luxurious, relaxing journey that allows me to really soak in the views and think about all the exciting things I’ll get to see and do. And did I tell you about the adorable little Italian family I met on the train?! They had a tiny bambino with bright eyes and the cutest little gap-toothed smile! We even shared some delicious Nutella biscotti - you can’t go wrong with Nutella, can you? I’m already feeling like a local here!

And oh my goodness, Rome is truly a sight to behold. Every corner you turn is a breathtaking scene: cobbled streets bathed in golden light, ancient Roman ruins, vibrant gelato shops... it's a sensory overload in the most wonderful way! I’ve been trying to absorb as much as possible. Yesterday I took a walk along the Tiber, enjoying the sights and sounds of this enchanting city. Later, I wandered into an ancient ruin where the Romans would have performed plays, which was quite humbling. There’s history just bursting out of every brick and stone here, it’s fantastic!

*But what does a pink tutu wearing ballerina do in Rome? *

Well, I’ll tell you!

Rome is not just about history and ancient wonders; it's also about fashion, beauty, and the finer things in life. After all, the Romans had some amazing style back in their day! They wore elegant tunics and togas! I can't wait to do some serious shopping. They have fabulous leather handbags and some gorgeous silk scarves, and the shoes... they're divine! I think my Pink Tutu collection could definitely use a little Italian flair! Of course, no trip to Rome would be complete without indulging in some of the local delicacies, like the incredibly delicious tiramisu, creamy gelato, and juicy pizza - all things that truly epitomise Italian flavour!

Today, I’m treating myself to a delicious lunch at a hidden gem I discovered – Trattoria dal Borgo. It’s tucked away down a little alleyway near the Trevi Fountain, and it's serving up the most authentic Italian cuisine. I can’t wait to sample all the culinary delights and immerse myself in the local culture, and of course, it wouldn’t be Rome without a generous amount of limoncello - Italy's most divine and refreshing liquor!

Ballet & Shopping: A Dream Combination!

The highlight of my trip? You guessed it – ballet! How could it not be? Rome has a vibrant dance scene, and I’ve found a studio teaching classical ballet and modern dance. After spending a few mornings doing some pirouettes, stretching my legs and feeling those lovely deep plies, I've been exploring the charming local ballet schools in Rome, soaking up the beautiful Italian architecture.

And you’d better believe I’ve been out enjoying some breathtaking ballet performances! Last night I went to see a dazzling ballet production by the Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. It was an ethereal, romantic affair with gorgeous costumes and incredible artistry - just what my heart craves! I even had the honour of meeting a few of the dancers. Such lovely and talented people. I even gave them a few tips on tutus – their costumes weren’t quite up to my standards – it’s all about finding the perfect balance between structure and movement, of course! I always say a pink tutu with just the right amount of sparkle will make all the difference to any performance.

The joy of discovering a new ballet company, new movements, and seeing how other dancers interpret the classic pieces - it’s something truly magical! I hope to see the iconic Swan Lake performance soon, but the tickets are selling fast, and I really have to start saving up for my pink tutus, if you know what I mean!

And speaking of saving up for my tutu collection – oh my gosh, did you see the amazing shoe shops here?! They have so many stunning, hand-crafted heels and pumps. My inner shopaholic is going completely wild! I think I'll have to find some space in my luggage, and that’s hard as I brought two giant pink tulle tutus with me, just in case I wanted to practice on a whim! (Let’s be honest, that's really my favourite thing to do – who doesn’t want a spin around the Roman streets?! My ballerina adventures are not for the faint-hearted! )

The City that Never Sleeps

Rome is the city that truly never sleeps. From street performers busking with their guitars and accordions to the hustle and bustle of the markets, it's alive with music and energy all day and night. You'll hear passionate conversations echoing across cobblestone piazzas, the scent of pizza wafting through the air, the tinkling of street vendors’ bells… It's truly sensory heaven! I feel like I’ve been swept into a film set – and not just any film – an epic romantic drama, you know, the kind where everyone is swooning over beautiful music, breathtaking scenes and passionate declarations of love! That’s Rome, darling!

Pink Tutus Around the Globe

Rome’s vibrant, passionate spirit really resonates with me, and I find it very inspiring, both in terms of ballet and in terms of my overall mission. I can’t imagine a place where my bright, pink tulle would be more appreciated – the Romans have an inherent sense of style and flair. After all, if they could design the Colosseum and Roman numerals, you can imagine how incredible they must be at making shoes, right?!

I hope to encourage everyone I meet to take up ballet. Whether you’re in Derbyshire or Rome, dancing will fill you with joy. It's for everyone, no matter what age or background. Who says you can’t do pirouettes and jetés in a tutu at the age of 50, 60, or 70?! Don't be shy! Wear pink!

I feel like the essence of this incredible city is very close to my own philosophy – we should embrace our inner confidence and spread joy and light with each graceful turn, leap and pirouette. Every move you make should make a difference.

So come on everyone, join me! It's time to embrace the magic of a pink tutu, no matter where you are in the world, whether it's in a quiet town in Derbyshire, a bustling city like Rome or a scenic train journey – let’s create a world filled with joyful dancing and graceful movement! It’s time to take over the world, one twirling tutu at a time.

See you next Wednesday!

xx Emma

Pink Tutu Rome

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-07-28 exploring Rome Italy