Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-09-22 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: A Whirlwind of Beauty, Fashion, and… Pasta?

Post 1372 | Wednesday 2021-09-22 | | #PinkTutuRome

Ciao from Rome, darlings! I've been yearning for this trip for months, and my heart is doing a little pirouette just thinking about all the beauty and excitement I'm going to be sharing with you today.

From the Peak District to the Eternal City:

As many of you know, I'm a Derbyshire girl at heart, but my feet are forever tapping out a beat that leads me all over the world. The train journey from London was pure magic - I couldn't resist wearing my new, shimmering pink tulle skirt (courtesy of the fabulous Miss Chloe's Vintage, a find on my recent trip to London!), which felt perfect for a journey into the heart of history. It had a little touch of Renaissance charm, you know? And of course, I couldn't leave home without my trusty ballet shoes (you know me, a ballerina needs to be prepared for impromptu impromptu pirouettes in every location!)

Rome, where the Fashionista in Me Unfurls:

Upon arriving in Rome, I was immediately hit with the kind of sensory overload only the Eternal City can offer. Cobbled streets, the aroma of espresso and fresh bread (Oh, how I love an authentic Italian breakfast!), and a tapestry of architecture spanning millennia – the Colosseum is a marvel, even with the selfie sticks swarming around it.

My first priority, however, was fashion! You wouldn't believe the incredible shops nestled amongst the ancient piazzas - silk scarves, hand-crafted jewellery, leather boots fit for a Roman goddess... it was practically a dancer's dream come true! I picked up the most adorable little beaded purse that will definitely make its way onto the blog next week - stay tuned for that post!

Finding the Perfect Roman Pastel Palette:

Let's face it, Rome isn't known for its bold colour palette – it's all about that elegant, aged patina of cream and terracotta. But don't think that meant I couldn't inject some of my signature pink! I discovered this incredible hidden shop near the Trevi Fountain, bursting with vibrant silks and fabrics. You wouldn't believe the selection - I ended up getting the most beautiful pale pink silk scarf with a delicate floral design. You bet I'll be wearing that one to the opera tonight!

Rome, where the Past Meets the Present:

Today, I embarked on a fascinating journey through history at the Palatine Hill, imagining the emperors who once walked these same stones. But after a long day exploring, it was back to the present, for a delectable dinner at a small trattoria – where the aroma of freshly-baked focaccia sent my senses into a spin. You wouldn't believe the incredible pasta dishes! My love affair with Italy only continues to grow with each bite.

A Ballerina’s Eye for Roman Detail:

You see, my friends, Rome isn't just about the grand monuments, it's about the details that give the city its soul - a beautifully weathered door, the soft light filtering through ancient windows, and, my personal favourite - the graceful curves of Roman statuary.

My Inspiration in the City of Seven Hills:

Every time I visit a new city, my artistic side gets a little injection of energy. For this post, I've been inspired by the ancient fountains of Rome. The way the water spills and dances - it's a little like a ballet in itself, isn't it? I think a water ballet performance set amongst those fountains would be absolutely magical. I'm thinking delicate pastel-coloured costumes and a haunting soundtrack composed for harp and flute… whispers to herself, "perhaps I need to start writing that down..."

Dance, Fashion, and A Sprinkle of Pink Tutu Magic:

And that's the beauty of my travels, isn't it? Inspiration can come from anywhere. It’s a constant interplay between the history, the art, the fashion… and even a bit of my own little "pink tutu magic," I suppose. Speaking of, did I mention the ballet performance I'm going to tonight? The Teatro dell'Opera di Roma! Oh, the excitement! You know there's going to be a special post about that later this week, but for now, I must bid you farewell.

Ciao for now, darling readers!

Until next Wednesday,


P.S. Have any of you been to Rome? What are your favourite parts of the city? Share your stories in the comments below!

P.P.S. Do you think the "Pink Tutu Water Ballet" concept has potential? Let me know in the comments! I'm always up for your ideas. 😉

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2021-09-22 exploring Rome Italy