Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-03-02 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1395 – Ciao Bella!

Well, hello there darlings! It’s Wednesday, which means it's time for another adventure on Pink Tutu Rome! I'm back in the Eternal City, my darlings, and oh my goodness, it's even more enchanting than I remembered!

It seems like just yesterday I was in my little Derbyshire flat, meticulously packing my favourite pink tutu for a new adventure. You see, darling, Rome is just the beginning. This year, I’m embracing the ultimate pink tutu mission: to spread the joy of tulle across the whole world, one city at a time. I can practically hear you all cheering!

My Rome journey began as always – with a whiff of exciting possibility, the soothing hum of the train carriage, and the promise of adventures beyond compare. A cheeky glance at my trusty copy of 'The Pink Tutu Traveller’s Guide’ confirms: Rome’s got everything a girl could ever want: delectable gelato, charming cobblestone streets, majestic ruins, fabulous fashion... and of course, the magic of the stage!

My mission this week is a triple whammy, darlings:
* See the exquisite beauty of Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. Just the thought of a ballet performance in the heart of Rome fills me with glee! Imagine: soaring archways, breathtaking chandeliers, and the music carrying on the breeze… sigh!
* Explore the captivating collections at Rome’s stylish boutiques. Oh, my dear fashionistas! I’m planning on diving deep into the local markets and designer shops to uncover those hidden gems. Who knows what sartorial treasures await? * Find the most divine pink-tutu worthy locations. And of course, it wouldn't be a true Pink Tutu adventure without a few photo ops! I can practically picture the perfect Instagram shot now: myself twirling amongst ancient ruins, bathed in the warm Tuscan sunlight... I'm thinking maybe the Colosseum would be a fitting backdrop!

Now, before I get carried away by my dreamy plans, let's rewind to my first day in Rome. I arrived at Termini station, which is always buzzing with energy. The Italian air felt warm and fragrant on my face, a little bit like a lemon gelato, which made me want to skip with joy! It took all of ten minutes to spot a perfect cafe, where I indulged in the most amazing cappucino and a delicious panino – it truly is all about those little delights, isn’t it?

After fuelling up, I made a beeline for the Piazza Navona – an absolutely stunning open square! As you've probably seen on my Instagram stories, I couldn't resist capturing the beauty of it all. My blush pink tulle tutu really seemed to complement the lively fountains and the warm Italian sunshine. I know what you're thinking – my dear, even a fountain deserves a twirl!

But my dearest readers, the excitement wasn’t over! Rome is like a gigantic, exciting stage, full of captivating moments.

Day Two was all about immersing myself in history. I spent the morning wandering through the magnificent Forum Romanum and the Colosseum. It was hard not to be transported back in time as I gazed upon these impressive ruins, picturing the bustling crowds and the grandeur of the ancient Roman empire.

I must tell you, even a pink tutu and a dash of pink glitter don’t diminish the awesomeness of these ancient ruins! They were simply incredible. You see, Rome has this wonderful ability to blend old and new, fashion and history, joy and wonder. It's just captivating!

Speaking of capturing moments, darling, the streets are an endless photo op! And naturally, I was snapping away like a paparazzi for my social media. I know my Instagram followers are already drooling over the images – I can practically hear their envious sighs!

Now, to all of you aspiring ballerinas out there, Rome offers such unique inspiration! On Wednesday evening, I made my way to the heart of Rome, to witness the glorious Teatro dell’Opera di Roma. As I approached the Opera House, I felt a delicious tremor of excitement. This grand and elegant venue is where the most beautiful music lives – I'm absolutely thrilled to witness the breathtaking performances and exquisite dance!

It was even better than I imagined! Every movement of the dancers, every note of the orchestra, was a pure joy to watch. Their graceful elegance on the stage brought tears to my eyes - truly an unforgettable experience!

Of course, after such an exquisite performance, it’s impossible not to indulge in a spot of retail therapy. You see, darling, you haven't truly experienced Rome until you’ve taken a tour of the captivating local shops. So, my shopping bag is full of glorious finds: gorgeous handmade Italian leather shoes that look absolutely perfect with my pink tutus! And I can't wait to share these delightful treasures on my Instagram later.

But listen carefully, dear readers. Even on a grand scale adventure, life is always a beautiful journey filled with tiny triumphs, a symphony of delicious discoveries and joyful surprises. So, while Rome is overflowing with historic wonders and architectural marvels, I couldn't resist sharing a little snippet of my life that’s far more ordinary.

While exploring the neighbourhood, I discovered a tiny boutique that sold the most delicious-looking macarons! Oh, the colours, the shapes, the sugary temptation! My inner gourmand couldn't resist grabbing a few pink ones – yes, pink, darling – for a sweet little treat! And who can say no to a photo of a perfect pink macaron against a background of terracotta-coloured houses? Pure perfection, my dear!

Speaking of perfect, there's something undeniably captivating about how seamlessly life blends with history here in Rome. The energy here is contagious! The cafes overflow with life and laughter, and the cobbled streets are brimming with energy and passion. It truly is the city that never sleeps – at least not while the gelato shops are open!

Oh my dear readers! Life, like the twirling of a pink tutu, is always full of delightful discoveries. As I sign off from my little Italian escapade, I want to remind you that life is meant to be lived with joy and laughter. And what better way to spread joy than with a pink tutu?

So, wherever you are, whether you're in a bustling Italian square or your cosy little Derbyshire flat, why not put on your own favourite pink tutu? Dance your way through the week, my dears!

Join me next Wednesday, darlings, for more pink tutu magic from Rome. I’ll be sharing the rest of my fashion adventures and showing you all my new fabulous discoveries! Ciao, bella!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2022-03-02 exploring Rome Italy