Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-05-10 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1457 - La Dolce Vita, Darling!

Ciao Bella!

It's Wednesday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu adventure, and this week I'm waltzing straight into the heart of Rome! That's right, darlings, your favourite tutu-wearing travel enthusiast has landed in the Eternal City, and let me tell you, it's already a whirlwind of cobblestones, ancient ruins, and – of course – incredible fashion!

A Dream Train Journey to the Heart of Italy

The journey from Derbyshire, my lovely home county, to Rome was a dream, especially with the new high-speed train service. You see, darling, I love trains. It’s a perfect opportunity to don my pinkest tutu, slip on my most fabulous pair of ballerina flats, and bask in the pure joy of watching the countryside whiz past. As for my fellow travellers, they were charmed! Honestly, seeing the children's eyes light up as I passed through the carriage was the perfect way to kickstart my Italian escapade.

Pink Tutu Poses by the Trevi Fountain

Now, let's be honest, when in Rome you simply HAVE to toss a coin in the Trevi Fountain. And why just toss it, darling, when you can do it with a flourish! A graceful spin, a pink tutu twirl, and a voila – coins sparkling in the air, all against the backdrop of one of the most stunning fountains in the world. Did you know, the fountain actually appeared in Federico Fellini's classic film 'La Dolce Vita'? My little pink tutu was in its element surrounded by all that cinematic grandeur!

Shopping Spree at Via Condotti

A girl can't go to Rome without hitting Via Condotti, darling, can she? This is where the most iconic Italian designers have their boutiques, and where you'll find a fashion scene to rival the Parisian runways. The air is buzzing with style and luxury, and my darling, it’s almost enough to make you want to buy the whole shop. My pink tutu may not have been a classic Gucci look, but trust me, I managed to turn heads all the same. I do have a thing for statement accessories, and my trusty pink feather boa found itself paired with some truly fabulous (and pink, of course) handbags.

Pizza, Pasta, and Pink Tutu Fun!

A true Italian adventure wouldn't be complete without indulging in the culinary delights of the country. I mean, how can you resist pasta made with fresh tomatoes and basil? And the pizza! I had a delectable mozzarella, pesto, and artichoke pizza that I’ll be dreaming about for days to come! Even as I’m savouring every delicious bite, my inner fashionista is considering a new tutu. Perhaps a shimmering pink one with little pizza slices adorning the fabric? Just a thought.

The Ballet Bonanza!

My time in Rome has been filled with captivating dance shows! Tonight, I’m heading to the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma to witness a breathtaking production of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake. I already know that the scenery is going to be phenomenal and the costumes... well, let's just say my tutu is getting some serious competition. However, I’ll always be proud of my bold pink tutu – it stands out in a crowd and gets me talking to the locals.

Spreading the Tutu Love

Rome is absolutely captivating. The ancient architecture, the stunning art galleries, and the vibrancy of this ancient city. This place, as always, is filling me with creative inspiration. And let me tell you, darling, it is so important to find things that fill you with that excitement and joie de vivre!

I’ve already decided to dedicate a whole blog post to the best pink dresses to wear around the city! Because that’s what we do in the Pink Tutu world, right? Share a passion for style, creativity, and turning heads wherever we go! And my mission is, of course, to encourage everyone, everywhere, to embrace their inner fashionista! Who needs a pink tutu, you ask? Every single one of us, darling. Embrace the power of colour and joy!

Until next week, Rome, arrivederci!

Stay glamorous, darlings,


#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2023-05-10 exploring Rome Italy