Pink Tutu Rome Italy

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-07-03 exploring Rome Italy

Pink Tutu Rome: #1517 - Channeling Audrey Hepburn with a Twist of Tutu

Ciao, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing travel enthusiast, Emma, reporting live from the Eternal City - Rome! This week, the sunshine is positively radiating and so is my excitement for all that this beautiful city has to offer.

It's Wednesday, and that means another Pink Tutu travel adventure to share with you all on my little slice of the internet,! If you're new to the pink tutu world, welcome! My mission is to bring a touch of joy, whimsy and, of course, pink to every corner of the globe, and what better way to do that than through the medium of ballet and fashion? And this week, Rome's calling for a tutu extravaganza!

Before I get lost in the details of our fabulous Roman adventures, let me fill you in on what's happening at the moment. My life feels like a ballet in itself - constantly travelling, performing, exploring and living for the moment. Today, however, my day involved a morning ballet class in this charming little studio I found tucked away in a cobblestoned alleyway. Oh, how I adore ballet classes! They truly ground me, allow me to move my body in a way that's utterly captivating, and leave me feeling utterly revitalized. And in a city as vibrant and energetic as Rome, the perfect way to start the day!

Speaking of vibrancy, my love affair with pink continued today with a fabulous shopping trip to one of Rome's most prestigious fashion houses. Let me tell you, finding pink delights amidst the Italian elegance was a joy! A perfectly delicate tulle skirt with a blush pink hue - divine. Imagine me twirling through the streets of Rome in this creation...pure magic! The only issue now is whether I buy the skirt or splurge on that gorgeous, hand-painted silk scarf, adorned with delicate ballerina figures - such a difficult decision!

My evenings, however, are reserved for the real stars of the show: Ballet. Tonight, the Teatro dell'Opera di Roma is playing host to the world-famous Bolshoi Ballet. I've been so excited about this performance - they are renowned for their incredible technical prowess and passionate artistry. I've been dreaming about seeing Swan Lake for months, and now it's finally happening! This is what fuels my travels, what drives me to be creative and perform, to experience and share these magical moments with you. It's not just a job, it's a passion, and to share it with all of you makes this journey all the more worthwhile.

Now, let me take you back to our journey. Rome truly is a city that steals your heart. Today, we wandered through the beautiful Borghese Gallery, with its stunning sculptures and paintings. Every corner holds a masterpiece, and every step leads you to a new perspective. We were mesmerized by the sheer beauty and scale of Bernini's "Apollo and Daphne," and, naturally, had to get some gorgeous photographs, my pink tutu adding a playful touch amidst the elegant, historical backdrop.

After all that art, a stop at a traditional trattoria for a delightful, flavourful pasta was in order. Oh, the aromas! The authentic flavours! A true taste of Italian hospitality and tradition.

Our afternoon stroll brought us to the Trevi Fountain, the perfect spot to take a classic Italian gelato. That first taste of the sweet, cool cream is a sensation I always crave, especially when it comes in a pink cone! The sound of the fountain cascading, the happy chattering of the crowd, and a taste of this iconic Italian treat - moments like this just make my heart sing.

The evening found us wandering through the vibrant streets of Trastevere. The quaint shops, the delicious scents coming from the local restaurants, and the cheerful conversations swirling in the air - a perfect end to a perfect Roman day. This vibrant, history-rich city feels like it’s dancing around me, the cobblestone streets my stage and every day an unforgettable ballet performance.

However, you know me, my darlings - always ready for a fashion show. And Rome? A wonderland for vintage finds. As we wandered, we discovered a tucked away treasure - a tiny shop crammed full of pre-loved garments. I spotted a silk scarf, an exquisite design with delicate, pink florals, and knew it was meant for me! The shop owner, an old woman with twinkling eyes, gave me a discount when she saw how excited I was about her treasures, whispering, "Ah, bella ballerina! You know good things when you see them, tesoro!"

Now, imagine this, my loves - strolling around Rome in my pink tutu, a floral scarf, and the vibrant Italian streets as my stage. Who needs a dance studio when the city itself is a playground for creativity?

As the day fades, and the moon illuminates Rome’s grand buildings, I can’t help but think - this is exactly why I live for these moments, why I travel, why I dance, and why I dedicate myself to bringing pink tutu magic to every corner of the world. My love of ballet, fashion and travel blend seamlessly here in Rome, where the streets hum with a timeless beauty, where the spirit of art thrives, and where dreams take flight.

Stay tuned, darlings! This week’s Pink Tutu journey has just begun. There's much more magic to unveil, stories to tell, and more gorgeous pink fashion to discover. Remember to check back on Wednesday next week, same time, same place! Until then, stay playful, embrace your inner ballerina, and spread the love of pink. Ciao for now, bellezze!

#PinkTutuRome Wednesday 2024-07-03 exploring Rome Italy