Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-09-07 in Strood with a yellow tutu.

Strood in a Yellow Tutu - Post #431

Hello my gorgeous little darlings! 🩰✨

It's Emma here, your favourite pink-loving tutu-tastic blogger, and I'm back with another instalment of your daily dose of tutu-ful brilliance. I'm absolutely bursting with excitement to share today's adventure with you, because you won't believe what I've been up to...

Let's rewind back to yesterday afternoon. I found myself gazing longingly at my beautiful collection of tutus - all hues of pink, purple, and even a daring touch of black velvet – and realised that something was missing. A splash of sunshine, a hint of citrus, a yellow tutu! I raced to the shop, heart fluttering, and by the time the sun started its descent, I had a glorious lemon-bright tutu twirling on my hanger. 🍋

So, armed with my new sparkly yellow beauty and my usual travelling essentials - a vintage picnic basket packed with homemade scones (from my gran's recipe, naturally) and my trusty flask of Darjeeling tea – I decided to venture to Strood. Yes, you read that right! Strood. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Emma, why Strood?!" And to be honest, you might well be asking that very same question yourselves, but I always follow my whims. Today, it was all about that yellow tutu and the whispers of a charming, forgotten village nestled within Kent.

Off I went, not by car, of course! (Unless we're talking about a vintage convertible, that's a different story!), but by train, with the windows down and a big smile plastered across my face. I love the thrill of watching the scenery zip by, the ever-changing panorama of English countryside – all of those lush greens and those big fluffy clouds drifting lazily across the sky. It’s the perfect opportunity to dream, and today my dreams were painted in the brightest, happiest yellow!

After a pleasant journey and a very kind gentleman offering me his window seat to watch the sheep graze peacefully in the fields (seriously, how English is that?!) I reached Strood. And my, oh my! It was like stepping into a Jane Austen novel. cobblestone streets, a charming little antique shop called “The Old Teacup”, and even a local horse riding school. You wouldn’t believe how tempting it was to hire a magnificent horse for the day. Just picture it! Emma, in her yellow tutu, trotting through the countryside, feeling the wind in her hair and the sun on her face. sigh I could get used to this.

The afternoon was filled with sunshine, quaint shops and plenty of happy locals offering their best wishes as they saw my yellow tutu dancing down the street! A little old lady with a fluffy white poodle stopped to compliment me on the colour and my grandad-style cardigan. (Because you know me, a ballerina must stay warm, even in the summer, and I adore grandad cardigans. It's like wearing a hug! 🤗). There’s a real charm to little villages like Strood – so quiet and peaceful, yet full of history and character.

As dusk approached, it was time to take advantage of a secret I'd discovered – a little bakery tucked away down a narrow side street with the most delicious homemade cakes! I devoured a Victoria sponge with an excessive amount of clotted cream and marmalade (don't judge! I'm a girl of simple pleasures, and there's something incredibly comforting about scones and cream.) while indulging in some afternoon gossip with the friendly bakers. Turns out they’d just opened an impromptu 'open mic night' and there was an urgent need for an entertainer to kick off the evening.

Cue the yellow tutu! 🤩

Suddenly, it felt so right. It was the perfect way to cap off my day, share my love of ballet with some charming, welcoming folks in Strood. I didn't even hesitate! I jumped into my yellow tutu and with a whirl and a twirl I performed a spontaneous ballet piece, bringing to life some of my favourite classics from Swan Lake and Giselle. The smiles on the faces of the crowd - including the poodle - were so pure. There was joy in their eyes, and a genuine appreciation for the beauty of ballet. And you know what, my darlings? That feeling was electric. I'll admit, I did feel a little silly dancing in a yellow tutu with no stage lights and a chorus line of locals holding their cups of tea, but the pure happiness of sharing my love of dance was truly special.

Today, I left Strood a little more radiant, my heart bursting with the glow of a thousand miniature sunsets, each reflecting a tiny sparkle of joy. The feeling of spreading a little sunshine, and sparkling up someone’s day with a dance – it doesn't get much better than that! I guess the key to feeling happy is embracing the unknown and going where life takes you.

This, my dear readers, is why you need to wear a tutu. A yellow tutu! You’ll discover that even the most unassuming villages can be full of unexpected adventure. But it's not just about the tutu - it's about unleashing that little sparkle within you. Live life in your own bright, bold, whimsical way!

I can’t wait to hear your stories. Tell me what brings a smile to your face, and don’t forget to show your support for pink and tutus by leaving a comment and subscribing to www.pink-tutu.com for daily inspiration and whimsical updates from your favourite ballerina blogger. And always remember... You are all beautiful, sparkly, and worthy of dancing your way through life! 🩰✨

Until tomorrow, darling!

Emma xxx

#TutuBlog 1997-09-07 in Strood with a yellow tutu.