
Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 1997-12-23 in Islington with a german tutu.

Islington: A Tutu Tale 🩰

Post #538

Good morning, darlings! Today's blog post comes to you live from the charming Islington district of London, where the crisp air smells of Christmas cookies and the cobbled streets echo with festive laughter. Now, I wouldn't be true to myself if I didn't admit that I'm completely smitten with this place! It's a charming little corner of London that feels so perfectly old-fashioned, like stepping straight into a Charles Dickens novel, but with the added touch of cool, bohemian chic. And who am I to resist a place with such fabulous vibes?

But first, let's rewind the tape a little...

The Journey: A Ballet of Locomotion

I took the train from Derbyshire, my trusty sidekick for many an adventure. I must say, a train journey feels like such a glamorous escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It’s a perfect excuse to put on a comfy dress and let my mind wander as I watch the beautiful English countryside flash by. This time, my travel outfit included my trusty little pink handbag and, of course, a fabulous feather boa in the same shade - pink always goes with everything!

And yes, you guessed it - I was wearing a tutu! Well, I wasn't about to leave my beloved tutu behind for a single day, even if it was a mere "ballerina length" this time, a graceful blush of a delicate chiffon, so soft it danced in the breeze of the carriage windows. It's just as much a part of my wardrobe as my favourite pair of stilettos, and lets be honest, it was the perfect outfit for a trip to a city bursting with colour and cheer.

The Hotel: A Romantic Refuge

After a quick hop off the train, I arrived at my little hideaway for the weekend - a charming Victorian hotel in the heart of Islington. The lobby smelled of freshly baked scones, a heavenly aroma that was quickly followed by the sight of a roaring fire crackling merrily in the hearth. It's always so comforting to arrive in a place with such welcoming, warm hospitality, and this hotel definitely delivered!

Speaking of comfort, let's talk about the hotel room - it was practically straight out of a vintage romantic comedy! Pink walls (obviously), a fluffy featherbed, a gorgeous floral armchair, and a chandelier so ornate it was practically sparkling. I just loved it, every little detail had been thought through with such care and attention to detail. And can we talk about the view from my window? The old Victorian buildings and the quiet tree-lined street made me feel like I had stepped back in time.

A German Twist: Discovering Tutu Love

One of the most exciting parts of my journey to Islington was a trip to the famous vintage market in Camden Town. Now, anyone who knows me knows I'm a sucker for vintage treasures, especially if they are adorned with tutus!

And so, with a giddy heart, I wandered down the crowded streets, weaving my way through bustling crowds and stopping at every interesting stall. And guess what? I discovered the most gorgeous German tutu in the most unexpected spot! It's an exquisite antique made from the finest silk and it's a stunning shade of blush pink - the colour of champagne sunsets and sweet, fluffy marshmallows. Oh, and the craftsmanship, my darlings - impeccable. This little beauty is going straight to my wardrobe and will make an unforgettable entrance at my next ballet recital.

An Evening of Dance: A World of Ballet Magic

This trip wouldn't be complete without a trip to the theatre, would it? So, of course, I had booked tickets for a stunning ballet performance. This evening's show was a delightful, whimsical spectacle – it brought a storybook world to life on the stage. There were swirling tutus, intricate choreography, and heart-stopping leaps. The dancers were amazing, with a grace and fluidity that left me speechless. The entire evening felt magical - just as I hoped it would!

Islington After Dark: Sparkling Nights and Delights

As evening settled, Islington really came alive with the sound of music and laughter. I wandered around the charming cobbled streets, marvelling at the beautiful architecture. And you know me - I never go anywhere without a camera. The perfect setting for capturing a few photos, as a ballerina wouldn't dream of being out of touch with her fans, right?

One of the highlights of my evening was a little hidden gem, a cozy little pub nestled in a quiet back street. With low-beamed ceilings and flickering candlelight, it felt like something out of a fairytale. I indulged in a warm mug of spiced cider - just what I needed to warm up after a delightful day of wandering.

And I made sure to have a little midnight feast, enjoying a delicious selection of cheeses and local honey - the perfect ending to my magical day in Islington.

More Than a Tutu: A Mission for Pink

Before I head back to Derbyshire, a few words on the bigger picture. Now, as you all know, I live and breathe for the joy and freedom of ballet. But I also love spreading that love around. I've always felt strongly that everyone should experience the pure joy and beauty of dance. You don't need to be a professional ballerina - anyone can feel that magic just by moving their body to music! And so, my dream is for everyone to put on a pink tutu (I promise they come in all styles) and give ballet a try! It's a wonderful way to express yourself and have fun! So come on, you lovely ladies, join me in spreading the joy!

But for now, it's time to catch my train back to Derbyshire. Until next time, my dearest readers! Don't forget to check out my blog tomorrow for more adventures in pink!

xx Emma

#TutuBlog 1997-12-23 in Islington with a german tutu.