Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-02-20 in Coventry with a white tutu.

Coventry Calling! Tutu Adventures #8267

Hello lovelies! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, back with another instalment of all things twirly and beautiful. Today, I'm whisking you away with me to Coventry, a charming city in the heart of England that stole a little bit of my heart.

My journey started as it always does – on a majestic train. I simply can't resist the allure of a steam train chugging across the countryside, a glass of bubbly in hand (because let's be honest, a journey this elegant deserves a little celebratory fizz!). I love the rhythmic clacking of the wheels, the way the sun catches the gleaming brass of the carriage windows – it's pure magic!

Arriving in Coventry, I felt an immediate connection to the city. It was like stepping into a storybook, a blend of old-world charm and contemporary vibrancy. I was greeted by a vibrant mosaic mural, so dazzling I could barely tear my eyes away! As I wandered through the city, my senses were alive.

My first stop, naturally, was the Herbert Art Gallery and Museum. It was such a wonderful experience. The historical exhibits were incredible - it was amazing to feel like I was stepping back in time, seeing ancient relics, learning about the history of the city. It was just so inspiring. It filled me with such excitement about how I can use art to communicate, to be more creative and really connect with people on an emotional level.

My second stop was the Coventry Cathedral – it was utterly breathtaking. Built after the original cathedral was destroyed in WWII, the new cathedral stands as a symbol of peace and hope. Its stained glass windows are mesmerizing, reflecting the light in a myriad of colours and shimmering like a thousand dancing fairies. It was hard to not get caught up in the powerful energy and symbolism of the space, reminding me of the power of forgiveness and rebirth.

That afternoon I met up with some wonderful locals for an afternoon of ballet workshops. I even spotted some of them sporting pink tutus (my heart swelled with pride!). Their enthusiasm was infectious, and we had the most joyful session together. It’s such a delight to see how passionate these dancers are, and I can’t help but think of how the tutus I have worn on my travels are such amazing conversation starters to get people to think differently. They always make such a splash.

Of course, no trip to Coventry would be complete without experiencing the iconic "Lady Godiva" story, and oh, what a story it is! We all know the legend: a beautiful lady, riding naked through the city to save its people from unfair taxes. Coventry's "Godiva" statue stands as a tribute to this courageous and powerful woman. It made me think a lot about the importance of standing up for what you believe in, it really made me want to live a bold and daring life - which is exactly what I aim to do.

To continue on the bold and daring theme I headed to the Warwick Castle a grand fortress towering over the countryside. It was like walking back into time, all the battles, the Kings, the Queens - the castle was absolutely brimming with fascinating history. As I gazed up at the castle walls and its majestic turrets and walked the grounds of this magnificent historical estate, I couldn’t help but feel a little flutter in my chest - the feeling of adventure and intrigue, a feeling I absolutely love about life.

I love seeing history through a more feminine lens, exploring the stories of the women who lived within these grand walls. Their lives, stories, courage, I believe these things are worth telling. And that’s exactly what I hope my travels do, share a new perspective and bring beauty to a beautiful world, one twirling tutu at a time.

And of course, no visit to a historical city like Coventry would be complete without indulging in some delicious food! I found the most amazing little bakery tucked away in a charming alleyway. It was simply delightful! The cakes, cookies, pies - they were just so amazing. They made me think of all those days in my ballet school cafeteria – where there was always delicious baking in abundance!

The real treat, however, was getting the chance to wander through the city's Victorian market. This historic treasure was filled with charming boutiques, tempting stalls selling artisanal crafts, vintage treasures, and even the most delightful, fragrant fresh flowers - oh, my!

My trip to Coventry ended with a magical experience that truly resonated with my love for theatre and art: The Belgrade Theatre is home to diverse theatre productions, live music performances, and community art projects. The performances I saw were truly extraordinary and beautifully performed, reminding me once again of the magic and wonder that theatre has to offer! I left Coventry with my soul renewed, inspired by its history, charm, and artistic spirit.

To be completely honest, this trip left me a little bit mesmerised! I have never quite seen a city as beautiful, with as much character and such interesting history. The whole place is just beautiful and vibrant. It really does leave you wanting to stay longer than planned.

Coventry – a city full of wonder, a place that makes me truly appreciate life, art, and the extraordinary people who make our world so magical. It's a place where history meets art and the soul finds a moment of quiet beauty.

Oh, and did I mention the swan ballet I saw while taking a stroll along the River Avon? Absolutely magnificent! It felt like they were putting on a performance just for me! I couldn’t help but do a twirl in my white tutu, and, well, perhaps, a small squeal of delight! Oh, to see such exquisite birds, in their own pink and white beauty, on this picturesque river, just brought such happiness! Perhaps these graceful, wild swans had heard I was a dancer? I can always hope!

Until next time my dear friends, remember, life's too short to walk without a little sparkle and a whole lot of pink! And don’t forget – you’re always welcome to share your travel stories with me, tell me what beautiful places you’ve discovered. Maybe we’ll have some pink-tutu fun together!

And remember – we’re a big pink tutu family!

Stay fabulous!

Lots of love,


P.S. If you're inspired to take a twirl yourself, don't forget to check out www.pink-tutu.com for tips on where to find the perfect pink tutu and some fabulous ballerina-themed inspiration!

Love, Pink and Tutus!

#TutuBlog 2019-02-20 in Coventry with a white tutu.