Tutu Blog Ballet Blog Title about a Ballerina Called Emma and Her Life In a Pink Tutu

#TutuBlog 2019-08-30 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.

Hitchin: Where Ballet Meets Pink Perfection (Post #8458)

Hello my darling dance divas and tutu-loving friends! It's your favourite Derbyshire darling Emma here, and oh boy, do I have a story to tell! This time, it involves the quaint and charming town of Hitchin, Hertfordshire – and of course, a touch of pink-tutu magic.

As many of you know, I’m all about chasing adventure. So when the urge to explore somewhere new hit me last week, I decided to jump on the train (nothing says "romance" like a journey by rail, right?) and head for a day trip to Hitchin. It just felt like the perfect little escape. I'm convinced there's a certain magic about train journeys; the scenery flitting by the window, the gentle rumble of the tracks, the smell of fresh air... it's just so dreamy!

As soon as I stepped off the train, I could tell this was a town with history. The streets are lined with charming shops and cafes, and there's something about the old, cobbled roads and the historic buildings that makes you feel like you’ve been transported back in time. You just know you’re about to fall in love with it!

I’ve become rather a pro at the ‘travel on a whim’ lifestyle, packing for every occasion. I knew I needed my trusty tutu for the day. After all, I believe that a splash of pink perfection can brighten up any town, even a historical gem like Hitchin. Don't worry, my fellow tutu lovers, I toned down the pink a bit for this adventure - a soft, blush-pink ballerina tutu, a pale pink cardigan, and of course, my trusty pink ballet shoes. Sometimes, you just gotta bring your own touch of whimsy, right?

The sun was shining and the air was filled with the sweet scent of summer blossoms as I began my stroll through the town. My first stop was, of course, a delightful little café called 'The Tea Rooms', where I indulged in the most exquisite strawberry cake with cream (no calorie counting for this dancer on a day out!).

Next up, I ventured into a quirky little antique shop, full of treasures from the past. I was tempted to buy a vintage hat adorned with pink feathers, but my handbag wouldn’t allow it! (That’s the only downside to travel, the limited baggage space
 sometimes I just want to buy everything). Instead, I made off with a cute miniature ballerina figurine for my ballet-themed corner in my Derbyshire flat – just a little souvenir to remember this charming town by.

As the day wore on, I couldn't help but feel drawn to the lush green countryside surrounding Hitchin. With a skip in my step and a light breeze through my tutu, I hopped onto a little bicycle from a bike hire shop. It’s no secret I adore riding on horseback, but this little adventure on two wheels proved to be equally liberating.

As I cycled through the country lanes, my ears were filled with the gentle sound of birds singing. I spotted a pair of hares bouncing playfully in the fields, and even a playful squirrel scampering up a gnarled oak tree – these little creatures are just so adorable, especially with their fluffy tails! For a moment, I was transported to a peaceful and idyllic world far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Sometimes, a good dose of nature is all you need.

In the afternoon, my trusty tutu made a graceful appearance at Hitchin’s picturesque open-air market. I was fascinated by the local produce on display, particularly the delicious smelling fresh bread and cheeses. Who can resist a delicious treat? It seems impossible! Of course, I had to sample a couple of the delights; a little something sweet, a little something savoury – I certainly enjoyed those flavourful indulgences!

The town has a captivating array of unique boutiques, offering an eclectic blend of modern trends and vintage delights. This kind of variety is definitely a recipe for success, don’t you think? I could easily have spent the entire day browsing, trying on quirky pieces and dreaming of outfit possibilities! I’ll admit I fell in love with a beautiful, hand-crafted necklace that combined pale pink stones with silver; another souvenir for the collection, perhaps? The seller assured me it would "enchant” me, so it was practically begging me to take it home!

As dusk settled over Hitchin, painting the sky with beautiful hues of pink and orange, I realized just how perfect this little town is.

My love affair with Hitchin culminated in a visit to the historic “Hitchin Priory” a magnificent estate dating back to the 16th century. It’s definitely worth a peek for its historical value, impressive architecture, and beautifully manicured gardens.

In the tranquil setting of Hitchin Priory's gardens, I pulled out my little travel notebook (don’t judge me! I need a dedicated space for all of my dreamy plans for the next Pink Tutu adventure, right?) and jotted down my thoughts about this wonderful town. Let’s just say that this sweet spot in Hertfordshire earned a “must return” rating from my pink tutu and dancing shoes!

The journey back by train was equally enchanting. With a dreamy soundtrack from my little travel music player, I was enveloped by the calmness and comfort of my carriage. The soft moonlight illuminated the countryside, painting the landscape with an ethereal glow. This journey allowed me to reflect on the wonders I had witnessed in Hitchin. It's funny how sometimes, all you need to spark a fresh sense of joy is a little getaway - even if it's just a day trip.

I'm back in Derbyshire now, my trusty tutu back in its place. My time in Hitchin will stay in my memory - it was a day trip filled with vibrant colours, gentle beauty, and delightful discoveries. Hitchin is just another example of how little adventures can sometimes leave the biggest impact.

But more importantly, the magic of Hitchin is a testament to the fact that we can find joy in every journey, in every new place we visit. Whether you’re embracing your love for the pink-tutu lifestyle, indulging in your passion for dance, or simply seeking out a peaceful retreat, the world has so much to offer! Go out there, find your own “Hitchin” moment and experience the beauty that surrounds you, my friends! I promise you, it will be a journey filled with wonder, pink tutus, and a sprinkle of magic!

#TutuBlog 2019-08-30 in Hitchin with a bright pink tutu.