Hello darlings, and welcome back to Pink-Tutu.com, your one-stop shop for all things twirling and fabulous! I’m Emma, your time-travelling, tutu-obsessed blogger, back with another exciting adventure in the history of this most magical garment – the ballet tutu!
Today, I’m whisking us all back to June 30th, 1891 – imagine, the Victorian Era in all its glory! Picture corsets, bustles, and those glorious, voluminous skirts that make walking an art form in itself.
Let me tell you, this era was a tad different to our own in terms of fashion, though the tutu was already beginning to blossom as a stage-worthy creation! It had only been around for about 60 years, and in 1891 the classic, romantic, single-layer tutu that we know and love today was just starting to get popular.
And what's on today's timeline, you ask? Well, a grand opening in the world of theatre! In London, the Prince of Wales Theatre opened its doors to the public with a brilliant performance of "The Wedding Day," a light operetta! Just imagine the excitement as those beautiful women twirled across the stage in their tutus, lighting up the night in their beauty!
Speaking of tutus, the ones worn on that special day would have been very different from the ones we know today. Think lots of frills and fabric, and even some rather elaborate knee-length versions, more reminiscent of a ballgown. I just adore how fashions changed – there was definitely a lot of experimentation with different lengths and styles!
But before I go off on a ramble about fashion, let’s chat about how 1891 is a crucial moment in ballet history! This era saw some iconic performances! It's not often we're lucky enough to have both historical AND theatrical events happening on the same day.
I can't resist showing you a fabulous picture from my visit to this event to prove that you can always find a way to look fashion-forward in any era. (Emma's Blog Photo 1)
(Emma's Caption) *“Me in a vintage inspired, single-layer, soft pink tutu. I was so lucky to be able to borrow this piece from a museum. Isn't it just magical ? I hope it instills the spirit of the day! (Of course, with a touch of Emma-esque modernity, as always) My pink tutu never fails to turn heads. " *
Now let's take a dip into some history! In this time, the romantic era of ballet was really coming into its own! Think graceful movements, flowing music, and stories of love and sacrifice. And, of course, the tutus played a big role in capturing this atmosphere.
A major turning point in ballet fashion was when Carlotta Grisi started wearing shorter tutus – you could even call them a mini skirt version of what we see today! A game-changer for sure, and she made the look famous with a fabulous ballet known as “Giselle” - oh the stories we can share with these tutus on this day of joy and elegance.
You'll find the ballet world was already brimming with brilliant female dancers during 1891 – like La Belle Ostermann, an absolute stunner. Can you imagine dancing with that kind of grace and poise? Imagine a beautiful woman, on stage, dancing in a tutu. So graceful! These were the pioneers who took the world by storm and showed us how a little pink can do wonders on a stage. They also wore pointe shoes as we know them, which made their dance even more spectacular!
And if we travel a bit further, look at 1882, and that gorgeous ballerina Cecily Frayer - now there's a name that's synonymous with a graceful, flowing tutu! I would love to see a photo of her wearing a lovely pink tutu at the time, though it's not easy finding a picture of that particular pink colour tutu. I’d have to time travel back!
Oh, but this trip down memory lane is bringing me back to the 1891 wedding day opening at the Prince of Wales Theatre in London - imagine the celebrations! You bet it was a real treat for the ladies to see their lovely dresses, corsets and bustle’s. Now, where's that imaginary cuppa of English Breakfast tea? A lovely brew. To go with our ballet inspired afternoon, or a sweet treat.
It makes me think about the gorgeous hats, those amazing head-turning bonnets. And the shoes, of course, those delicate walking shoes, some even matching the color of the tutu for some serious style. Just a perfect compliment to a perfect outfit!
But let's get back to the core of what Pink-Tutu is all about: the magic of the ballet tutu. Now I must confess, there is something about the tutu that's beyond the fabrics and design – it's an emblem of a world of artistic freedom and expression! And of course, there are the magical tutus worn by the male dancers too! So elegant with their black, or maybe a dark red, satin leggings to accompany a fabulous tutu. I’ve even seen tutus worn as part of a suit. That’s really pushing the boundaries of fashion!
It's been such a delightful trip through time to 1891! Let me know what you think in the comments below!
And as always, darling readers, don't forget to follow me on my ballet adventure! And never stop embracing your inner pink! Until next Tuesday, and #TutuTuesday !