Hello my lovelies! It’s Emma here, your resident pink-tutu-loving time traveller, ready to whisk you back in time for another dose of tutu history! This week, we’re stepping into the wonderful world of dance in 1933, a year buzzing with exciting ballets and breathtaking designs!
Now, my dear readers, let’s be honest: 1933 was a little before tutus were quite the statement they are today. The dance world was just beginning to embrace the look of the tutu in the way we know it. It was an era of experimentation, a time of graceful steps and elegant, sweeping fabrics. And guess what, my darlings? The excitement was building!
Imagine stepping off the train at Charing Cross in your latest Paris fashion and hurrying towards Covent Garden! Just think of the fabulous frocks on display! Those wide, flowing sleeves, those elegant, tea-length dresses and, oh! Those shoes! Everything was simply chic. And just as the world was ready for the next big thing in fashion, a wave of femininity was hitting the ballet scene!
Where TutUs Shine:
So, where was the spotlight on tutus in 1933? We’re looking towards Paris, my loves! Yes, that elegant, fashion-forward capital of the world, with its glorious grand ballet at the Opera Garnier. I just know you wouldn’t catch me anywhere else! Sigh. To dream of dancing under the stunning chandeliers and glittering chandeliers in those elegant, pastel, layered skirts with those soft, shimmering fabrics … simply divine!
Oh! Remember The Three Musketeers, choreographed by Bronislava Nijinska? The story was fabulous, and imagine the amazing costumes! Such romantic designs. They'd certainly look lovely against the backdrop of the Paris Opera, don't you think? Those feather-light fabrics! Imagine it!
The world was embracing newness. The designs were getting shorter, simpler, lighter. Remember that iconic image of a dancer in a flowing tutu, taking that leap, perfectly outlined against a backdrop of the shimmering stage lights! And all that elegant femininity – ahh!
Finding Your Inner Ballerina
But you know what, lovelies, it’s not about just the stage, no no no! We need to remember, it's about the love of dance. It's about you feeling fabulous in a tutu! So grab your best pink one – that frilly number you just adore – and take to the street for a practice session, or dance to your favorite song. Embrace your inner ballerina!
And my dear readers, remember, as Audrey Hepburn so beautifully said: “Everything beautiful starts with a sparkle.” And guess what? That sparkle starts with you, and starts right here, right now! So get ready to let loose with me – the future is in pink, darling, and that’s a promise!
Don’t forget to visit my blog next week for another #TutuTuesday, and remember to let me know about your tutu stories in the comments below! Until next time, keep it glamorous, keep it pink and above all…
Dance with your hearts, my darlings!
Love and sparkle,