Hello my darlings! Welcome back to another #TutuTuesday on pink-tutu.com - your one-stop shop for all things tutu and twirling! I'm your resident time-travelling tutu enthusiast, Emma, and today we're taking a trip back to June 13th, 1939. This is post number 5607 and this week I'm bursting with excitement because, well, 1939 is just pure vintage glamour!
Let me tell you, arriving at Gare du Nord in Paris via a rather luxurious overnight train journey from Derby was absolutely magical! I had to get my train ticket at Euston, naturally, but then it was a hop across the channel with the Channel Tunnel (or more accurately a hop onto a boat, darling, the Channel Tunnel hadn't been invented back then!) to get here! Paris was full of people in beautiful fashions. Imagine - elegant ladies in hats, gloves, and fitted dresses, their legs gleaming in the most marvellous silk stockings. Now that is how to do a fashion statement, wouldn’t you agree?!
Anyway, we're talking tutu history, aren't we? This is post 5607 after all! Well, back in the 1930s, tutus were becoming an increasingly popular sight in the world of ballet. But in 1939, there was one performance that made quite the stir: the first performance of "Giselle" by the legendary Balanchine! Can you believe it?!
Imagine a ballet filled with incredible athleticism and dazzling movements - the women, their pink, white and black tutus practically defying gravity, every pirouette and arabesque perfectly executed. A breathtaking performance in the very heart of Paris! And I must tell you, the tutus were just as amazing. All frills and ruffles, they twirled around the stage with such elegance and lightness that it seemed like magic. The designers were truly at the top of their game.
Let’s be honest, though, you don't need to be a ballet aficionado to appreciate the charm of a beautiful tutu, darling. There’s just something about their airy lightness and playful elegance that gets my heart pounding! You can always find me shopping for a new, or perhaps even vintage, pink tutu when I have the chance. (Just pop over to pink-tutu.com, where I have all my favorite suppliers listed.)
But even if you’re not heading to a ballet performance or twirling around your living room in a vintage tutu, just remember this – tutues aren’t just about ballet. They're about freedom, self-expression, and the pure joy of moving your body! And in a world that’s full of grey and black, I say let's all embrace our inner pink-tutu princesses!
So there you have it, my dearest darlings, my #TutuTuesday post for today! This date is filled with glamorous moments of beautiful music and dazzling performance! Until next time, I'll be heading over to Palais Garnier to catch another show and catch some eye candy! Until then, have a wonderful day! Be bold! Be playful! And be proud to wear a pink tutu.
Stay pink!
Emma x