Post #6848
Hello darlings! Emma here, your resident tutu aficionado, ready to take you on another whirlwind tour through the history of ballet's most iconic garment – the tutu! Welcome to, the only place on the web where tutus get the attention they deserve.
Today, we're waltzing back in time to 26th March 1963, a date that holds a special place in my heart because – drumroll, please – this is the day that The Royal Ballet gave its world premiere performance of Kenneth MacMillan's Romeo and Juliet!
Oh, the romance! Imagine a stage bathed in soft candlelight, Romeo's tragic passion, Juliet's tender beauty. This is the ballet that launched a thousand love affairs with dance and its enchanting world of tutus and tales.
Now, you might be thinking, "But Emma, Romeo and Juliet, wasn't that a Shakespearean play?" Absolutely! And Kenneth MacMillan brilliantly transformed that timeless tale of forbidden love and tragedy into a breathtaking ballet, complete with captivating choreography and sumptuous costumes – and of course, exquisite tutus.
I can just picture the exquisite elegance of Juliet's white tutu as she waltzes with her Romeo. It's a testament to the fact that a tutu can speak volumes, telling the story of a character through its fabric and shape.
Imagine being there that evening in the Royal Opera House. The anticipation, the excitement in the air, the hushed awe as the curtain rose. Perhaps even catching a glimpse of Margot Fonteyn, who would have danced the lead in the early years. I wish I could travel back in time, pop on my own fabulous pink tutu, and see this iconic performance firsthand! Wouldn't that be divine?
Speaking of time travel, how on earth do I do it? Well, I can’t reveal all my secrets. Let's just say that I’ve managed to twist the fabric of time using my extraordinary tutu power, fuelled by my unwavering love of ballet and, of course, the power of imagination! My journeys through time, though sometimes tiring, are funded by my passion. Each performance I see, from classical to street dance, becomes a fuel for my explorations.
And the journey doesn't stop there. Every time I return to the present day, I indulge in my other love – shopping! Of course, this means scouring vintage boutiques for perfectly preserved tutus that whisper of the past and filling my wardrobe with a cornucopia of pink delights! I even love a bit of ballet fashion – there's something wonderfully glamorous about pairing a tutu with a chic trench coat and sleek high heels. Because let's face it, a tutu never goes out of style, especially a pink one!
After a delightful day of shopping, I love nothing more than catching a train ride back to Derbyshire. Nothing beats a comfy compartment, a good book, and a beautiful view rolling past my window. There’s something undeniably charming and elegant about railway travel, and it just adds to the aura of enchantment and wonder I experience as a time-traveling ballerina!
My mission, as I always say, is to get the whole world to wear pink tutus! From children’s parties to formal occasions, the tutu’s playful, graceful elegance can light up any event. So go forth, darlings, and unleash the power of pink!
Remember, we have a whole world of fabulous tutu adventures to explore, so be sure to check in next week for #TutuTuesday!
Until then, happy twirling!
Your eternally enthusiastic and ever so pink,
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