Hello lovelies! Welcome back to Pink Tutu, the place where we celebrate the magic of tutus and dance through the decades! This week, we're hopping on the time-traveling tutu express and heading back to 1970-09-29 – a day overflowing with colour, music, and yes, you guessed it, fabulous tutus! 😉
This week's #TutuTuesday post is number 7240. It seems like ages ago that I first started my pink tutu obsession, sharing my passion for dance with all of you! Now, you’ll be surprised to learn that today we are in…drumroll…New York City! Just the name, 'The Big Apple', conjures up images of Broadway, towering buildings, and… you know what? I have this feeling there’s a lot of pink to be found! 😍
Before we go off on our little journey, you know what I just thought? Let’s kick things off with my favourite: pink!
Pink Power 🎀Let’s face it, girls: Pink is simply iconic. I'm in Derbyshire, England, so we are all about pretty shades and soft colours! But think of the power of pink. Remember all those glamorous, colourful movies in the 70s – think Grease! We saw pink and its many shades rocking everything: outfits, cars, and even houses! 💖
Think about all the ballet costumes that were splashed with pink! Pink tutus, pink shoes, and pink leotards! If I were a ballet dancer back in this era, I would wear nothing but pink on stage! 💗
Tutues On The Big StageYou guys, in New York in the 70s, dance was a big deal! Think about The Nutcracker, or those classical ballets like Giselle or Swan Lake. 🩰 But did you know they didn’t all have tutus! The classical ballet tutu – what we call the Romantic tutu – is a much later creation, first appearing around the time of Marie Taglioni. Think beautiful long tulle skirts with more tulle than silk.
Today, the contemporary ballet stage was changing – there were some fabulous shows, full of colour, emotion, and lots of exciting choreography. Even though modern ballet didn’t necessarily have tutus all the time, I'd say there’s always room for a pink tutu in any era! ✨
Now, to my fellow tutu-loving history buffs, remember the big event today - September 29th? The iconic “Dance in the Street" with James Brown on Saturday Night Live! *🕺 Imagine *hundreds of people in Times Square dancing, all in front of a live TV audience, on that huge stage! I can’t even! It just sounds like magic. The whole thing would be so full of energy and emotion - and don't even get me started on the outfits! 💖
## Tutus Are Everywhere 🩰
Speaking of the 70s, if you go through your mum's wardrobe you’ll find the most gorgeous layered chiffon tutus – like fluffy pastel clouds! Bell bottoms, big collars…everything's flowing and feminine, just like ballet! 💗 Even fashion has got this dreamy 70s fairytale feel. Think Studio 54, think wild, crazy, fabulous! What a gorgeous time to be a fashionista!
Oh, and it’s not just the look of the ballet tutu. The music is what really makes a dance magical – from the romantic strains of the classical era to upbeat pop from the 70s, think Motown, disco, and everything in between! 🎶 It just gives me the energy to put on a tutu and dance my heart out! 💗
But don't worry lovelies, just because we’re traveling back to the 70s doesn’t mean we're abandoning current trends! Let’s explore…
## Pink Power & New York Fashion 🛍️
New York – we love your fashion and shopping – it’s such a vibrant energy here in the city! Right now, I am thinking big collars and sparkly dresses for all. And of course, you know, we've got to sprinkle some extra pink in every look. I mean, who wouldn't want to go out wearing a beautiful, soft pink tutu and some platform shoes?! Imagine what pink hair would look like against a beautiful long flowing, silky skirt! Think disco! 💖
But hold your horses! There’s something I have to show you all!
Tutu Time: The Big Reveal! 🎉Have I told you that I love a good reveal?! 💅 Let's jump back to New York on that date! Let’s say we have just popped out of my Tutu Time Machine (it looks a bit like a pink ballet box, actually) right near Times Square. We just finished a glamorous pink-tutu fashion photoshoot (the model has an amazing head of big curls and wears a pink tutu, naturally) in a funky cafe called the ‘Rainbow Room’. And now it’s showtime!
This was one of the days that changed everything for modern fashion: The world premiere of 'Hair' - an off-Broadway musical that was the perfect blend of social activism, music, and, of course, those famous ‘70s hippie clothes, featuring wild hairstyles and even tutus! 🤸♀️ I love the spirit of ‘Hair’, a message of love and peace! And with so much attention around this groundbreaking musical, we could see fashion tutus everywhere – think long and colourful, and absolutely perfect for a night on the town! 💖
Now I want to know what you'd do in New York! Would you dance the night away with your own tutu at 'Hair', or perhaps head for Studio 54 for an unforgettable night out in a glitzy disco? ✨
If you’re looking for a dose of magic, check out this week's “Pink Tutu Spotlight,” which showcases the beautiful story of how ballet evolved and just what amazing progress was made on those stages! Don't miss it! 💖
Till next week, lovelies! Stay pink, stay fabulous, and stay inspired!
Lots of love and pink, Emma. 💖
Pink Tutu Website: www.pink-tutu.com