Hiya lovelies! 🩰💖
Welcome back to your favourite #TutuTuesday ballet blog - where every week, we dive into the glamorous world of tutus! Today, we’re taking a trip down memory lane, travelling all the way back to 1987 - can you believe it?!
Oh, how I love time travel. Sometimes I think, what’s the point of all this fashion and fabulousness if you can't experience it throughout history?! Just think of the costumes! The dance trends! The utter excitement of seeing how things have changed!
So, as I board my trusty steam train (a much classier mode of transport than those awful modern tube things!), let me tell you all about this magical day. Today, it’s November 3rd, 1987. We're in London - the very heart of the ballet world. The Royal Opera House is positively buzzing! They are about to have a gala performance of Swan Lake and I can't wait to get my little eyes on it! You can just imagine the opulence! Those magnificent tutus, oh how they flutter! It’s just… divine!
But, first things first, we need to indulge in a little bit of tutu history, don’t we?
A Trip Down Memory Lane (with a Twirl!)
Believe it or not, the tutus you see all the graceful ballerinas twirling in today haven't always been around!
The tutu was actually born as a rather plain-looking undergarment, more practical than fashionable! It was in the 1800s, when ballet dancers needed something lightweight and flowy to show off their moves. The classic Romantic tutu, which became wildly popular around this time, is what we know today as the ‘Bell Tutu’ with its fluffy tulle tiers and all its grace! The shorter, almost ‘waist length’ tutus came in with the Classic ballet in the mid-1800s, and this is the sort of tutu that’s a staple on stage today!
There have been some changes over the years, of course. Gone are the days of the ‘fluffy, more is more’ tutus and here to stay is the ‘cut and dry, elegant silhouette’ tutus, which is the more refined and classical version, but we are talking about a history stretching for centuries! The tutu has changed as the world has changed - it’s just magical!
Back in 1987, tutus are the highlight of any show. You know how much I adore a well-designed, sparkly, romantic tutu! So I'll tell you all about it tomorrow after I've seen the show! Just picture those feathers, that gorgeous tulle, the absolutely perfect ballet shoes... It's just divine. I am positively buzzing with anticipation!
My Personal Picks for a Glamorous Tutu Evening
For my 1987 soirée, I would, of course, opt for something utterly fabulous! Now, I'm a girly girl, so pink is my favourite, always and forever, but there's always something about a soft blush that really catches my eye! For today's outfit, I've got my heart set on a beautiful blush-coloured tutu with a stunning diamond design in the tulle - very sophisticated!
On my head? My signature bright pink hat of course, for I can never leave home without one of those. I've always been a strong supporter of adding a dash of something special.
As for footwear, there's only one way to go! A pair of delicate ivory ballet shoes, perfectly matching my stunning blush tutu, would complete my elegant look. Now, let's see, should I bring my pink lace gloves or go for something bold, a pair of emerald green ones, a bit more daring! This really is a toughie!
But there’s no denying this – even with the glamour and sophistication of today’s tutus, there is a sense of elegance about tutus that remains timeless! And even after centuries, the classic, romantic silhouette continues to take our breaths away. It’s truly inspiring. I mean, what else has been around for all that time, and still looks this stunning! It’s just fantastic!
Oh, the tutus we’ve seen! From the days of big puffy skirts to the refined silhouettes of today, tutus will always remain a symbol of ballet. And I can't wait to see what the future holds for them.
And what do you think? What kind of tutus would you wear? Remember to share your tutu-licious stories on my Facebook page, and let's keep this wonderful ballet history alive!
See you next week, loves! And always remember, never underestimate the power of a good tutu! 💖🩰
Lots of love,
Emma x