Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-05 stars in Hampstead

Hampstead, Darlings! 💖

Oh my gosh, darlings, it’s been such a whirl of pink and sequins since I last wrote! This fabulous journey of mine is like a never-ending box of sparkly chocolates, and this post marks a whole 402 entries! My, how the time flies! Can you believe it, darlings? 😉

Today, I’m bringing you the glorious delights of Hampstead, a quaint little corner of London, right up there with Richmond and Notting Hill, for all its charm and glamour.

Let’s Talk About Hampstead, Shall We?

Hampstead is the perfect blend of old-world charm and chic sophistication. It's a haven for nature lovers, art enthusiasts, and fashionistas alike, just like moi! 😉 The air smells like fresh tea and posh pastries, and the cobblestone streets are just made for strolling. You'll see stunning Victorian buildings, tucked-away cafes where the tea is practically poetry in a cup, and, of course, Hampstead Heath, a vast expanse of green that takes you away from all the hustle and bustle of the big smoke.

It really feels like a whole different world when you step off the train. The air just seems to crackle with a touch of something special, almost as if the whole place was sprinkled with magic dust! 😉

Pink Tutu Travels by Horse?!

Now, my dears, to get to Hampstead, I took a rather unconventional journey! (Yes, my journey always has a touch of the theatrical, you know how I love to mix things up!). You won't find a glamorous double-decker bus or a swanky taxi on this route. This was a trip for the ages, a ride worthy of a fair tale – by horse and carriage! It's something I had been dreaming about since my trip to Paris, when I took a carriage ride around the Arc de Triomphe. Oh, darling, it's an experience everyone must have!

Of course, I decked out my carriage ride with the most magnificent pink tutu – one of my custom-made, dazzlingly bedazzled pieces, naturally. The horses seemed to appreciate my sparkly presence. You see, they've a very good taste in fashion – a fellow lover of the finer things, you could say. 😉 And the breeze in my pink hair, the clopping of hooves, the air crisp with a hint of lavender, well, darlings, it was sheer perfection!

Performances on the Streets of Hampstead

Now, my beloved blogosphere, where do I start?! This trip to Hampstead was bursting at the seams with opportunities for a glamorous girl like me! My first performance was at a delightful little market filled with hand-made treasures and oh-so-chic cafes. The crowd was full of enthusiastic folks, young and old, each of them ready for a dose of pink tutu magic. My song, "Pink Tutu Dreams" went down a storm, followed by my ever-popular routine, "Tutu Ballet Blitz." I finished the evening with "Tutu Transformation", an interactive dance number with the audience. It's so delightful to see children and adults joining in with the routines! Everyone has a little bit of tutu spirit inside them!

Speaking of audiences, the Hampstead Heath crowd, all laid out under the summer sun, were absolutely delightful. Their applause nearly blew my sparkly wings off, and I swear, I could hear "TutuQueen!" shouted amidst the giggles and whoops. The little ones absolutely loved it – it warmed my heart to see their little eyes shining. My "Tutu Dance for Life" performance really brought a magical glow to the whole day.

Fashion in Hampstead

I always make sure to check out the local shops and boutiques when I visit a new place! Hampstead is a shopper’s paradise for all things stylish and unique. The fashion scene is pretty sophisticated, even a tad bohemian, with lots of vintage treasures hidden away.

My first stop? A darling little boutique, “Tutus & Tales.” Now, imagine, my darlings, a store dedicated entirely to all things tutu – with racks of pastel-coloured tulle, an assortment of fluffy feathers, and an array of glittery accessories! A girl could practically get lost in there! Naturally, I couldn’t leave without treating myself to a new shimmering pink tulle skirt – perfect for my next dance performance, wouldn’t you agree? 😉

A Ballet Show

I couldn't resist a trip to the Hampstead Theatre – my darlings, this was the real deal! We're talking Shakespeare, T.S. Elliot, modern classics, the whole works, all brought to life with incredible energy and talent. I even found a small production of "Swan Lake." It reminded me of my time at the university, where my passion for ballet took its first graceful steps (pun intended, my darlings!).

After a particularly rousing scene of a waltz, I swear I spotted a little girl in the audience, looking so absolutely enchanted. The little darling was twirling in her chair, mimicking the steps – a pure pink tutu moment, don't you think? That was the moment I realised: my aim is to spread the tutu spirit around the world! Everyone deserves to be surrounded by the joy, freedom, and sparkles of a tutu!

Food & Drink, My Dears!

I’m all about indulgence when I’m on the road. I have to be strong enough to power those dazzling dance routines, don’t you see! I indulged in the most delectable pastries, so delicate and dainty, it would melt a ballerina’s heart! They came in all kinds of pink and rainbow colours – the perfect addition to any ballerina’s diet! 😉

And the coffee, oh my! Such a delicious blend! The aroma filled the cafes like a comforting hug on a crisp autumn morning. You just couldn’t resist! It practically called out my name, “Pink Tutu Sparkles! We have delicious treats to share!”

The Majesty of Hampstead Heath

But let’s not forget the crown jewel of Hampstead! My dears, the Hampstead Heath is more than just a park; it’s a sanctuary, an escape into nature’s embrace, a symphony of fresh air and open skies. The scent of blooming wild roses, the whispering of the wind in the ancient trees, the dappled sunlight through the leaves – it was simply enchanting!

I strolled along the winding paths, lost in my own little pink tutu wonderland, breathing in the fresh air and letting the sunshine bathe me in its warm glow. Every step was a delight.

As the sun dipped behind the hills, the Heath transformed into a canvas of breathtaking colour – reds, oranges, pinks – a painting of beauty in the sky! It truly took my breath away.

And of course, the Hampstead Heath pond had me captivated – a place where I just knew that the swan lake had been dreamed up! I even found a little ballet studio hidden away, tucked inside a charming old building. Imagine, all the possibilities!

A Magical Encounter

While taking a well-deserved breather on a bench, I was absolutely smitten by the most elegant grey squirrel – just like a dapper little gentleman in his pinstripe coat. He scurried along a branch, glancing at me with such confidence. Well, my darlings, I just knew I had to share this delightful little encounter with you! Isn't it all so terribly charming?

Pink Tutu Dreams

Every trip, every destination, every experience fills my pink tutu heart with wonder and magic, my darlings. But as much as I love the world, the truth is: there is nowhere quite like my very own pink tutu kingdom – a realm where creativity and fashion blend like a perfect cup of tea, and where every moment sparkles with joy, hope, and, well, just a touch of glitz and glamour!

That's it for now, my lovelies. Until next time, keep those tutu dreams alive and, remember, no matter what, never lose your pink sparkle!

Much Love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 💖

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-05 stars in Hampstead