Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-28 stars in Bridgwater

Bridgwater Calling: TutuQueen Hits the West Country! 🩰💖✨

Helloooo my fabulous TutuQueens! 💖 It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you the latest sparkle from the world of pink tulle and dancing dreams! 🎉 Today’s blog post is extra special - it's number 425! 🤯 Can you believe it? We’ve been swirling and twirling through the blogosphere for over a year now, spreading the pink tutu love far and wide. And you know what? We're only just getting started! 💖

This week, my TutuQueen heart is bursting with joy as I journeyed all the way to the lovely town of Bridgwater in Somerset. Now, I’m not talking about those boring ol’ buses and cars; no, darling! I was on the railway, of course! I love train journeys - they’re like a fabulous, moving fashion show, complete with gorgeous scenery and, sometimes, even a handsome stranger or two to liven things up! 👀✨

Bridgwater called to me like a siren's song - I heard there was a rather impressive ballet performance taking place at the Bridgwater Arts Centre, and I just knew I had to see it! It’s not just any ballet show though, dearies. No, this is ‘The Sleeping Beauty,’ but with a modern twist. Imagine, darling, beautiful ballerinas dancing gracefully while the lights change colour, showcasing stunning costumes… and all with a fab, futuristic sound track! ✨ It was simply magical. ✨

Now, I know what you’re thinking… "But Alex, you can't wear your famous pink tutu to a ballet show!" 😱 Oh, my dears, haven't I told you about the world of 'ballet street’? This magical form of art celebrates the freedom of movement and expression. I was even asked to dance in the final encore… imagine, darling, a troupe of pink-clad ballerinas gracing the stage! 🤩 The applause… the cheering… the utter delight of the audience - it was simply unforgettable!

But my adventures didn't stop there, darling! Bridgwater is just brimming with history and charm. The streets were so lively with cobbled lanes and historic buildings, and you wouldn't believe the array of shops! Now, every fashionista knows you need the perfect accessory to really set off a good pink tutu outfit… So of course, I had to visit all the cute little boutiques! 👗👠👛 And guess what, dearies? I found a tiny, twinkling shop just brimming with handmade sparkly hairbands and brooches… the perfect way to accentuate my fab pink tutu outfit!

Of course, no trip to a new place would be complete without a delectable meal. Now, I must admit, I’m a bit of a picky eater, I like everything pink. 🦩 Luckily, Bridgwater’s little independent cafes have such variety; imagine, Pink macaroons and salmon in a pink bread roll! Divine! 🧁🐟

Before you think my life is all tutus, dancing and fancy food… it’s not, dears! I also worked hard while I was in Bridgwater. After all, the TutuQueen has got to earn her pink tulle! 💖 I performed a dazzling show in the town square! There was such a lovely buzz; I danced the night away, spreading the pink tutu love far and wide, and all while dazzling my fans with the power of performance art! 🤩

Now, as I sit here typing this blog, I’m reflecting on my Bridgwater journey. What I learned this week, darling, is this: the world is a truly magical place full of pink tutus and sparkly moments. All you need to do is put on your own pink tutu, and spread the sparkle, one tutu-wearing adventure at a time. 💖

Until next time my dearest TutuQueens! 💖 Remember: Keep shining bright!✨

Your eternally sparkly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles

PS: You can catch my daily blog adventures at www.pink-tutu.com!

PPS: And if you’re looking for some serious sparkle for your next dance or fancy event, I offer drag artist performances, styling tips and even dance workshops! Just get in touch with me and let’s spread the pink tutu love! 💖

#TutuQueen on 2001-02-28 stars in Bridgwater