Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-03 stars in Wellington

Wellington Wanderings! - Post 765

Hello my lovely tutu-loving darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to share all the glittering details of my latest adventure! Today I'm writing to you from Wellington, a gorgeous little city in New Zealand. It’s the perfect mix of charming cobbled streets and bustling modern life.

Now, as you know, my dear friends, I’m always on the hunt for a good time. But what really makes a trip for me is discovering a fabulous venue for a grand performance! I can't keep my twirling feet out of a theatre, especially one that embraces the artistic, the whimsical, the magical. Oh, and maybe a little bit of pink, because let’s face it, pink just adds that extra oomph!

Wellington did not disappoint! Imagine my joy when I found the Wellington Opera House – a breathtaking beauty with soaring ceilings and intricate, intricate architecture! The grand theatre was like a portal to another time, dripping in golden embellishments and boasting the perfect setting for an opulent performance. It was an experience! And let me tell you, I danced the entire show! It’s not a surprise; a good performance just naturally invites twirls and spins, don't you think? I know a fellow tutu aficionado like yourselves just loves that!

Now, on to a little behind-the-scenes reveal! You might be wondering, “Pink Tutu, how on earth did you manage to get yourself to a foreign land? You're a real star, we get it, but do you just magically teleport in those sparkly shoes?!” And the answer is… well, no! Haha! My sweet darlings, even the biggest Tutu Queen needs a good dose of budgeting. So, let’s talk trains! You may know I’m quite the rail fan, and this time, it was the legendary Trans-Alpine that swept me away to my Kiwi paradise. Can you imagine, 223km of scenic grandeur! Snow-capped mountains! Crystal clear lakes! This is what travel is all about, darlings, soaking in the natural beauty of the world, one dazzling scene at a time.

But before my magical Wellington journey began, it was a long, cold journey from Derbyshire to catch the ferry at Dover! Of course, as you may imagine, the packing is no small task! How could I be without my tutu collection? All of those beautiful tutus were carefully rolled and ready for their trip – let's just say I needed more than one suitcase. It was a struggle getting those bags on the train with those platforms! They were nearly bigger than me! And I nearly ended up falling asleep in the buffet car while on the train to Dover! Let’s just say, the comfort of that train carriage is really cosy!

Now, as a science geek, (yes, you read that right! Behind the glamour and sequins is a budding scientist, hehe!), I knew I needed to pack an experimental outfit, for I simply must check out the fabrics in every destination! So, here I was, twirling my way through the streets of Wellington, and I found myself on Lambton Quay, just gawking at the amazing boutiques, the cute little independent shops with their creative clothes – just everything, darling! It was all so glamorous! You just have to see the little fabric shops – oh the wonderful prints they have. My imagination went wild. Just as I was planning my next fabric purchase, I found the most divine silk scarf! It's just stunning; it has little tiny delicate pastel colours on it! Just perfect for my upcoming shows – oh the possibilities! You’ve got to believe me! Wellington is a dream for fabric lovers like myself!

Then, of course, no trip is complete without exploring the culinary delights of a new place. I'm quite a foodie – I like the food to be interesting. After a visit to the theatre and a long day, you’re looking for somewhere with atmosphere. So, on my final night in Wellington, I ventured into this little café called, "The Curious Cat". My goodness! It's quite something, you’ve got to believe me. It was cozy, intimate – oh darling, a bit eccentric - full of people having lively conversations, laughter. It felt as though the time just stood still as I tucked into my favourite creamy mac and cheese – something familiar, as it just fills you with comfort and contentment after a long day of excitement, especially if you’re in a gorgeous little cafe full of twinkling fairy lights with its friendly cat owners greeting you when you arrive! Oh, I could go on and on about this café, darling. You just have to find your little café when you’re on holiday. Just do it.

As I said before, my mission is to encourage you all to embrace the tutu! And of course, that meant adding a little Pink Tutu Sparkle to this gorgeous city. So, I decided to throw a little party. You could imagine I couldn’t get away from wearing one of my favourite pink tutus for the occasion! But darling, I even went to town, and had an extra little special tutu for this one: imagine a lush fuchsia tutu with glitter – fabulous, darling. Oh, I nearly forgot about the dazzling crown with shimmering sequins and faux pearls that complemented the entire look – yes, simply amazing. I thought a tiny tutu extravaganza at the “Curious Cat” might be a little out of place!

I’ve had the most magical time in Wellington! My days here are just like a fairy tale. Now, you just need to head off to New Zealand on your next adventure, darling. You’ll have such a ball, trust me! Don't forget to twirl along the way – always embrace the joy of movement! Until my next adventure, remember, darling, every day is an opportunity to spread some tutu-tastic joy! Stay fabulous and always let your pink flag fly!

Pink Tutu Sparkles XOXO!

#TutuQueen on 2002-02-03 stars in Wellington