Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2002-08-19 stars in Llanelli

Llanelli Sparkle: Tutu Travels Take Me to Wales! (Post #962)

Oh, darlings, it's me, your favourite pink-loving, tutu-touting queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles! And guess what? This little sparkle has just had a simply divine time in Llanelli! It was just the perfect mix of pink, tutus, and a little Welsh charm to really set my sequins shimmerin'.

Before we delve into the fabulous details, let's just take a moment to admire the sheer majesty of this outfit! I mean, look at it! A blush-pink, three-tiered tulle tutu, with layers of sparkly pink fabric flowing around my legs, a pink, feather boa that could make a peacock envious, and a pink sequined corset that, well, let's just say, I wasn't afraid to make an entrance!

I reached Llanelli in style, of course. No, not by plane! That's so passé! Instead, I took a scenic train journey through the beautiful Welsh countryside, the carriages were filled with the sound of happy chatter and the gentle rhythm of the train, just the sort of tranquil energy I needed before unleashing the Pink Tutu Sparkles upon the unsuspecting Llanelli.

The venue itself was simply delightful. It was an old, theatre building, full of Victorian grandeur. With it's worn, plush, burgundy seats and high ceilings, it reminded me of a time when drama and excitement were at the heart of entertainment, before the advent of 'Strictly Come Dancing'. It was perfect for my brand of sassy, sassy ballet-inspired performance.

My act in Llanelli was pure, unadulterated fabulousness, of course! It began with a dramatic entrance, twirling through the doorway in my full pink glory, making the audience erupt into delighted cheers.

My setlist? Pure tutu-infused joy! A mix of classic ballet choreography that I had reworked with a dash of sparkling personality, along with a selection of modern numbers from Broadway shows, set to all my favourite showtunes, which the audience knew, sang and danced along to with gusto!

Now, Llanelli is famous for a lot of things: its stunning coast, its bustling town centre and, of course, its world-renowned rugby team, but one thing Llanelli was lacking was Pink Tutu Sparkles! That's where I come in, and I'm here to tell you, the Llanelli folk just love pink! My pink-loving, tutu-touting heart is brimming with joy.

Before the big night, I ventured out into the charming town, just me and my pink tulle and a delicious bag of pink jellybeans for a wander. I discovered a treasure trove of independent shops and cafes that were just bursting with character, it reminded me of my own Derbyshire with its local cobbled markets, a great feeling of warmth and community, but with added Welsh charm. I managed to find a quaint little boutique where I picked up a couple of pink sequinned dresses and a glorious, flamboyant, bright pink feather boa – never too many feather boas, don’t you think?

In Llanelli, I didn’t just spread joy through my performances, I wanted to experience the very fabric of the community. My heart's true passion, besides the divine spectacle that is my Pink Tutu Sparkle persona, is encouraging everyone to embrace their inner tutu! This beautiful idea is woven into the very essence of my existence and that is how my travels around Britain started.

Back when I was studying science at university, the idea that would change my life forever bloomed one blustery afternoon. It was during a student charity event, and I was tasked with helping organise a fancy-dress night. My dear friend, Sophie, persuaded me to try on her pink tutu. The next minute I was standing on the stage in my makeshift costume, surrounded by cheering student, with the lights flashing all around. At that moment, I had a dazzling epiphany! The world needs a bit of pink sparkle in it, a bit of tutu-fied joy to make it sparkle, a bit of... Pink Tutu Sparkles.

While the other student strutted around in their boring Spiderman, Iron Man and Darth Vader get ups, there I was, radiating pink joy, reminding them of the beauty of ballet and the magic of tutus. The sheer pleasure of twirling around the stage in a tulle tutu, making those student forget their worries for a moment and truly shine… that is the pure magic of my art, the simple but powerful joy I spread!

The world needed more sparkle.

This simple, dazzlingly pink, idea started my incredible journey, a whirlwind of glitz, sequins and feathers! As you know, I fund my travels through performing – it's all part of spreading the pink tutu message! And so I go from town to town, village to village, city to city, travelling by train and horse. In between performing, I explore every nook and cranny of each location, spreading joy and glitz, leaving trails of pink tulle in my wake and making everyone I meet believe in the power of a tutu.

My day job is quite a change of pace! I am, after all, a humble fabric scientist! By day, I’m surrounded by chemical equations, research papers, and white lab coats. I run intricate tests, analyze data, and create fabrics, and not in a whimsical way, you understand! My work focuses on finding ways to improve the performance and safety of textiles used in a variety of situations – that's my secret lab work – it doesn’t involve sequins or pink!

Yet it's that scientific curiosity that makes me appreciate a quality tutu – yes, I go through them at a rapid pace. Each fabric deserves meticulous analysis. The fabric needs to be soft, silky and light as a feather but it has to have that 'oomph', you know, to give a tutu its perfect sway and shape, and that delicate flounce to a tulle skirt! There's no point having a pink tutu if you don’t feel your best in it, right?

While my days are filled with beakers and test tubes, my nights are all about pink, feathers and sparkles. It's such an exciting, surreal life and it is simply a glorious reflection of me - Pink Tutu Sparkles! Every town I visit I strive to inspire as many people as possible to step out of their comfort zones and wear pink! I don't care if they want to be scientists, dancers, or just everyday individuals. I am on a mission to bring sparkle to every corner of the world, one tutu at a time!

But of course, no TutuQueen journey is complete without an experience to tell our readers all about, right? This week it’s Llanelli’s iconic market. It wasn’t quite like the open-air market I'm familiar with in Derbyshire, with it's traditional stallholders hawking fresh vegetables and tasty cheese and baked goods. This one is a sprawling indoor affair! Think, grand halls, lots of vibrant colour and endless choice.

There's stalls filled with colourful spices, piles of exotic fruit, fresh fish and mountains of local artisan cheeses, all just waiting to tantalise your tastebuds! I simply couldn't resist a little sampling session, it was all too tempting, so I made my way around, indulging in my favourite cheeses, freshly-baked bread, sweet-smelling fruits.

After lunch, I was treated to a mesmerising performance at the National Waterfront Museum in Llanelli – ballet on the waterfront – can you get more dramatic! Oh darling, these talented dancers were amazing, moving with such grace and control. Their tutus were exquisite – even they haven’t embraced my signature colour of pink – but their ballet moves certainly inspired me, sparking a whole new set of routines. I must say the graceful ballet of the sea, watching the white waves crashing upon the shore after my theatrical treat certainly got me dreaming up some new ways to make tutus more "water-worthy"! It was an inspiration for future performances – just wait until I share it with the world!

My adventure in Llanelli, darlings, was everything I hoped for, full of sparkling laughter, inspiring music and beautiful pink tutu moments! My pink heart is brimming with glee as I look back at my experience - a little bit of Welsh magic with Pink Tutu Sparkles on full display. I truly hope that one day we can all come together to create a pink-tutu revolution, with everyone embracing their inner pink tutu spark. And as I say goodnight, don't forget – a pink tutu makes you a better you!

Until next time,
Pink Tutu Sparkles

#TutuQueen on 2002-08-19 stars in Llanelli