Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-06-22 stars in Longton

Longton, a Pink Tutu Adventure!

Hello darlings! It’s your fabulous friend, Pink Tutu Sparkles, here with you today from the absolutely divine Longton! This is post number 1269, and as usual, I'm brimming with pink-hued joy and sparkly stories from my adventures in the world of twirling, glitter, and yes, you guessed it… Tutus!

Let's start with the journey. You see, darling, when it comes to travelling, I'm all about romance. No dull motorways for this Queen! This time, I opted for a grand ride aboard the vintage train, "The Flying Scotsman". I mean, how could I resist a name like that? Imagine my fabulous pink tulle and feathered headpiece flitting around the carriages, turning heads and spreading the joy of pink! I even found time to squeeze in a spontaneous impromptu ballet sequence on the platform before we departed - imagine the delight of those poor unsuspecting passengers!

Speaking of delight, let's move on to the enchanting town of Longton itself! Oh darling, this little gem was an absolute treasure trove of delights, a vintage shop bonanza, a sartorial paradise for the pink-tutu-loving soul! I found the most amazing handmade feather boas (naturally, hot pink!) in a quaint antique shop, and let's just say my credit card did a little jig. It was fate!

Speaking of fate, remember those adorable bunny slippers I've been eyeing online? They were sold out EVERYWHERE. But you see, my darling, destiny had other plans! A little local gift shop housed the absolute most adorable fluffy bunnies (naturally pink, my lovelies) nestled among delicate antique china! They were literally calling me from the shelves, whispering tales of marshmallow clouds and sugar plum dreams... So of course, I bought the whole collection! Because pink bunny slippers? Obsessed.

Now, about my show! Longton welcomed me with open arms, a buzzing hive of applause and joyful squeals! I literally burst onto the stage, a cloud of tulle and glitter, a symphony of sequins and rhinestones. We danced, we twirled, we shimmied and we glittered! My showstopper piece, "The Ballet of Pink", featuring a majestic hot pink tulle ballerina tutu, brought the whole place to a standing ovation.

And the absolute highlight of my evening? Oh, darling, the sheer joy in the eyes of all those sweet little children who saw a giant pink, twirling wonder landing right on their town. The wonder of their innocence, the unbridled excitement in their eyes... that's what I live for!

It wouldn't be a Pink Tutu Sparkles blog post without a little ballet. As a proper ballerina (well, a tutu-wearing one, at least), I had to treat myself to some Longton ballet lessons, of course! Imagine the sheer glee of pirouetting on that vintage wooden floor with its grand arched windows casting long shadows across the studio.

You know what I find really amusing? All these years I've been living my best pink tutu life, sharing the joy of ballet and colour with the world. Yet, my family back in Derbyshire still have absolutely no idea what I do! It's a secret I guard dearly. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my family, and their faces when they do realise their boring, practical, science-loving daughter is actually a glittering pink tutu spectacle on stage…. Priceless.

Until next time, my loves, keep those tutus flowing and remember… a pink tutu a day keeps the blues away!

Much love, and much glitter!

Pink Tutu Sparkles

*P.S. Visit my website www.pink-tutu.com for a daily dose of pink tutu awesomeness! *

#TutuQueen on 2003-06-22 stars in Longton