Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-14 stars in London

London Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Takes on the Capital!

Hello my darlings, it’s Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to share another dazzling adventure with you! This is post number 1291 on the fabulous www.pink-tutu.com, so grab your favourite pink lipstick and let's dive right in.

You all know I’m a London lass at heart, but even for me, there’s something magical about visiting this magnificent city. This trip, however, has a very special sparkle – I’m here for the Royal Ballet's production of Swan Lake, darlings! Now, let’s be honest, a swan is about as pink as a packet of plain crisps, but for me, any chance to see ballerinas twirling in those dreamy tutus is a chance I wouldn't miss.

But before we talk tutus and swans, let’s talk about my journey! Because getting to London is almost as much fun as being there, and I, as you know, LOVE my travels. This time, I opted for a first-class train ride - who can resist a comfy carriage, unlimited complimentary refreshments, and a window seat perfect for admiring the scenery? And by scenery, I mean everything! From the green rolling hills of Derbyshire (where, as you know, my humble heart belongs) to the bustling cities, the view from the train is an art show I could watch for hours.

When I’m feeling extra fancy, I even indulge in a train journey with a four-legged friend - the delightful and incredibly elegant Mr. Buttons, my horse. Yes, you heard right! Buttons is a show-stopper, and his fluffy, cream mane looks stunning against the backdrop of a rural English scene. It’s not exactly a fast commute, but I consider it a dress rehearsal for life – I'm learning patience and grace, two very important virtues when dealing with my audience, no matter how loud or rowdy!

Speaking of dress rehearsals, it’s impossible to visit London without a detour to a certain shop… the one with the sparkly sign, that sells more sequins and fabrics than you can shake a feather boa at. Yes, you guessed it! I’m a regular visitor to the magical realm of fabric shops and sewing supply stores – after all, a good queen needs her supplies, darling! My latest find, and believe me, it was a find, was a glorious pink feather boa with actual gold sparkles. It screamed "Pink Tutu Sparkles" in its finest, most elegant language. Imagine, if you will, my excitement - it’s more exciting than the prospect of a sugar-coated cupcake!

But back to Swan Lake. Oh, the magic of those white tutus, swirling against a dark backdrop - they just transport you to a land of fantasy and grace. My heart just skipped a beat thinking about them - imagine if they were pink tutus? I do. And in my dream, those ballet dancers aren’t twirling on a stage, but across the hills of Derbyshire, with me and my horses! It’s a vision I might just have to make real one day…

Now, speaking of pink, how can you go to London without a pit stop at The Pink Palace, a delightful café, I absolutely adore! It’s pink inside, out, and all the way around. It's truly a celebration of everything I love: colour, fun, and yummy cakes. I spent my afternoon in there enjoying their signature pink cupcakes, all perfectly delicious and the perfect compliment to my outfit - a pink tulle skirt, a pink shirt, and yes, you guessed it! My trusty, sparkly pink tutu!

London is the perfect backdrop for any sparkly extravaganza. Every street corner seemed to pulsate with music and laughter, the energy of the city is electric, infectious, and absolutely beautiful. But if you are planning a visit, do it the Pink Tutu Sparkles way - arrive in style (by horse if possible), get yourself some fancy fabrics, eat pink cake, and of course, enjoy the performance, and the artistry. Don't forget, it’s about experiencing life to the fullest, adding your own sprinkle of pink sparkle everywhere you go!

Don't forget to keep sparkling, my lovelies, and check back tomorrow for another daily dose of pinkness.

Pink Tutu Sparkles x

#TutuQueen on 2003-07-14 stars in London