Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-03 stars in Weston-super-Mare

Weston-super-Mare: A Tutu-licious Adventure!

Post #1372

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the gorgeous seaside town of Weston-super-Mare! This fabulous destination has been on my tutu-travel list for ages, and I can honestly say it didn't disappoint. I'm not even talking about the famous Grand Pier (though it was splendid!), I'm talking about the sheer joy of bringing a little bit of Pink Tutu magic to this charming seaside gem.

As usual, I arrived in style - the train journey from Derbyshire was an absolute dream. I wore my new cherry-red lace dress with matching crimson heels, a fluffy pink scarf, and, of course, a magnificent fuchsia tutu that had every fellow passenger gasping with delight. The carriage was practically bathed in the pink glow emanating from my fabulousness!

Now, you all know my ultimate life goal is to get the entire world wearing pink tutus, right? It's my mission, my purpose, my sparkling passion! Well, Weston-super-Mare proved to be a very receptive audience for my message.

A Grand Night Out

I landed a gig at the beautiful Grand Pier Theatre, which, quite frankly, is a dream come true for a drag queen who loves a bit of theatrical glitz and glamour. My setlist was a glorious mix of sassy numbers and heart-warming ballads, with a touch of Pink Tutu Sparkles magic sprinkled on top! The crowd was utterly delightful – cheering, singing along, and even a few gentlemen got up and danced with me! Honestly, I haven't seen so many pink tutus in one place since a visit to the Royal Ballet!

Pink Paradise

Of course, no visit to Weston-super-Mare is complete without a trip to the glorious beach. And yes, I donned my pink tutu! I may have had some questionable glances, but honestly, they were filled with a sense of bewildered joy rather than disapproval! My motto is: "If you can wear it, you wear it!"

As I strolled along the sand, the sun warm on my face, the sea breeze whipping my sparkly tulle, I realised that my Pink Tutu philosophy truly works its magic wherever you are!

A Day at the Races

As for the horse races, well, that's another story! You see, I am totally in love with everything equestrian, so I simply had to incorporate some horse-themed activities into my trip!

A Tutu-tastic Surprise

I managed to get tickets for the afternoon racing at the Weston Racecourse – my lucky pink shoes must have worked their magic! To my utter delight, the crowd was incredibly enthusiastic and even the bookmakers couldn't resist smiling at my tulle-tastic presence.

I'm a terrible horse racer - honestly, I couldn't pick a winner even if they wore a flashing neon sign - but I had an absolute ball just being there. I managed to chat up a bunch of lovely locals, all of whom, I'm sure, will be popping onto my Pink-Tutu.com blog at some point, sporting a glorious pink tutu!

Fashion Finds

Of course, no trip is complete without a bit of retail therapy! I'm a sucker for vintage clothing stores and quaint boutiques, and Weston-super-Mare did not disappoint. My closet has a whole new batch of colourful dresses, floral scarves, and a fabulous sparkly headpiece - ready for the next drag performance, or just for my day job!

Speaking of my day job - yes, you lovely people may be shocked to discover that the dazzling Pink Tutu Sparkles is actually… a scientist!

That's right! By day, I don my lab coat and work on analyzing fabric properties at a rather large textile company.

Don't judge me! Science and drag may seem like an odd combination, but, for me, they are the perfect partners! Both science and drag require a bit of creativity, an eye for detail, and a sense of pushing the boundaries of convention.

Plus, the whole fabric thing… I can just use my skills to pick the most fabulous tulle! I actually do some side work designing new tutu fabrics for a select group of clients – just a little bit of Pink Tutu magic in my everyday world.

My Message to You

Look, whether you’re a scientist, a baker, or even a ballerina (we know there are some fabulous ballerina Pink Tutu Sparkles readers out there), remember this: you are beautiful, you are amazing, and you deserve to feel your most fabulous self.

And you know what else? That amazing feeling has nothing to do with your profession, your clothes, or your shoe size! It's about the magic you bring into the world, and the passion you hold in your heart.

That's what I bring to the world: pink tulle, a bit of sass, and the unyielding belief that anyone can wear a pink tutu and feel like a radiant, unstoppable star!

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to get ready for my next show… I've just heard a rumour about a little ballroom in Blackpool that could really use a touch of Pink Tutu magic…

Until next time, my loves! And don't forget to follow Pink-Tutu.com for more adventures in tulle, glitter, and the sheer joy of living life with a sparkle!

Pink Tutu Sparkles xo

#TutuQueen on 2003-10-03 stars in Weston-super-Mare