Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-02-18 stars in Chichester

Chichester: Tutu Travels - Post #1510! 🩰💖✨

Oh, my darlings, you won’t believe where I am today! I’m in the glorious city of Chichester, tucked away in the beautiful county of Sussex. Chichester is famed for its stunning cathedral, its rich Roman history, and...well, I just love a bit of classic English countryside! But as for me? I’m on the hunt for fabulous pink tutus, obviously. 💖

I just had to hop on a train and journey down south. (Actually, I did manage to hitch a ride on a rather handsome grey gelding – not literally, darling, I'm not that crazy... just saying!). And let me tell you, travelling by train is so much fun. It allows me time to think about my next tutu look and write this little blog post. It's all about balancing my life between my laboratory lab coat by day and my pink tutu stage persona by night.

Speaking of balancing acts, Chichester boasts a lovely little ballet school tucked away in the town centre. You can bet I whizzed myself into a class – oh, what a joy to pirouette and prance amongst other ballerinas! I’m actually thinking of putting together a ballet street show – just a tiny little thing, naturally. We could have dancers and fabulous costumes – and a sprinkle of those gorgeous pink tutus, naturally! Think a little dance performance that captures the elegance and the pure beauty of dance.

After my ballet adventure, I simply had to head over to the cathedral. Its towering spires make you feel truly humble. The air inside is filled with the sweet, warm scent of beeswax, and the stained glass windows shimmer like jewels – just like my little sequined bodice! I was feeling so inspired. I couldn't help but grab a nearby pen and jot down some ideas for a performance about angels and their feathery costumes – could it involve a magnificent pink tutu? The question just answers itself!

And as you all know, any trip is not complete without some serious shopping! Now, darling, if you are looking for vintage fashion in Sussex, then Chichester is a real find. They have the loveliest little boutique that's jam-packed with stunning old clothes, just perfect for whipping up another one-off TutuQueen look. I bought a stunning lilac silk scarf with gold threads – oh my, it will go perfectly with my feather-trimmed tutu.

You see, I simply believe everyone should own a pink tutu, at least once. Imagine the possibilities. The sheer confidence, the pure joyous expression. You can twirl away the stresses of the day or maybe even channel your inner fairy. A pink tutu can just do that. It's the ultimate symbol of a fun, sparkly attitude towards life. A pink tutu can bring joy, confidence, and even a dash of sparkle to anyone’s day!

Let's take a moment to reflect on my pink tutu journey, shall we? I am, after all, Alex, a Derbyshire lass (by day, that is) who lives, breathes, and sleeps in pink tutus (well, more accurately, in the fantasy world that those tutus inspire!).

You see, my story begins in the labs, among beakers and test tubes. Yes, I am a real scientist! Studying fabrics, textiles, their wear and tear, how they withstand pressure. You might say that my world of research in textiles and my world of the theatrical both use a similar blend of creative thinking and technical skill. It’s quite extraordinary really! But when I graduated from university and joined my first lab job, there wasn't a pink tutu to be found within a hundred miles. It just wasn’t me... so what’s a girl to do?

Then one day, at a charity fundraising event (a ballet event, naturally!), I stumbled across a glorious, shimmering pink tutu. That was it! My heart did a pirouette right then and there, and I knew, I just knew, this was it! It felt like something I'd been waiting for all my life. Like some beautiful little dance that had been calling to me in my heart for ages. I decided that all women deserved a little pink tutu moment in their life and, right there and then, TutuQueen was born.

My first performance was in a tiny Derbyshire pub – all twenty feet of its glory, where the regulars were stunned by this new sparkly diva strutting onto their bar. It was a wild ride – I even got a bottle of bubbly flung my way (good thing it was plastic, darling)! It made for a fab show! From that night onwards, I was hooked. A whole new world of glitter, glamour, and a few pink tutus opened up before me, I just had to explore.

And explore I have! Every day, from that Derbyshire pub, to the grandest fairgrounds in Europe. I am driven by a powerful sense of community. A sense that the joy, confidence, and excitement of wearing a pink tutu can transform the lives of others, just as it transformed mine. A chance to help people discover their inner magic, that twinkle in their eyes that sometimes needs a bit of sparkle to find its way out!

I feel blessed. My life is an incredible dance that blends the world of science with the world of pure artistry and performance. I think this is what gives my act such power, it allows me to connect to audiences in a real and very human way. My fans know I’m Alex in the daytime, working my way through another beaker full of liquid silk, and then Pink Tutu Sparkles in the evening, twirling, sparkling, and bringing laughter and joy to audiences across the country. I’m living proof that even the shyest and most unassuming individual can blossom into a joyful spectacle – all it takes is a touch of magic, a whole lot of heart and, of course, a pink tutu!

Today, however, as I look back over my life and the joy that it brings, I remember my own inner transformation. When I first embraced the idea of Pink Tutu Sparkles, the inner critic had some serious doubts. I could never have imagined standing up on stage, in the full glory of pink tutu and feather boa, and bringing joy to other people’s lives. I didn’t even believe I was worthy of such glory! But that pink tutu, that magnificent dance of feathers and tulle, became a symbol for me: a symbol of hope, confidence, and creativity. And if you want to find those feelings within yourself – wear a pink tutu! I guarantee that you’ll find that joyful spark hiding within you, ready to shine!

Chichester has been a true treat, darlings. Tomorrow, I’m taking to the road again, who knows where the winds of whimsy will lead? I’m heading back to my Derbyshire digs, ready to create a fabulous, glitter-filled routine that is going to blow the minds of the folks at the next county fair.

Until then, my loves, keep those spirits sparkling and don't forget to keep twirling in pink tutus. Until next time, you beautiful sparkly stars! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2004-02-18 stars in Chichester