Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2004-12-06 stars in Rhyl

Rhyl: Pink Tutu Adventures, Post 1802

Hello darlings, and welcome to Pink-Tutu.com! It’s your girl, Pink Tutu Sparkles, and I'm bubbling over with excitement about my recent trip to Rhyl! Oh my goodness, you guys, this seaside town was like stepping out of a whimsical fairytale! Imagine: the scent of salt air and candy floss wafting through the streets, vibrant arcades flashing with neon lights, and the sound of laughter echoing from the amusement park - all against the backdrop of the dazzling sea! I absolutely adored it.

This journey, as with all my fabulous escapades, was a complete Pink Tutu Sparkles extravaganza. Naturally, my travel attire was, as ever, a magnificent pink tutu - this one adorned with a cloud of sparkling pink sequins! Since I was going by train, I knew it needed to be a tutu that was both dramatic and comfortable. I mean, you simply cannot have a Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure without a glorious pink tutu, can you? The train carriage felt like a glamorous carriage from a bygone era - just a bit smaller! But then, everything looks amazing when you’re rocking a Pink Tutu Sparkles look!

As always, I prepared my signature Pink Tutu look, complete with matching pink eyeshadow, pink lipstick, and, of course, my sparkly pink hairspray, making my long blonde locks even more magnificent than usual! Let me tell you, darling, this wasn't a quick 'do! It took me an hour, meticulously working to achieve just the right volume and shine, you know, because you're never overdressed in Pink Tutu Land!

Arriving in Rhyl, the first thing I noticed was the sheer joy on everyone's faces - it's like they knew the day would be fabulous! The people of Rhyl were the warmest and most welcoming. They absolutely loved my Pink Tutu, cheering me on as I sashayed down the promenade! It's these moments, darling, that really fuel my passion! I believe in spreading joy and kindness wherever I go, and what better way to do that than through my love of pink tutus!

As an avid lover of all things theatrical, a visit to the Rhyl Little Theatre was simply a must! It’s just adorable, a hidden gem on the town's heart, packed with history. Imagine all the actors who've walked through those doors over the years! You could feel the electricity, the passion, just walking in. My heart was pounding with excitement! I had a quick chat with one of the cast members of the local production of The Wizard of Oz. They were a delight and shared all the latest gossip about the show. Naturally, I couldn't leave without getting a photo with the iconic "Pink Tutu Sparkles" pose by the theatre's entrance!

The seafront was absolutely breathtaking, darling! The wind blew gently, sending shivers down my spine – not from the cold, but from pure excitement! I found myself on the beach, giggling uncontrollably as I dipped my toes into the sea. I even found myself indulging in a classic seaside delicacy – a fish and chip meal! But of course, you guessed it, it wasn't any old fish and chip shop; it was the famous “Pink Tutus Fish and Chips” where everything, even the ketchup, was a beautiful shade of pink. I must admit, my heart did melt slightly when they presented my fish and chips with a single, pink sugared, edible pink tutu for a garnish.

As the evening approached, it was time to bring on the glamour! I found myself performing at the town’s infamous "Glamour Garden Party". Imagine this – a fabulous outdoor garden space decked out with twinkle lights, fairy lights and floral decorations, transforming the garden into a glittering spectacle. A DJ spinning those irresistible chart toppers, and me, of course, with my trusty pink tutu, performing my iconic dance routines to the absolute delight of the audience! My signature move, the Pink Tutu Pirouette, never fails to get the crowd screaming with delight!

Let me tell you, darling, it was a real feast for the eyes and the soul! I found myself lost in a whirlwind of sparkly gowns, glittering sequins, and endless laughter. Oh, I had so much fun that I almost lost track of time! The laughter and applause fuelled my heart like no other, and I was surrounded by fabulous people, just soaking in the magical atmosphere. It was truly a moment I’ll cherish forever!

Of course, my Rhyl adventure wasn't complete without a bit of shopping! There was a whole treasure trove of shops waiting to be explored, from independent boutiques selling unique and dazzling trinkets, to cute little gift shops that made me want to buy everything in sight! I even found a little hidden gem tucked away down a cobblestone street, which, luckily for me, happened to be called 'Pink Tutu Lane' where they were selling a limited edition 'Pink Tutu Sparkles' themed pink tutus. I am, naturally, the only one allowed to wear it in public, so I bought 5 and took them back to my flat in Derbyshire!

Before you think I completely neglected my scientific responsibilities, I did do a little work as Alex while I was there. You know I am, a scientist by day! Rhyl happens to be near a couple of fabulously famous textile mills, so after my stage show and with the support of a lovely lady with a small travel trailer, I had a great little pink tutu workshop the day after! Now, I may not be known for my skills with needles and threads, but I am, you see, an expert in fabrics! My main day job is working on my doctorate in fabric testing. Well, who would have thought that the fabrics on tutus, those fine and delicate creations, would end up the object of my research?! This day trip really gave me some amazing insight for my upcoming paper, darling! I even found time for a long lunch in a stunning seaside restaurant called 'The Tutu', a fitting location for a scientist and a performer such as myself. It seems I just can't escape Pink Tutu-related things!

As always, darling, it wasn't the destination that mattered, it was the Pink Tutu journey! I just love being able to share these fabulous experiences with you. It's the people, the excitement, and the magic that really makes the trip unforgettable. But most of all, it's the spreading of pink tutu love! From sharing stories about my performances, to introducing the world to the elegance and sheer joy of a pink tutu, my aim is simple: to bring smiles and a little sparkle into everyone's lives. After all, darling, isn't that what life is all about?

So, don't forget to keep those Pink Tutu adventures flowing! Tell me about your own favourite seaside memories or your own unique Pink Tutu experiences! Let’s keep the Pink Tutu Sparkles burning bright!

Until next time, stay fabulous, darlings!

Pink Tutu Sparkles, xo.

#TutuQueen on 2004-12-06 stars in Rhyl