Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2007-02-28 stars in Stockport

Stockport: A Pink Tutu Adventure! 🩰💖🚂

Post #2616

Hello darlings! It’s your favourite pink tutu-wearing, sparkle-loving queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles, back with another adventure! And oh my goodness, this one was a real peach!

This week, my pink tutu journey took me all the way to the wonderful town of Stockport, a real gem tucked away in the north-west. You might be wondering, "Why Stockport, darling?" Well, let me tell you, it was calling to me! You see, there’s a little independent theatre there that has a reputation for supporting up-and-coming drag artists. And, honestly, what’s a pink tutu queen without an audience to spread the love of pink tulle to?

I set off for Stockport with a suitcase overflowing with pink, a dazzling array of sparkly dresses, and of course, the star of the show: a brand new, blush pink tutu, hand-stitched with shimmering sequins. I mean, how could I go to a new town without a fresh outfit? And I knew Stockport would be a fantastic backdrop for this beauty!

Now, my favourite mode of travel? That's a tie between galloping on a majestic steed – you wouldn't believe how stylish it makes me feel! – and chugging along on a train with the countryside whizzing past. This time, I opted for the train, and let me tell you, it was a pure joy. It felt so incredibly nostalgic, sitting by the window watching the world go by, especially in the springtime with all the green fields and wildflowers. And the bonus? I got to catch up on all my favourite girly magazines, which of course, involved plenty of pink and fabulous fashion inspiration.

The first thing I did after arriving in Stockport was a quick tour of the town centre. Honestly, it's a hidden gem. The streets are lined with charming cafes and little shops, and there's this beautiful Elizabethan market square that felt so full of life. Of course, the first stop had to be a little boutique with a lovely, sparkly display of hats, boas, and shoes. I had to snag a bright fuchsia feather boa to add some extra oomph to my stage look, and some adorable lavender-hued heels to really get those feet tappin'!

Later, I got to experience the legendary Stockport Air Raid Shelter! Now, that was an experience, I tell you! A dark and cool underground world of history, completely captivating. It reminded me how powerful it is to learn from our past, and it really sparked some ideas for a new performance theme... I’m thinking wartime glam! Imagine: a full tutu look, but made from camouflage netting! I’m telling you, darlings, a fashion icon is born.

And then came the night of the show! The independent theatre was such a unique and charming venue, with red velvet seats and a stage bathed in twinkling fairy lights. The atmosphere was electric with anticipation. But the real magic started once I hit the stage! That crowd was just buzzing for some fabulous, and honestly, they were up for anything! I threw in some of my signature routines, and let me tell you, those tutus just twirled and swirled like no one’s business.

I had people singing along, dancing in their seats, and the whole crowd was practically chanting for more! They loved the sequins, the feather boas, and yes, those glorious, glorious tutus. Seeing so many faces filled with joy and pure delight just makes my heart sing!

After the performance, the lovely folks at the theatre threw a little after-party. It was an absolute blast, full of laughter, music, and, you guessed it, more tutus! Turns out, after my performance, someone had whipped out their own pink tutu for a impromptu dance off. It just proves you never know where the next pink tutu revolution is going to pop up!

Stockport, you stole a piece of my heart, with your charm, your culture, and your open arms to a pink tutu-wearing queen like me! If you’re ever looking for a dazzling dose of pink magic, a fabulous night out, and an incredible opportunity to spread a little bit of glitter in your life, be sure to visit this remarkable town. You won’t regret it!

Stay tuned for more adventures, my darlings, because the world of pink tutus is just waiting to be explored, one fabulous dance move at a time!

Yours truly,

Pink Tutu Sparkles 🩰💖

#TutuQueen on 2007-02-28 stars in Stockport