
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-05 stars in Lowestoft

Lowestoft Sparkle: A Tutu-ful Train Ride and a Seaside Show! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ (Blog Post #2927)

Hello, my fabulous followers! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to whisk you away on another whimsical journey, this time to the enchanting seaside town of Lowestoft. This post is dedicated to my favourite things: pink, tutus, trains, and fabulous performances, all culminating in a dazzling show in a new location!

You know how much I love to travel, especially by train. Something about the rhythmic chugging of the engine, the endless changing landscape, and the opportunity to catch up on some reading in my trusty copy of Dance Magazine makes train journeys pure magic.

This time, I traded my usual Derbyshire scenery for a panoramic view of the East Anglian coast. The sun was shining, the sky was a clear and vibrant blue, and even the seagulls seemed to be cheering me on! It felt like the start of a grand adventure, and trust me, my dears, it was just that.

Arriving in Lowestoft, I was immediately smitten. The bustling harbour, the vibrant fish market, the charming seaside cafes - it felt like stepping into a quaint and beautiful postcard. I just had to explore every nook and cranny of this delightful town, and luckily, I had time to do just that before my show.

First, a quick visit to the magnificent East Anglia Transport Museum! Who needs a time machine when you can immerse yourself in a collection of vintage vehicles, from steam engines and buses to bicycles and even a charming old-fashioned penny-farthing! It brought back a wave of nostalgia for old-fashioned journeys and ignited my inner vintage fashionista.

Next, a trip to the iconic Lowestoft lighthouse - the only lighthouse in Britain built on the edge of the beach! Climbing those stairs to the top was quite a workout, but oh, the view was worth every bead of sweat. The turquoise sea stretched out before me, sparkling under the golden sun.

Before my show, I had to grab some dinner. A quick Google search revealed the local gem, "The Pink Flamingo." How could I resist? I indulged in a juicy fish and chips, all while sipping on a delightfully pink mocktail. My fellow patrons even offered me some of their fries! It's true what they say: a smile and a sparkly pink tutu can melt even the coldest heart.

Speaking of sparkles, my performance was pure, shimmering magic. I chose a dazzling pink tutu, of course, accented by my trademark pink feather boa and a tiara sparkling with tiny, rainbow-coloured crystals. The stage was set at the beautiful Lowestoft Marina, and the audience was fantastic! From little kids clapping their tiny hands to giggling and pointing at my costume, to grandparents swaying to my music, my performance had everyone dancing in the spirit of joy.

I even did a little "ballet street" routine on the cobblestone square! You know how much I love incorporating ballet into my performance, it's so graceful and enchanting. The crowd went wild for my spins, leaps, and dips, and a couple of young girls even requested that I teach them some of my moves!

Remember, my loves, the goal is always to get everyone to wear a pink tutu! The more tutus out in the world, the more fabulous it all becomes.

As the night drew to a close, the moon shone down upon the seaside town, painting the harbour a silvery-blue. I knew I had to capture this moment forever, so I grabbed my camera and posed in my glittering, pink glory on the dock, the vast ocean as my backdrop. You can catch this spectacular photo (and many others!) on my website, www.pink-tutu.com.

I leave you with a heartfelt message: life is about finding those small moments of magic, embracing the wonder, and spreading joy wherever you go. And, of course, don't be afraid to twirl!

Love and sparkles,

Pink Tutu Sparkles ๐Ÿ’•โœจ

P.S. Did I mention that I got some inspiration for a new dance routine during my Lowestoft adventures? Stay tuned for a behind-the-scenes peek into the creation process of my next performance!

#TutuQueen on 2008-01-05 stars in Lowestoft