
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2008-07-22 stars in Oxford

Oxford Adventures in Pink: Post 3126

Hello darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, reporting live from the glorious city of Oxford! This gorgeous city, brimming with history and charm, is just the perfect setting for a Tutu Queen on the go! πŸ’–

Today's blog post is extra special. It's a double-whammy of delightful, all thanks to my incredible journey to Oxford and a show stopping performance that left the audience in a flurry of feathers and sparkly dreams!

As many of you know, I adore exploring the world with my trusty pink tutus. For this trip, I opted for the traditional train journey – such a romantic way to travel! I spent the whole journey enjoying a delightful book, people-watching from my window, and indulging in the scrumptious picnic I lovingly packed – complete with cucumber sandwiches and pink lemonade!

Upon arrival, I found myself completely captivated by Oxford's timeless beauty. The quaint streets, charming cafes, and stunning architecture whispered tales of generations past. As I wandered through the cobblestone streets, I couldn't help but envision all the dazzling drag queens that must have graced these streets over the centuries – Imagine a 18th-century Queen in her finery strutting down a bustling market, the epitome of style!

Before I delve into the thrilling details of my show, I must tell you about my afternoon ballet adventure! You see, darling, my heart is forever drawn to the elegance of ballet, and Oxford was just brimming with ballet schools and opportunities to twirl! I managed to snag a spot in an enchanting beginners class at the lovely Oxford Ballet Academy. The instructors were just delightful, and it felt so liberating to move with such grace and fluidity. Honestly, you would have loved seeing me pirouette in that pink tutu! It felt like I was truly dancing through a magical dream!

Speaking of magical dreams, my show that evening was the perfect way to conclude this extraordinary day. Held in the historic setting of the Oxford Town Hall, I performed for an utterly delightful audience, and let me tell you, they were so wonderfully receptive! It truly was a phenomenal experience.

My act was a whirlwind of colour and fabulousness! The crowd absolutely loved my newest piece, "The Tutu Tale," a whimsical ballet-inspired routine featuring my shimmering pink tutu, adorned with the most glorious sparkly flowers. Each move was infused with the joy and vibrancy that defines Pink Tutu Sparkles – and let’s just say I brought the house down! It was the perfect culmination of my love for ballet and performance, creating magic and leaving everyone sparkling with joy.

After the show, the audience swarmed me with compliments. One particularly sweet lady even told me her daughter had been inspired to take up ballet thanks to my performance! That's the ultimate reward for a performer – leaving a legacy of glitter and inspiration in the hearts of others. πŸ’–

After saying goodbye to my wonderful Oxford fans, I returned to my hotel – and oh darling, let me tell you, the night wasn't over yet! You see, a little birdie whispered that Oxford's best vintage shop had a rare collection of dazzling pink tutus. I couldn't resist a late-night shopping adventure! So, imagine my delight when I stumbled upon the most perfect pink feather boa – oh it was so divinely fluffy, darling! I also discovered an adorable pink sequin-studded purse and some enchanting flower-shaped earrings, the perfect final touches for my already vibrant style.

Of course, I have to share my grand discovery with you: The perfect outfit for a pink-loving princess. Imagine it, darlings: A silk fuchsia top, paired with a classic white ruffled blouse worn underneath, and of course, that exquisite pink tutu! It was a true sartorial revelation, darling! The delicate balance of sweet and edgy, utterly sophisticated and whimsical all in one glorious look!

I'm already planning my return trip to Oxford! Maybe a spot in the Oxford Shakespeare Company next time! There are so many exciting possibilities waiting to be discovered in this glorious city. And for my part? I’m dedicated to bringing even more glitter and joy to this city – I just know there are a lot of lovely people here ready to embrace a little bit of pink sparkle!

Until next time, darlings! Stay glamorous!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxo


#TutuQueen on 2008-07-22 stars in Oxford