Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2010-08-18 stars in Milan

Milan, darling!

Post number: 3883


Oh my stars! Milan, darling! I simply couldn’t have asked for a more dazzling debut. It’s my 3883rd post, and, darling, you know I like a bit of glamour, and Milan is the ultimate, most stylish place on Earth for a tutu-loving girl like me. The air is filled with the whiff of sophistication, fashion, and something undeniably fab, even if I don’t know what that "something" is, exactly. Oh, my sweet, but I think this is where I need to find my inspiration for next year's London's Gay Pride outfit - or at least next week’s gig at the Horse and Cart Pub in Derbs. I mean, even if it’s not the "fashion capital of the world", we can still sparkle in the midlands!

This time I’ve come to Milan for the show, of course! What else would a drag queen do but watch ballet? I've heard there is this ballet group called the Teatro alla Scala who have some brilliant shows, I saw on social media a troupe from Spain doing a show on a Wednesday evening called La Bayadère, or so I saw it called. Anyway, my dear, I can’t tell you what I wore on the day but my darling tutu, she shimmered under the bright, blue skies in that most-magnificent fashion city! You know I wouldn’t be able to wear any colour other than pink in this town. I simply have to look every inch the Italian Fashion Diva - just in my pinkest of tutus!

You’d never guess that Alex is a mere scientist by day - oh! you must get my latest blog posts - darling it’s my latest lab outfit ( I swear you won’t believe this!!) This is what I’ve been up to lately in between shows: I am a laboratory scientist, making sure those jeans and cotton garments are going to last more than two wears and actually last the first machine wash, which is just great if I am going to keep dancing, isn't it?

Let’s see - what else do I need to tell you - but you will already know what you must already know, my darling friends - I can’t stop writing in my daily blogs - why, the little darlings at my favourite tea shop have bought the whole cafe and now I can take it as part of my afternoon and get on with the show! - darling it’s simply a joy! You know how much I love travelling on the train. Well, on the whole! The train journey across Europe, to Milan was wonderful, as a rule I prefer it to flying, which, darling, has become too complicated to be fashionable, if you ask me. I was surprised by how modern the railway network was in Milan - it is much more chic than our Northern Line and way less crowded (even on a Monday afternoon)! But there was one train, the 11:45 am to Milan - darling, I don’t know but when that train set off! - it was filled with passengers and oh my darlings, a swarm of bees came up from the underground railway lines - this swarm went right to my seat and then the people screamed and ran - so silly!! Oh my darling, I had to move and get another train. My sweet!

Anyway, this Italian City, with the Duomo, which my dearest Alex tells me means “The Cathedral” has to be seen to be believed - I think it was there about three or four years ago when I went to Romeo & Juliet’s Balcony in Verona (oh! what a show).

But darling - have you been to the ballet?

Let me see - where to start?! First off, it has to be a great dress, for a girl who adores the color pink it is no great chore to be dressed to impress in this most beautiful, artistic, and exciting town - but for this town it is absolutely necessary. This is after all “Fashion Heaven”, isn’t it! I don’t just mean that the clothes, are “oh, la-la” gorgeous! You see Milan has these brilliant boutiques. If you like fashion or dance, I don’t know where else you can go, or, indeed, if there is any other place where the best of ballet and design merge, oh dear I can't help but write! And, darlings, that is where my dear, most sophisticated little, fluffy, pink tutu really shone, and oh, my stars! I found some truly incredible shops, darling! But it has to be my dress - which was also in pink. Oh, yes, pink. And a long silky white glove, in my favourite shop called ‘The Glove.’ But for an evening look I need that one garment that will be “on fleek”, just like that, darling. Well! that is when the ballet dress made its big comeback.

And there it was, in a shop in this charming city, there’s a boutique which stocks those magnificent dance shoes that look amazing - the satin finish! Oh my darlings - what a sight to behold, and of course you could get them in pink too! I just love it - and all for 70 euros - even the most stylish drag queen is going to need to look in her wallet for the pink and sparkly ones! They are going to look amazing at the theatre and also at that club down the road where I will be performing! What I had no idea when I walked through that door, darling they do make the best little bags, as well!

Here, my dears, you need to take note, and it isn't even a proper fashion, or tutu shop (in fact, they had absolutely nothing for tutus at all). I thought I'd found myself in the wrong place or at the very least not on my own - at a “fashion mistake,” darling - when in reality, the fashion gods have made up the absolute most beautiful shop, because, what they don't have - darling, nobody could need - except perhaps a shop selling only “pink tutu shoes”!

But for my pink dress, well, you need to see it - you know how much I adore pink. And when the girl (actually she had a magnificent silver beard - my dear how I long to grow such an elegant and fabulous silver beard one day!) at The Fabric Centre in that street next to the little yellow door - she looked at me as I was leaving her little boutique and told me in very clear but slow, English (because, apparently I am meant to sound posh and I really don't have a strong enough accent in my voice ) she said. “ I think we have been waiting for someone like you” ...“And that little hat you are wearing is beautiful,” ...“Oh! it was a hat, I was simply carrying that pink flower in my hand. ”...And she just looked at me and smiled, it was like she was going to tell me something exciting.

But, darling you just wouldn’t believe what was happening. Because, it turned out that just at that precise time - she had found this pink fluffy dress that had been just for one other girl - but oh darling! - this shop - no, not one shop! but an entire “boutique”, is so exciting that, that darling it will simply make you fall in love! I loved everything there. It was in pink. I couldn't resist this little fluffy frock.

And my darlings, it is such a wonderful sight - you just cannot believe the way it all happened - well you will if you read it now!! What else do I have to tell you... well you already know ... this shop ... well you simply cannot buy from this little, perfect shop it simply doesn't stock things any more ...and because, of that, my darlings - just you wait until you have a glimpse! Just a peep! Oh my! but I think I had too much champagne. It is simply heavenly! ...I didn't even have enough time for ballet - oh dear me, I had forgotten that the Teatro alla Scala's performance on Tuesday would not take place till after 8 p.m., my darling it has all been such a whirlwind. It took two trips, and three little visits to a bakery where those amazing pastries come out at a precise 2 pm. each and every afternoon (and oh, my darling - but I was too tired, to stay up past 10:30!)

Yes, darling it’s my secret, that pink tutu is waiting at a railway station at exactly that precise hour and darling if you get there after that! The only place you are going is a little too early in the morning - darling - just wait to go in that hour. I can't tell you! I think it’s going to take a lot more planning before next ballet trip. Oh darling this place is going to cost a bit!

Now, that is what happens when a drag queen and a ballerina want to shop and be on top of the best that Fashion can offer at the “Fashion Capital”, darlings - that's Milan, of course! You could think that's it from the Queen of Tutus and the Pink, little, girly girl with that pink, big sparkly tutu! But I would only be leaving you wondering what could happen to a girl like me? That was when the most fabulous, spectacular dance teacher told me the most wonderful tale - now don't get me wrong she was very quiet but - you’d never believe it - but darling - the ballet at the Teatro Alla Scala and this lady she's not any old, ballet teacher either (though darling that’s not a criticism.) - that was her, as her career goes on and on to other things!

That really is one of those fabulous and magnificent, little anecdotes that I shall always recall. As I said it started so ordinary. It began when, one day I just had this wonderful day. After visiting the wonderful “Fabric Centre” (my most perfect little shop! where all the most incredible dress fabrics for my little pink ballet frocks and dresses come from ) where they have so many great fabrics that my poor darling Alex can’t cope. Well, darling! it started quite a journey, and this time around it was all about ballet. There’s so much going on and this town just gives it all.

Here it is, you know, when we get our most perfect shopping done, we start, you know, we need our little ballet lessons - oh, darling! so here it is, in the town that has so much glamour and so much excitement it is time for my ballet lesson, as you might say, right!

#TutuQueen on 2010-08-18 stars in Milan