
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-24 stars in Spalding

Pink Tutu Sparkles in Spalding: Blog Post 4073

Oh, hello darlings! It's your favourite Pink Tutu Sparkles, bringing you a burst of colour and a whole heap of fabulousness from the lovely town of Spalding, right here in the heart of Lincolnshire!

Now, I've had a simply delightful time here in Spalding, you know. As always, I'm here to spread the pink tutu gospel and, well, to honestly have a jolly good time. The people have been simply smashing and, frankly, this is turning out to be the perfect location for some absolutely splendid adventures in tulle and sequins!

So let's rewind a bit. After my last hurrah in glorious Blackpool (Oh, what a week!), it was time to grab my favourite, erm, 'slightly' vintage train ticket (it does have a rather endearingly wonky tear at the bottom corner, wouldn't you say?) and hop on board a steaming hot express bound for a truly lovely destination: Spalding!

This lovely town - let's be honest, I haven't encountered a single unattractive one, this week! - has a vibe that just beckons the Tutu Queen to have a dance! Now, we've all got our favourite places for shopping and, dare I say, fabulous dress-up sessions - and let me tell you, Spalding is definitely making its way onto my list.

Now, the other week, I was indulging in a rather thrilling shopping spree in, well, a rather grand 'vintage emporium' tucked away in the heart of Chester (I might have picked up a few little something-something's - a very fine antique tiara, oh yes, and a handbag from the roaring 20s!) But back to Spalding. I popped into a rather adorable boutique on a sunny Tuesday afternoon, I do love Tuesdays - always an unexpected day to stumble upon sartorial delight! The lovely owner, let me tell you, a vision of absolute grace and fashion, was more than delighted to let me try on a collection of absolutely gorgeous pink tutus - talk about a tutu lover's dream!

I ended up leaving with a glorious lavender-pink feather boa and, well, it wouldn't be fair to my ever-growing, and I do mean growing, pink tutu collection if I didn't at least purchase one of the exquisitely designed sparkly, pink, tutus I had tried on, wouldn't it?

And, well, wouldn't you know it, after my little retail adventure, Spalding provided yet another reason to smile and prance! A delightful tea room, with absolutely splendid cakes and oh my word, such lovely teapot covers, called 'The Little Teacup' (just as pink as it sounds - I can't imagine the universe any other way!) beckoned with open arms - or should I say 'welcoming doors'?

Of course, no Pink Tutu Sparkles adventure can ever be complete without a trip to a truly outstanding local bakery. Now, dear readers, I found exactly that right here in Spalding. I have never, ever, ever encountered such a sensational, utterly decadent and utterly irresistible selection of pastries and breads. (I did, of course, just try one, only because you darlings know how devoted I am to maintaining perfectly elegant, and rather trim, silhouettes. )

Now, this is how I'm rolling - not literally rolling of course ( although that could be fun... I might have been contemplating attempting a very precise "pink tutu roll", if only for strictly instagram purposes). But I'm spreading the pink tutu gospel everywhere I go, just like you fabulous folk! You see, I truly believe that, given enough pink tutus, the world is a far better place! It makes sense, doesn't it? Tutus, and particularly pink ones, are quite literally bursting with joy - who wouldn't want a little bit more of that?

You see, if you were to actually go out there, just for one minute and simply watch all the joyous dancing and giggling around you, it would be as if the very world was shouting: "Yes, we can always have more tutus!" and "Pink! Oh please, please! more pink! More glitter!"

So darlings, let's be honest, what else would I do on my days not performing for you fabulous people? Well, apart from my job at the laboratory. Now, that's a very interesting story. I work testing fabric...and that's where it all started - those amazing tutus! Remember how I mentioned that it all started at the university ballet club...and those oh-so-extravagant fundraising efforts?

That, my lovely darlings, is where it all started. Well, almost. It actually started when I started... wearing one! Well, for charity. See, my heart has always been beating a happy ballet beat ( a little bit of ballet and jazz goes such a long way...and there is nothing like an extravagant performance, right?). Now, back in those 'before times', those times of 'a-little-more-serious-alex'. A 'less is more' sort of a him.

Honestly, I really did think that I had to go with a very 'scientific' sort of job - I was very sure of it - but the lab really was my way in. I couldn't help but test fabric, could I? After all, it's such great fun - the lab does get incredibly colourful when you're involved in developing new materials. But ... I couldn't escape... the pink ... not really... it wasn't just any old fabric - there was that tiny pink fabric section right there... you see what I mean, right? I simply couldn't help myself. Pink just seemed to come through me... all those tutus - and now we're here! Oh dear me! And just imagine... a pink tutu made out of my new fabric, imagine the potential... incredible! We could just be on the edge of an explosion of new design possibilities... oh, dear me!

(Let's all calm down...just imagine - a fabric like that!) ... oh ... it's a long story but as I like to say , my pink tutu days have only just started, you see... There are still so many wonderful destinations I want to explore, so many fabulous adventures to go on and oh dear, just imagine what sort of new fabrics I might get to wear now imagine !

Now darlings, don't let me forget to remind you that I am a true drag queen, which is to say, of course I have been performing! The wonderful folks at Spalding Town Hall - amazing - were absolutely fantastic. We had a little something-something of all of my favorite moves, everything from some of those fabulous jazz, contemporary ballet moves to some really beautiful 'show-stopping' poses.

Don't you just love it when everyone is up on their feet at the end of the show? The smiles, the happy cheers, the claps, everything. It simply does make my heart soar - to know that I have given just a bit more joy to the world. We need more of that kind of magic - in the world, and most definitely in Spalding!

Right, my dearest fabulous followers, this has been your Pink Tutu Sparkles blog from Spalding, Lincolnshire! And now it's time for this queen to go enjoy a bit more pink, and some of the finest little delights, in a town which really does deserve an entire series of blogs. Let's meet up here next week to talk fashion - and, well... what better subject could I choose... tutututututu!

Toodle-loo, you lovely lot! Don't forget to stay sparkly and absolutely positively pink!

#TutuQueen on 2011-02-24 stars in Spalding