
Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2011-06-25 stars in Chester

Chester, Chester, Chester! โœจ๐Ÿ’– Blog Post #4194 โœจ๐Ÿ’–

Oh darlings, you wouldn't believe the fabulous time I had in Chester this week! I know, I know, you're all thinking, "Pink Tutu, another trip?!", but honestly, this one was something special! My lovely Pink Tutu Sparkle fanbase is growing, and there's just something about those ancient walls and that river that pulls at my sequins.

I swear, my suitcase just about burst from the sheer volume of pink tutus I packed. It was a veritable kaleidoscope of tulle, each one shimmering with a different sparkle - we're talking diamond dust, silver, holographic, even some shimmering rainbow tutus!

Now, before I get carried away, let's rewind a bit and talk about how I even ended up in Chester in the first place! It all started, as usual, with a bit of a performance frenzy. I was booked to perform at the annual Chester Pride celebration, and darling, they truly went all out!

Of course, no trip to Chester is complete without a trip to the theatre, so I booked tickets for the stunning 'Giselle' at the Chester Grosvenor Theatre. Talk about a performance to inspire! The ballerina was ethereal, graceful, and her movements were just so powerful. I even ended up with a small tear in my eye! Itโ€™s truly fascinating watching these professionals make something that looks so effortless and light, but takes years of dedication to learn and refine.

In fact, I felt inspired enough to book myself into a ballet class at the nearby Dance Academy! Now, I'll admit, I was a bit nervous (no sequins allowed! ๐Ÿ˜ฉ), but the teacher was so patient and encouraging and the other dancers were lovely! I mean, let's be honest, there's nothing quite like twirling in a dance studio in a brand-new tutu โ€“ you feel like you're right in a fairytale.

While I was at the Academy, I spied the most exquisite silk tutu that was just begging for me to wear it! It was the colour of a sunrise over the Welsh mountains โ€“ a breathtaking combination of blush pink and fiery orange. It was like the dance of the sun and the moon, and the feeling of that silk against my skin was enough to make a girl faint with delight. I knew, right there and then, that this was a tutu that I simply had to add to my collection.

Now, I wouldn't be true to my Pink Tutu Sparkles brand if I didn't explore some of the fantastic shops in Chester, especially the vintage clothing stores. My inner child, and my purse, cried with delight when I stumbled across the cutest pink vintage tea dress, oh so fifties and feminine, with a lace-trimmed collar. I felt like I'd stepped straight out of a movie set!

Speaking of movies, Chesterโ€™s Rows and Rows are truly unique! They're a bit like mini Victorian walkways tucked away, overflowing with charm and history. And what better way to explore those charming little alleyways than in a horse-drawn carriage! I must admit, it felt like a scene out of a Jane Austen novel. I tried to channel my inner Marianne Dashwood, but my pink tutu did clash with the aesthetic a tad!

Talking of my pink tutuโ€ฆ letโ€™s not forget that Pink Tutu Sparkles was in Chester for a very specific purpose: to bring some sparkles and glitter to Chester Pride! The whole event was fabulous and heartwarming; the streets were alive with colour and laughter, and everyone was just so welcoming and full of joy. It was such a treat to see everyone dressed in their best outfits and dancing their hearts out, and it was the perfect backdrop for my own performance!

I've been told by the event organisers that the whole crowd absolutely loved the performance. Honestly, that feedback from the crowd, watching the delight in everyone's faces, really is the best payment I can get. It gives me the motivation and energy to keep making people smile, spreading my message of love and self-expression!

After a performance like that, what better way to end the evening than with a relaxing paddle on the River Dee! I hired a rowboat and drifted down the river, just listening to the gentle sound of the water and the city lights reflecting off the surface. It was such a tranquil way to end a chaotic, yet wonderful few days.

So there you have it, my adventures in Chester! I have to say, the city is brimming with a special charm and a welcoming vibe. And now, before I set off on my next fabulous adventure (letโ€™s just say that involves a little bit of sparkle, some very exciting clothes, and perhaps a journey on the Orient Express โ€“ I canโ€™t give too much away, darling!) I need to remind all my followers, my beloved Pink Tutu Sparklers: it's time to pull on your pink tutu! You never know, that could be the first step in finding your own extraordinary adventures!

Until next time, lovelies! ๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’–

Yours in glitter,

Pink Tutu Sparkles x


#TutuQueen on 2011-06-25 stars in Chester