Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2012-07-30 stars in Trowbridge

Trowbridge: Pink Tutu Sparkles Makes Waves (Post #4595)

Hello darlings, it's your favourite pink-loving, tutu-twirling queen, Pink Tutu Sparkles here! I'm positively buzzing after a glorious trip to Trowbridge, where the air was thick with anticipation for my grand arrival. It's all thanks to you lovely people who are spreading the pink tutu gospel, I tell you!

You might be wondering what a sassy queen like me is doing in Trowbridge, right? Well, let me tell you, it was a dream come true!

It all began with a whimsical invite to perform at the annual Trowbridge Midsummer Fair. You know me, I never say no to a good time and the chance to spread the joy of pink tutus. I packed my glitziest pink outfits, my biggest, fluffiest tutu (it's a double-layered masterpiece, trust me!), and my best attitude – because honey, let's face it, this queen always brings the drama!

I'm a girl who loves a bit of travel, and even though I adore train journeys – something about the gentle rhythm of the carriage is simply divine – the journey to Trowbridge was a special one. It wasn't your usual railway carriage experience. You see, the organisers of the fair were rather smitten with my love for horses, and so, they organised a carriage ride straight from Bath Spa station. Yes, you read that right! A charming horse-drawn carriage! It felt like I was stepping straight into a fairytale. We rode through picturesque villages and verdant countryside, the warm summer air whispering secrets and the horse's hooves clopping a happy rhythm to the journey. It was an absolute dream come true.

Arriving in Trowbridge felt like stepping into a colourful world of buzzing energy. It was just the atmosphere I was looking for. The fair was absolutely bustling. Everyone was decked out in their finest attire, their smiles beaming as bright as the sunshine, and it seemed every corner you turned, there was a delicious treat on offer. Honestly, I could barely contain myself! It was pure magic.

Now, my performances in Trowbridge were something special. I brought the glamour, the sass, and of course, the glorious pink tutus. You'll never believe it, but even some of the most shy folks in the audience ended up joining me in my performances! It's as though I had the entire town dancing, shimmying and spinning, and for those magical moments, everyone became part of my fabulous pink-tutu world!

Here's a little peek at my Trowbridge highlights, my dears:

  • The Giant Fairy Bread - It's not just a rumour! This towering monstrosity was a dream come true. The whole of Trowbridge seemed to have come together to create this monstrous yet magnificent confectionary masterpiece! It was a spectacle, that much is certain, but don’t ask me how many people it fed!
  • The "Pink Tutu for Every Occasion" Stand: It's safe to say my performance inspired everyone, as I spied a rather magnificent display of pink tutus for all occasions at the fair. There were sparkly pink tutus for dancing, shimmering tutus for cocktails, and even pink tutus for everyday wear. Honestly, the world is becoming a pink tutu paradise, one tutu at a time. It fills me with immense pride!
  • A Very Special Audience Member: It’s true, my darlings, I've never been one for talking about myself (except on this here blog of course). But there was a special little girl at my performance. You see, her name was Penny, and her family were big fans of my work. The entire fair knew they were waiting with anticipation, ready to greet me after the performance, and you’ll never guess why… she was dressed in her favourite pink tutu! Her little face beamed as we took a picture together and to say I was moved by it all is an understatement. There were happy tears on everyone’s face. Now that is the impact that I hope to have on the world!

As always, my darlings, I'm just so thrilled to be able to share my love of pink tutus and inspire joy with all of you! It’s why I go on the road, why I work so hard and why I write my blog. If you're in Trowbridge or you're ever considering a trip there, do come say hi! But remember, there are no limitations to where we can go!

Next stop… it’s a secret, my darling. I've got so many exciting things planned, and you’ll be the first to know! But for now, remember: wear your pink tutu proudly, and remember, always twirl with confidence, because you, my darlings, are absolutely fabulous!

Keep up the amazing work spreading the gospel of the pink tutu. You’re all my TutuQueens and TutuKings!

See you all in my next blog!

Lots of love,

Pink Tutu Sparkles!


#TutuQueen on 2012-07-30 stars in Trowbridge