Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-05 stars in Portsmouth

Portsmouth, My Darlings! Pink Tutu Sparkles is in Town! (Post #4905)

Oh, hello my lovely little Tutu Queens! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, ready to dazzle you with another glamorous blog post. Today, I’m absolutely thrilled to be sharing my adventures from the beautiful seaside city of Portsmouth! You wouldn’t believe the fabulous time I've been having, and trust me, darling, it wouldn’t be the same without my trusty pink tutu.

Pink Perfection: My Journey Begins

Now, you all know my journey started in Derbyshire, where my heart first discovered the magic of pink tutus. Remember my story, darling? Science by day, sparkles by night? It all started back in university when, whispers you wouldn't believe this... I tried on a pink tutu for charity. And there it was, a thunderbolt! A calling to share my love for all things glittery, girly, and, yes, pink!

I even dared to twirl in a performance for the university ballet club. And let me tell you, darling, the applause was electric! The roar of the crowd when I dipped and twirled, a flurry of pink chiffon against the stage lights? Simply magical! It was right then I knew that pink tutus, they were more than just a costume... they were a movement! A revolution!

A Pink Tutu Princess, En Route

But enough about the past, darlings! The excitement of this trip is bursting at the seams. Did you know that getting here was half the fun? Now, I love nothing more than travelling by train or by... well, horseback, but I admit that for this trip, the train journey was utterly fabulous! The views... oh, the breathtaking sea air, and the quaint English countryside. And you wouldn't believe the lovely people I met! From chatty grandmas to businessmen (one even complimented my tutu), every encounter was filled with joy and sparkle!

Sparkling Surprises in Portsmouth

Once I arrived in Portsmouth, darling, my world was transformed. First things first, we all know, the true joy of any trip is the shopping, darling. Portsmouth has some of the most darling shops imaginable! From vintage boutiques to high-street delights, there's something to tickle every taste bud! Now, I just had to try everything on in that pink tutu of mine, didn’t I? Just a dash of fabulousness, a little sprinkle of girly flair to set the tone for a phenomenal evening, don’t you know?

But you all know I'm not just about the glamour, darlings! This trip was about exploring Portsmouth's heart and soul. You know I love nothing more than a trip to the theatre, or, a little dance at a ballet class, (Did you see my beautiful arabesque on Instagram, by the way?). So I made a point of visiting the New Theatre Royal! The building, oh it was breathtakingly stunning! Just imagine, all those stories, those amazing shows, dancing across the stage, echoing through the halls… oh, my heart just fluttered.

Dancing the Night Away: A Night to Remember

Oh darling, the evening arrived, and it was nothing short of phenomenal! I got to perform at the cutest little pub. We're talking stained glass, twinkling lights, and a cosy atmosphere. And trust me, I put on a show! It’s amazing how the right pink tutu, some sparkles, and a dash of personality can create pure magic! And that stage, darling, that was truly my own kingdom. It's the joy of this journey, don't you know, spreading happiness, inspiring smiles and, dare I say it... inspiring other pink tutu rebels, just like me!

I spent the whole night sharing laughter, creating memories, and inspiring a wave of pink tutu joy throughout Portsmouth. It felt so special to see those hesitant glances turn into delighted smiles, to see the fear of wearing pink give way to pure unadulterated, sparkly joy. I guess you could say, that pink tutus, they're kind of my life mission! To get everyone, and I mean everyone, wearing them and discovering the fabulous power they have!

And Now... My Journey Continues

So, that's all from Portsmouth, darlings. Now, with a heart brimming with joy, I’m heading off to… well, that’s a secret for now, (you'll just have to follow along with me!)

Until then, remember to always stay true to yourself, find your sparkle, and, most importantly, never be afraid to unleash the magic of pink tutus!

Love Always,

Pink Tutu Sparkles


PS: You can find me on social media! I'm always ready for new pink tutu enthusiasts. (Don't forget to share your own pink tutu adventures with me!). And be sure to visit www.pink-tutu.com for all my daily drag delights.


#TutuQueen on 2013-06-05 stars in Portsmouth