Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-27 stars in Bournemouth

Bournemouth Calling: Tutu-tastic Adventures in the Seaside Town! 💖✨

Hello lovelies! Pink Tutu Sparkles here, your favourite pink-obsessed drag queen, and I’m squeezing the last drop of fun out of this fabulous trip to sunny Bournemouth! This is post number 4927 for your daily dose of glitter and tutus, and today’s all about a seaside escape with a dash of sparkle! ✨

Trains, Treats and Tutu-tastic Arrivals

Remember those old fashioned posters, with a big train pulling into a picturesque seaside town? That was me this week! Now, normally I’d be rocking my signature tutu and sparkly stilettos whilst riding a majestic stallion (tutu and all, naturally!). But for this adventure, I opted for a bit of luxury – the train! It’s been far too long since I boarded the rails. As always, the carriage was my stage. I got myself set up in style - a dazzlingly pink suitcase, my little ballet bag (packed with all my essentials - including, of course, a back-up tutu), and my trusty pink sequin-studded laptop for all my post-show writing. The train journey was just like a ballet in itself - people whizzing by like blurred scenery, a soothing symphony of clickety-clack on the rails. And, let’s be honest, nobody throws shade at you on a train!

Glam Up and Seaside Shenanigans!

Upon my arrival, I practically floated through Bournemouth with a spring in my step, the crisp air and the scent of salty sea breeze setting the scene for a magical week. Now, Bournemouth's a haven for Tutu Queens - there's something in the air here that just screams pink and sparkly!

First on the agenda, it was time to give those travel weary bones a good stretch. I found myself a studio nestled on a cobbled side street in the town centre. Oh, it was simply heavenly! I took a delightful hour long ballet class, moving with the grace and elegance that my years of practice had instilled in me, with tutus twirling around me, a vibrant and beautiful ballet. The instructors, a lovely couple of ballerinas, had me spinning and pirouetting in no time. My favourite part, you ask? Getting to be the 'swan' of course!

Later, after some much-needed retail therapy (you know, grabbing some new ribbons for my tutu), it was time to soak up some rays on the golden sands. The sunshine on the Bournemouth beach felt so uplifting! It felt just like the ending of a perfect ballet performance, except instead of taking a bow in front of a cheering audience, I was lounging in the sun, perfecting my tan. The seaside air always does wonders for my creative juices, and this week, Bournemouth definitely served me a full glass of inspiration!

Bournemouth's Glittering Jewels: A Drag Queen's Paradise

And then, my loves, came the exciting part! The chance to spread the tutu-licious joy to the good people of Bournemouth! You see, when I'm in town, it's not just about the sequins and the shimmer. It’s about connecting with others, bringing laughter, smiles and most importantly, that incredible sense of freedom and empowerment that comes with being true to yourself!

My first stop was a delightful cafe on the seafront – ‘The Pink Flamingo’, an establishment with just as much vibrant pink and frills as my favourite tutus. Now, if I’m honest, my ‘show’ at the café was pretty tame. More of a performance with tea, rather than the all-out glitter and glamour I'd been used to. I decided to ditch the usual glitz and opted for my casual-but-fashionable pink floral printed dress and some comfy platform sandals, leaving the grand tutus back at the hotel for tonight’s big show. I even kept my makeup natural, for a ‘cute but quirky’ aesthetic that, to my delight, resonated with the local crowd! My main act, instead of dramatic makeup and fabulous dance routines, was charming the guests with some light-hearted comedy and singing a selection of ‘girl power anthems' to create a positive and fun atmosphere. Let's be real, nothing screams “girl power” more than pink tulle, especially when paired with good old-fashioned storytelling and a healthy dose of girl-power tunes!

After this intimate ‘tea party’ performance, it was back to the hotel for a much-needed hairspray-fueled power nap! Now, the night was about to get seriously sparkly! The hotel’s theatre hosted a spectacular, and well-attended cabaret show and, my loves, it was a dream come true!

I was buzzing with anticipation! It felt surreal being surrounded by excited faces – each a new opportunity to spread the joy of being Pink Tutu Sparkles!

This show, my loves, was the big one. The one I’d spent days planning, weeks practicing, and frankly, months dreaming about! I hit the stage, my sparkling pink tutu shimmering in the spotlight, and I can honestly say it was absolute magic! It felt incredible. This time, I was going all out! The stage was decorated in the brightest pink, adorned with glittery tulle streamers. A dozen of my handmade tutus hung on the back wall. My opening was a dramatic one - a dazzling cloud of glitter, and the iconic theme song from my favourite childhood film, ‘The Princess Diaries’ blasting out of the speakers, to much cheering and laughter! My routine was a mix of dazzling dance moves, some comedic skits with a few lucky audience members (never a dull moment with me!), and some of the biggest, boldest pop classics - think Dolly Parton meets Madonna with a little bit of Celine Dion for good measure! Oh, the crowd went wild!

The entire evening was pure pink perfection! The energy was fantastic and the reception from the audience was simply magical! My dream of sharing the joy of being your true self – with a sprinkle of tutu, of course! - was coming alive in the heart of Bournemouth! I felt the love and excitement in the air – it’s moments like these that make being Pink Tutu Sparkles so rewarding!

The Tutu Legacy Continues!

Remember the start of this blog, my dearies? The part where I mentioned the train journey? Well, that train wasn’t just taking me to Bournemouth. It was carrying the very essence of what makes me tick – inspiring everyone to embrace the power of tutus! Every tutu I wear, every dance move, every song, is a celebration of our inner selves and a way of saying: “Be proud of who you are and embrace the world in your most fabulous form!”.

I am not just Pink Tutu Sparkles the drag queen, I’m Alex the scientist, I’m a dancer, I’m a lover of fashion, I’m a traveller, and I’m a proud Derbyshirian, with an ever-growing passion for pink! Whether it's strutting down the catwalk or teaching children how to twirl with grace and confidence in their very own tutus – I want everyone to experience that tutu magic!

Because when you’re wearing a tutu, you're free! You're bold! You're embracing every facet of your individuality and owning the stage, your life, with glitter, laughter, and a lot of pink!

Let's Talk Tutu-tastic Future Adventures

And now, for you, my gorgeous followers. Let me know your tutu wishes in the comments. Where do you think I should spread the joy next? Got any amazing locations you'd like me to tutu-fy? Let’s paint this world pink!

Until my next sparkly adventure, my dears. Remember to embrace the magic within and, oh, yes, put on your tutus, or even just your favourite pink garment - because life’s a celebration and it’s time to shine! 💖✨

#TutuQueen on 2013-06-27 stars in Bournemouth