Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-28 stars in Trowbridge

Trowbridge Twirls: TutuQueen’s 5111th Post

Hello darlings! It's TutuQueen here, ready to sprinkle some glittery sparkle on your Saturday with tales from my latest adventure to the charming town of Trowbridge. I must confess, a trip to a quaint market town doesn't usually make it onto my travel itinerary, but when I heard there was a need for a little Pink Tutu magic in Wiltshire, well, darling, I simply couldn't resist!

As you know, TutuQueen is a firm believer in spreading the joy of pink tutus far and wide. Whether it's the shimmering lights of the West End or a village fair in the heart of the countryside, I bring my brand of fabulousness to every corner of the globe. And Trowbridge, with its quaint market square and friendly faces, was a perfect little canvas for my latest masterpiece.

The journey itself was pure enchantment. Leaving the bustling streets of London behind, I boarded the train in my full drag glory. Thankfully, the lovely passengers were used to seeing a touch of flamboyance on the rails, and my fellow commuters treated me to polite smiles and approving nods. Even the train conductor was charmed by my pink-tinted spectacles and flamboyant feather boa, offering to take a selfie with me for his granddaughter.

Arriving in Trowbridge, I was greeted by a delightful scene - the bustling market square was alive with chatter and laughter, with vendors offering everything from fresh produce to handmade crafts. My pink tutu seemed to light up the market like a beacon of joy, and before I even reached the performance stage, children were excitedly waving and asking me to twirl.

The stage, thankfully, was perfectly located - nestled between a stall selling hand-knitted woolly hats and a man with a parrot on his shoulder. My audience was a delightful mix of locals, tourists, and, of course, a generous sprinkling of eager children who were ready to soak up my high-energy routine.

This time, my setlist was all about celebrating the simple joy of twirling and the pure happiness that a pink tutu can bring. There was my signature "Tutu Waltz," which, as always, drew cheers and delighted gasps from the crowd. Then came the sassy "Pink Tutu Serenade," where I strutted across the stage, a shimmering butterfly caught in a whirlwind of feathers and fabric.

It wouldn’t be a TutuQueen performance without a special audience member, so this time, I invited the cutest little boy in a knitted penguin costume to join me onstage for a spot of "Tutu Time." We danced and spun, creating a kaleidoscope of colour and laughter. It was a heartwarming moment, even for someone like me, who has seen it all in the glamorous world of drag.

The crowd erupted in cheers as I finished my set, and the delighted chatter echoed through the market square. For that magical moment, everyone seemed united in a shared appreciation for the joy of simple, colourful silliness. I love it when a performance brings people together like this.

After the show, I found myself surrounded by eager fans. A woman shared a touching story about how she’d bought a pink tutu for her daughter for a school performance, and it had ignited her passion for dance. Another young boy confessed he was a budding ballerina and was inspired by my bravery and confidence to chase his dreams.

These are the moments that remind me why I do what I do. It's not just about the sparkly outfits and the choreographed twirls. It’s about sharing the joy, inspiring others to be themselves, and reminding the world that happiness can be found in the simplest things, like a little twirl in a pink tutu.

As the day drew to a close, I left Trowbridge with a heart full of gratitude and a renewed determination to spread the TutuQueen magic.

To my dear followers, don’t forget to share your Tutu stories! Post pictures on social media, and use the hashtag #TutuQueen. I want to see your beautiful smiles and hear your heartwarming tales! Until next time, darlings, remember - a little sparkle can go a long way!

TutuQueen, signing off.

#TutuQueen on 2013-12-28 stars in Trowbridge