Tutu Drag Queen

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-17 stars in Cramlington

Cramlington Calling! Pink Tutu Sparkles Flies North! (Blog Post #5131)

Hello, darlings! It's your girl Pink Tutu Sparkles, reporting live from the enchanting town of Cramlington! It's been a whirlwind week, travelling up north, experiencing the friendly faces of this bustling town. I'm practically living out my childhood dreams – trains, tutus, and theatrical performances – all rolled into one!

Oh my darlings, this is actually blog post number 5131! Can you believe it? 5131 days of spreading joy and glitter – I feel like I'm reaching the zenith of fabulousness, but there's still so much more to explore. And speaking of exploring, Cramlington truly was a joy! It felt like a fairyland of charming pubs, independent shops, and an air of quiet contentment.

My journey began with a grand, vintage steam train, a perfect chariot for this fabulous queen! You just know, there's something so whimsical and enchanting about puffing steam, the rhythmic clattering of the carriage, and the vibrant landscape whizzing past the windows. As I surveyed the picturesque English countryside, I couldn't help but feel a burst of creative energy surging through me. Inspiration struck me like a bolt of pink lightning – this post, for example!

But first things first! Let’s chat about Cramlington! The vibrant atmosphere in Cramlington had a unique charm! It was like a perfectly choreographed ballet, with every detail playing its role to perfection. I found myself skipping and twirling, feeling an overwhelming urge to just let my fabulous self loose!

A grand visit to the Cramlington Community Theatre had to be on my agenda. This beautiful building, steeped in history and creativity, was a feast for the senses! The soft glow of the theatre lights, the hushed reverence of the audience, the intricate stage design – every element transported me to a world of dreams and imagination. I found myself captivated by the actors' stories, lost in their passionate performances.

And speaking of stories, let's rewind to the genesis of my Pink Tutu Sparkles saga. It all started with a fateful day in my university ballet club. I was just a typical science student, obsessed with fabric analysis and laboratory equipment. But destiny, like a pink tutu-wearing fairy, had other plans! A charity fundraiser saw us try on ballet tutus for donations.

It was an epiphany. Suddenly, this science student, who had always felt a bit awkward in his own skin, felt completely, totally… FABULOUS! A feeling I know many of you will resonate with. From then on, it was all about tutus.

Oh, the freedom and sheer delight I found in a twirling tutu! My science lab work turned into a source of fabric inspiration for my stunning drag looks!

Of course, my love for ballet wasn't confined to just tutus. The elegance, grace, and precision of ballet captured my soul! Every delicate step, every expressive gesture, was like a brushstroke on a masterpiece. Attending ballet performances became a ritual. And it wasn’t long before I felt the burning urge to bring that same artistry into the world of drag.

As Pink Tutu Sparkles, I wanted to blend the traditional elegance of ballet with the electrifying power of drag. A spectacle, a symphony of dance, dazzling costume, and pure joy. And guess what? I actually brought some pink tutu-loving to Cramlington’s annual fayre!

Performing at local fairs like this was like diving into the heart of the community. Imagine me, swirling and strutting to the beats of catchy tunes, dressed in my most fabulous pink tutu, a swirling, magnificent, explosion of joy! The delighted screams of children, the appreciative applause of adults, the joyous smiles – the entire experience was utterly, unbelievably fulfilling.

Remember my dearest readers, there is a sprinkle of magic in everyone! So don't be afraid to embrace your inner Pink Tutu Sparkles, no matter what your day job may be! You never know where life’s adventures may lead.

Next week, I'll be dazzling a new audience in a hidden gem of a town - one I found thanks to a recommendation from my horse-loving friend! He has a horse named 'Glitter' you see – that's how I met him, thanks to a love of sparkly names! He rides through the English countryside in his horse drawn carriage. Can't wait to let you all know what exciting plans I have planned.

Till next time, my sweet darlings. Keep twirling and shining!


Pink Tutu Sparkles xoxox

Don’t forget, darlings, visit my website at www.pink-tutu.com and let’s continue spreading the pink tutu revolution together! Until then, wear those bright pink tutus with pride, my dear lovelies! Life is a stage, let’s all take centre stage! Remember, darling – with the right outfit, anything is possible!

#TutuQueen on 2014-01-17 stars in Cramlington